Study: No Link Between Marijuana Legalization And Rise In Crime

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Study: No Link Between Marijuana Legalization And Rise In Crime
March 30, 2014 3:34 PM
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File photo of a person smoking a cigarette filled with marijuana. (Photo credit: PABLO PORCIUNCULA/AFP/Getty Images)

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Ahmard Hall, Dallas, Dr. Robert Morris, medical marijuana, University of Texas
HOUSTON, Texas (CBS Houston) – A new study has found that medical marijuana legalization is not associated with an uptick no link between marijuana legalization for medical use and an increase in crime.

Researchers at the University of Texas, Dallas, analyzed crime rates from all 50 states between 1990 and 2006 accounting for a range of socioeconomic factors, but were able to demonstrate that crime didn’t increase because of marijuana legalization.

“The main finding is that we found no increase in crime rates resulting from medical marijuana legalization,” Dr. Robert Morris, associate professor of criminology and lead author of the study, explained to UPI. “In fact, we found some evidence of decreasing rates of some types of violent crime, namely homicide and assault.”

During that period, eleven states legalized marijuana for medical use including: Alaska, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Maine, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont and Washington.

Morris shared that he plans to conduct more research since two states have legalized recreational marijuana use and several other states have legalized medical marijuana.

“This new information, along with continued education of the public on the realities of the negative aspects of smoking marijuana — which there are considerable negative attributes — will make the dialogue between those opposed and in favor of legalization on more of an even playing field,” Morris added.

The study was recently published in the journal PLOS ONE.

Man, who would have thought it? Didn't see that one coming. Not.

-- iCultivate --


That's seems to me to be a very very reluctant way of saying it lowers crime rates.

The media clearly still has a long way to come on this topic.


Living dead girl
What I found most significant about the study is the fact that it was done in Texas. The most uncompassionate state in the union. They're busily taking away women's reproductive rights, and so far it's sticking. Good luck with all those kiddies in the foster system, Texas!

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