Sucanat & h2o???

  • Thread starter Critical Kid
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Critical Kid

I know it is a highly controversial technique but I have decided to use SUCANAT in the last 2 weeks of flowering. My understanding is that it feeds organizims that in turn feed the plant. I am wondering if I should discontinue the use of H2O in my rez during this time so it does not nuetralize the benefits of SUCANAT. Am I correct?...or should I continue to use the H2O??

If it makes any difference I am using DNF bloom nutes with their Carbo Logic & Bloom Fortifier.

The fortifier specs are:
Available Phosphate…………50.0%
Soluble Potash………………30.0%

As usual any knowledgable advice is much appreciated!

Critical Kid

Also I have no idea what ratio to mix the Sucanat at???

Buddy Hemphill

are you asking if you should leave water (H20) in your rez when using succanat?


Living dead girl
CK, did you leave out a 2 in there? Or do you really mean H2O?

I'd use Succanat about like I use molasses, but remember, I'm a media gal--soil, coco (preferred), perlite--@no more than 1tsp/gal. However, I use it all throughout the grow, and I also use malted barley extract as well as some other carbs.


you asked the wrong question. you should ask if im using H2o2, do i have any microbs alive to feed? because thats why you want to use SUCANAT for in the frist place.

I have used H2o2 without killing my micro herd but I don't know enough to suggest what levels are safe.

sucanant from my understanding is basically molasses and molasses is always good. I would recommend cutting the H2o2 or keeping doses low and if you can brew a compost tea or reintroduce benies back into your soil when you use the sucanant that would be optimal for what you want to do.

if you want to keep using h2o2 at high doses sucanant still wouldn't hurt to add in.


I also should add if you been using h2o2 and you have a micro herd alive then i guess there would be no reason to cut it back at all, all you will be doing is feeding whats already surviving in a h2o2 enriched environment and in that case they should love some carbs.


Provide some info on the total amount of H2O in your system. Also the medium used and the amount of and concentration of H2O2 being used.

While I don't know I could give you a concrete answer - I feel like a balance could be kept b/w H2O2 and microorganisms, but more as an art than scientz... and in an organic/semiorganic setup.

It sounds like you're working with a chemmy nutrient? Not a bad thing by any means, just may not really encourage bioactivity and diversity imho. So what exactly are you feeding with that sugar may be a better question. Especially if you're not inoculating your system.
You will have some sort of activity - depending on the goop you got goin' in your water and how likable the organisms find the environment provided by and properties of the medium but I feel it would be unpredictable.

If you are using chemmy nutes and haven't actively inoculated and fostered the herd, you may not have much to lose by going apeshit with the H2O2.

Critical Kid

It should be noted that I am using rockwool cubes not soil. I am using DNF nutes which I believe are chemical. Before I put any Sucanat in the water I was noticing a pretty thick grey/translucent goup on my pump and walls of the rez. At this time I was using 200ml of H2O2 in an 80 gal. rez.

This week I put 100ml H2O2 and 300ml of Sucanat in the rez. There is now a ton of goup that is darker in colour, id call it brownish/black.


I wouldn't recommend succanat in a situation like yours personally. odds are the succanat stained the goop and fed it. the h2o2 was probly helping keep the goop in check.
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