Stressed Tips (organic grow) seeking advice

  • Thread starter SparcOne
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Hi farmers, this week I've noticed a few of my girls are showing signs of stess on the tips and new growth. New leaves are skinny and twisted and look stunted. I'm growing outdoors in a home made living soil which consists of home made veg compost and worm castings(50%), good organic quality soil/compost from my local nursery(30%) (this contains mostly more worm castings and veg compost plus fish emulsion, saw dust and wood ash), coconut husk 10% and 10% perlite. I realise the mix is lacking some rock dust and other minerals but that's not so easy to get here in Costa Rica. To help try to compensate this my veg compost has ground egg shells and wood ash in there.
I tested the soil yesterday and the average PH was 6.4 so that all seems to be on track. Only thing I've introduced this week is Technafloras Seaweed Extract powder and epsom salts both as a foiler and soil drench(on separate days), both things I used sparingly and at about half the recommended ratios. Another possible factor is the temperature has gone up a few degrees but it's pretty warm all year around so shouldn't be a big shock to them.
My solution is to just water with dechlorinated PH'd water for a couple weeks and let them be but I would like more opinions.
I appreciate any advice you guys have ✌
Stressed tips organic grow seeking advice
Stressed tips organic grow seeking advice 2
Stressed tips organic grow seeking advice 3
Stressed tips organic grow seeking advice 4


How close to a fan or your lights/heat?

Lights are sun, temp is also sun(28 to 32c) they only get about 4 hours of direct sun light and about 10 hours of indirect through my semi clear veranda roof and humidity is high(75 to 80%) all year round too. I do have an oscillating fan blowing pretty close to them for bug prevention(I'm in the jungle so everything wants to eat them) but that has been on them for months.

Maybe the combination of the extra heat and the fan is causing this..


Your leaves are a good colour, so it's not a feeding def, looks more environmental, or check your roots to see if your pot bound.


Just transplanted in to 5gl pots so can't be root bound, starting now I'm only going to run a fan at night to keep the leaf minors away.. hopefully no fan during the hottest parts of the day will help.

I think it looks like heat stress but apart from turning the fan off I can't control the environment anymore than that.


Your leaves are a good colour, so it's not a feeding def, looks more environmental, or check your roots to see if your pot bound.
This is what happens at night when they are sleeping and was the first indication something wasn't right, middle leaf tips standing straight up.

Possible salt over load?


This is what happens at night when they are sleeping and was the first indication something wasn't right, middle leaf tips standing straight up.

Possible salt over load? View attachment 1014556
This is what happens at night when they are sleeping and was the first indication something wasn't right, middle leaf tips standing straight up.

I just checked again with the scope and from what I can tell no mites, I do a weekly preventative spray alternating each week from Azamax then the following week an organic garlic based insecticide that's made locally I also recently did a soil soak of Azamax as a preventative against fungus gnats.

The kelp extract I just introduced is npk 0-0-17 so it's heavy on potassium, it may be a toxicity from that or salt build up from introducing the epsom salts but I highly doubt it I went light with both but it is possible.

The fan has been quite close and aggressive so that plus the heat spike could be the problem too, I'm not running it during the day anyone and on the lowest setting at night so we'll see if that helps.

Possible salt over load? View attachment 1014556


All my plants sag when it gets dark, then they perk up when the sun comes out.
Yes that's normal but the centre leaf tips standing up vertically is not, that was my concern that something wasn't right not the sleepy leaves


For sure, just never seen them standing at 90 degrees. I'm pretty confident the fan was the issue, this morning I had a closer inspection on the back side of the plants that aren't directly hit by the fan and they are only slightly 'taco'd' if at all so I feel that tells me something. I hope haha 🙏

I have a couple plants showing signs of possible deficiencies this morning, the Blue Gelato had been stressed from the get go when I got her, it was in early flower as a clone and since been the 'runt' so bugs and everything go for it first leaving my other girls happy but now it's leaves are showing signs of sickness.. what do you think?


Been studying the deficiency chart all morning but can't come to a conclusion
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