Strain Ethics

  • Thread starter Cat Jockey
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Cat Jockey

Cat Jockey

So, being that it is 2010, I suppose a new disclaimer, slightly modified from one those of us who have been on these boards for years are accustomed to:

Commercial MMJ haters make a U-turn. Not interested, don't care, you are not a doctor and do not have any fucking patients-you grow and in most cases, sell MJ.

So, things have obviously changed dramatically when it comes to strain availability in CO and I have a couple of ethical dilemas.

The first being a strain that I have had for a few years, but don't know what it is. I got it in an exchange a few years ago, the guy took on a puzzled look and gave me the 'ol 'I think its a cross between this one and that one and it is called such and such.'

I have no idea what the lineage of this plant is. There is no bred strain that has the name he told me. Is it a closet fuck? An accidental hermie? Who knows. I do know I like it though.

The question being, I wanna through it out there, but I have to give it a name, which would make it unique, even though somewhere in this state somebody has to have a copy alive other than me.

What to do? Name it and throw it out there and have a me only strain? Or never put it out to market because I cannot accurately identify the lineage or even if it might actually be a bred strain from a seed bank.

The second ethical issue is a plant I have that I know, as of a month or so ago, a disp was claiming exclusivity to. Well, I have it too. Do I grow it and sell it?

Any input or further discussion of the ethics involved in strains would be sweet.


Fuck that dispensary and their claim of exclusivity. Grow the strain better than they are and take them some. You are obviously very conscientious; and that is admirable. If you have an unknown strain, it's acceptable to give it a name so your patients know what to ask for. You give the credit where it's due; never claiming to have bred the plant, but explaining the situation whenever anyone asks. No worries.
I have only one strain with which I was involved in the breeding, and I was a kid with no clue; I just got lucky. However, it was joint work with a buddy and another grower, so I can't claim to have produced the cross. I can, however, take credit for the preservation of the strain, and pat myself on the back for hanging on to the seeds for 17 years.
It's not so much our strains that we should be striving to protect; it's our cultivation techniques and production of top-quality medicine that we should desire to be known for. You can get Purple Haze from many sources here in CO, but you can only get Red's Purple Haze from ME. I take pride in never trying to move under-cured, early-harvested, or unflushed medicine. If you are a stickler for quality, it won't matter so much what strains you have available; what will matter is that YOU grew the stuff. :) Hope that helps! Peace


In Cali as soon as someone has a mother cuts are available - money to be made - but not a whole lota ethics or loyalty out here, but There are a Few

Call it Item 9 or some non discrpt name and if its good it will take off, and you'll make some coin, but once you let it go, then other wil make cuts for sale as well.


name it after its characteristics or phenotype, and cross it to make a strain with your own exclusive name. At that point it wouldnt matter what the original strain name was(Or if you sell it) because no one would be able to create the same plant, or recognize the original strain, or its name.
Cat Jockey

Cat Jockey

Fuck that dispensary and their claim of exclusivity. Grow the strain better than they are and take them some. You are obviously very conscientious; and that is admirable. If you have an unknown strain, it's acceptable to give it a name so your patients know what to ask for. You give the credit where it's due; never claiming to have bred the plant, but explaining the situation whenever anyone asks. No worries.

Kind of my sentiments as well. Good to see it appears to be not out of the norm. I don't wanna be a total dill hole with the unknown strain, so I won't completely hoard it. No selling of clones, but I can pass it on to a couple of other growers that will put pounds of it on the market if they want to. It is nothing super duper special, but it is as good as 95% of the strains out there so ...

name it after its characteristics or phenotype

Already have. I went off of cured smell as there are two distinct ones - Rootbeer won out for market appeal over Cat Piss ;)

and cross it to make a strain with your own exclusive name.

Skunkman always claimed that anything crossed with his haze would produce a superior plant. Finally a reason to order some Cultivator's Choice? Perhaps so, if for nothing more than shits and giggles to see what would happen.
Cat Jockey

Cat Jockey

if its good it will take off, and you'll make some coin, but once you let it go, then other wil make cuts for sale as well.

I know a couple of other 99ers that wouldn't sell clones if I asked them not to (I have access to at least 40-50 different strains at any given time and currently only have 16 mothers on hand right now as I recently culled the herd and am regenerating a few mums), but yea no doubt that when the cat is out of the bag ...

but not a whole lota ethics or loyalty out here

Human nature is what it is and will always be what it is. No offense to disp folks, but I am walking into every one of them assuming they have none. Ethics, that is. Of course some number of them do, but I assume the worst first and then let my interactions change that initial assumption if warranted.

I can definitely see this being a continuing issue. Most of the people on boards like this are MJ uber geeks. I know I am. I care about the gene pool of MJ and think people like Arjan and his practices a bunch of shit.

I don't think disp care as much though. Too easy to justify calling something whatever they think will sell it by saying to themselves, "who cares, its all weed/medicine, this guy won't know the difference.

And the disp are right, most guys won't know the difference. But most guys aren't MJ uber geeks.

Donk Frog

"name it after its characteristics or phenotype, and cross it to make a strain with your own exclusive name. At that point it wouldnt matter what the original strain name was(Or if you sell it) because no one would be able to create the same plant, or recognize the original strain, or its name."-- v0ssman

I agree with this, as I have a very unquie chronic(serious) selection, most chronic is bland indica, but of all the plants I grew from seed of the strain this was unique , tastes likes fruit loops cerel that has been soaking in milk.....So I renamed it Toucan Sam, now I know I did not breed this strain and if someone asks I tell them the linage but I do not feel guilty renaming my chronic cut, as I am sure no one has this exact phyno..


Cat jockey, I got some males so if you need pollen for rootbeer sumpin or other, just let me know. I'm down to do a joint breeding project for sure! I've got a 100% indica male showing a kush pheno with very tight internodes, It's the best looking male I have ever seen. It's an f2 that I made from jordan of the isles afghani, it should give a concord grape/delaware punch undertone to whatever it's bred with. I've got a male of reeferman's supreme hasplant, bhodi satva, and a bhodi X ISS to boot.

Call it whatever you want. I had a gift strain like that, it was called melon love and it came from gunnison. My cloner broke and I lost it along with 3 other strains. A friend in LA still has a few of the beans somewhere...

FUCK that stupid ass exclusiveness. The dispensary obviously didn't breed the strain and keep it exclusive, or how else did you get it? Grow the shit out of it, I'm sure you'll do a better job.



Here's an exclusive strain just me and this guy have. I bred it and he grew it out. 2 phenos, the keeper takes 12 weeks, there aren't any close ups of it posted but it is frekin beutiful, it's the one he topped. It smells like an old ladies perfume once it cures a little. He described it as the cocaine of weed, it's racey, can't sleep after a bowl weed. The idea was to recreate the skunk#1 cross with a little variation by keeping it 25% indica. I'm creating another strain that developes a huge cola like the one pictured and I'm naming it "the wizards dick". why? just so I can hear some dipshit in a dispensary say stuff like..

"Did you see the hairs on that wizards dick?"

"that wizards dick smells phenomenal!"

"I love the taste of the wizards dick."

keep it real...


Hey all. its pretty depressing that because mj wasnt a "legitimate medicine" for so long that its gonna take a little time to weed out the fast buck peeps. as opposed to the ones who actually care about their patients and about the medicine they provide. im surprised but not shocked to hear all these stories about shysty clubs and shady breeders. how long do you guys think it will be before there is some sort of accreditation for these clubs. i heard a story about a place where they tried to tell there patients tthey had to sign"no compete" papers saying they would purchase at that disp only. what bullshit. i own a pharmacy and i couldnt imagine doing some of the shady shit these guys try to pull. i feel like fuck you if you have quality medicine at competitive prices you wont have to worry. man the day i am able to open a disp where i ts gonna be all about the patient and honest qualitty and patient care . ill make my money off medical equiptment.
Cat Jockey

Cat Jockey

Cat jockey, I got some males so if you need pollen for rootbeer sumpin or other, just let me know. I'm down to do a joint breeding project for sure!

I'll definitely keep that in mind. I'll make sure to keep our disagreements on da net civil so that something like that may come to fruition at some point in the future. I certainly know quality growers that can product test beans. Tossing some beans to friend and seeing how the plant yields in a greenhouse, a 20 gallon pot and a 5 month veg time would be sweet in addition to how they respond in a dialed in indoor hydro.

Might be a couple months before I would be ready to engage in something like that, but there is room for a few more plants between 6 hydro tubs ;)

More than one male, eh? Sweet.
Cat Jockey

Cat Jockey

Hey all. its pretty depressing that because mj wasnt a "legitimate medicine" for so long that its gonna take a little time to weed out the fast buck peeps. as opposed to the ones who actually care about their patients and about the medicine they provide.

I'm in it for the long term bucks, and I don't care if what I harvest is used for medicinal purposes or to just get flat out ripped just to get ripped. I only care about producing the best quality product that can be used for either purpose, that is for the end user to decide and I really don't care which decision it is, and to make a comfortable living doing it, where do I fit in?

im surprised but not shocked to hear all these stories about shysty clubs and shady breeders

Why are you surprised? As a guy in his late 30's, I got over being surprised by basic human nature quite some time ago. People are people. You should expect such, not be surprised by it.

how long do you guys think it will be before there is some sort of accreditation for these clubs.

Keep the government out of it and that type of thing will be established much more quickly. People are wary of both the feds and all of the threats from local authorities. If the local authorities would get the fuck out of the way and mind their own fucking business, the riff raff will be identified and forced out much sooner.


If your trying to make a living give it an interesting and exciting name which also matches the properties. What if I was growing a certain seed and I got a pheno that wasn't like either of the parents? Should I call it by its original name? I don't think so if it is unqiue all its own it deserves as much. Regardless if your selling to medical patients or non-medical patients giving your product a sound name will take it along way especially if the product is quality.

My only problem is when people misnomer a strain with a name of another popular strain. "Sorry buddy this isn't OG Kush", "your pure indica has nothing to do with Haze"


I'll definitely keep that in mind. I'll make sure to keep our disagreements on da net civil so that something like that may come to fruition at some point in the future. I certainly know quality growers that can product test beans. Tossing some beans to friend and seeing how the plant yields in a greenhouse, a 20 gallon pot and a 5 month veg time would be sweet in addition to how they respond in a dialed in indoor hydro.

Might be a couple months before I would be ready to engage in something like that, but there is room for a few more plants between 6 hydro tubs ;)

More than one male, eh? Sweet.

Greenhouse, eh? Find a good funky unique indica and I'll let you know when I get the malawi gold going. 50/50's are the shit for greenhouse. I'm constantly breeding new hybrids so the males are around, but the selection will change every few months.

Civil? Of couse! I can take as much as I can dish out, it's just constructive criticism and nothing more, nothing personal IMO.


Keep the government out of it and that type of thing will be established much more quickly. People are wary of both the feds and all of the threats from local authorities. If the local authorities would get the fuck out of the way and mind their own fucking business, the riff raff will be identified and forced out much sooner.



Hey all. its pretty depressing that because mj wasnt a "legitimate medicine" for so long that its gonna take a little time to weed out the fast buck peeps. as opposed to the ones who actually care about their patients and about the medicine they provide. im surprised but not shocked to hear all these stories about shysty clubs and shady breeders. how long do you guys think it will be before there is some sort of accreditation for these clubs. i heard a story about a place where they tried to tell there patients tthey had to sign"no compete" papers saying they would purchase at that disp only. what bullshit. i own a pharmacy and i couldnt imagine doing some of the shady shit these guys try to pull. i feel like fuck you if you have quality medicine at competitive prices you wont have to worry. man the day i am able to open a disp where i ts gonna be all about the patient and honest qualitty and patient care . ill make my money off medical equiptment.
Can I work for you when you open one in Missouri? (Hint. Hint :) ) Hell id work for free if I didnt have to feed kids. Lol! JK. No really! JK. Or am I? :)
So, being that it is 2010, I suppose a new disclaimer, slightly modified from one those of us who have been on these boards for years are accustomed to:

Commercial MMJ haters make a U-turn. Not interested, don't care, you are not a doctor and do not have any fucking patients-you grow and in most cases, sell MJ.

So, things have obviously changed dramatically when it comes to strain availability in CO and I have a couple of ethical dilemas.

The first being a strain that I have had for a few years, but don't know what it is. I got it in an exchange a few years ago, the guy took on a puzzled look and gave me the 'ol 'I think its a cross between this one and that one and it is called such and such.'

I have no idea what the lineage of this plant is. There is no bred strain that has the name he told me. Is it a closet fuck? An accidental hermie? Who knows. I do know I like it though.

The question being, I wanna through it out there, but I have to give it a name, which would make it unique, even though somewhere in this state somebody has to have a copy alive other than me.

What to do? Name it and throw it out there and have a me only strain? Or never put it out to market because I cannot accurately identify the lineage or even if it might actually be a bred strain from a seed bank.

The second ethical issue is a plant I have that I know, as of a month or so ago, a disp was claiming exclusivity to. Well, I have it too. Do I grow it and sell it?

Any input or further discussion of the ethics involved in strains would be sweet.
So, being that it is 2010, I suppose a new disclaimer, slightly modified from one those of us who have been on these boards for years are accustomed to:

Commercial MMJ haters make a U-turn. Not interested, don't care, you are not a doctor and do not have any fucking patients-you grow and in most cases, sell MJ.

So, things have obviously changed dramatically when it comes to strain availability in CO and I have a couple of ethical dilemas.

The first being a strain that I have had for a few years, but don't know what it is. I got it in an exchange a few years ago, the guy took on a puzzled look and gave me the 'ol 'I think its a cross between this one and that one and it is called such and such.'

I have no idea what the lineage of this plant is. There is no bred strain that has the name he told me. Is it a closet fuck? An accidental hermie? Who knows. I do know I like it though.

The question being, I wanna through it out there, but I have to give it a name, which would make it unique, even though somewhere in this state somebody has to have a copy alive other than me.

What to do? Name it and throw it out there and have a me only strain? Or never put it out to market because I cannot accurately identify the lineage or even if it might actually be a bred strain from a seed bank.

The second ethical issue is a plant I have that I know, as of a month or so ago, a disp was claiming exclusivity to. Well, I have it too. Do I grow it and sell it?

Any input or further discussion of the ethics involved in strains would be sweet.

God gave us every seed bearing plant to use. Not own for greeds sake. Im having sorta the same delima. This variant ive been lovingly nurturing for few years now needs a name too. Not out of gluttonous notoriety for my own selfish gain (Hell I give the shit away. I can't bring myself to sell. It's just not right!) but for the simple fact that these beautiful gifts ive been given the pleasure of caring for, deserve it. Dang it. I say it's yours and your babies' world. Make it what you will and everyone else can poop around it cuz they're fucked. :)
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Best of luck. Peace
Can I work for you when you open one in Missouri? (Hint. Hint :) ) Hell id work for free if I didnt have to feed kids. Lol! JK. No really! JK. Or am I? :)

God gave us every seed bearing plant to use. Not own for greeds sake. Im having sorta the same delima. This variant ive been lovingly nurturing for few years now needs a name too. Not out of gluttonous notoriety for my own selfish gain (Hell I give the shit away. I can't bring myself to sell. It's just not right!) but for the simple fact that these beautiful gifts ive been given the pleasure of caring for, deserve it. Dang it. I say it's yours and your babies' world. Make it what you will and everyone else can poop around it cuz they're fucked. :)
4 year old thread. Just saying. :)
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