Survey: 52 percent of Americans in favor of legalizing marijuana

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Farming 🌱
By Becky Bratu, Staff Writer, NBC News
A majority of Americans are in favor of legalizing the use of marijuana, a national survey finds, a shift in attitude after more than four decades of polling on the issue.
Fifty-two percent of Americans say the use of marijuana should be made legal, while 45 percent say it should not, according to a Pew Research Center survey conducted in March among 1,501 adults. People aged 18 to 32 are the most supportive group, but half of baby boomers now favor legalizing marijuana, too.

The survey shows the acceptance rate has risen 11 points since 2010. The shift is even more dramatic when taking into account a 1969 Gallup survey showing that only 12 percent of Americans favored legalization.
The survey finds that almost half of Americans -- 48 percent -- say they have tried marijuana, up from 38 percent a decade ago. About 12 percent say they have used marijuana in the past year.
Fewer Americans now perceive marijuana as a gateway drug, and fewer say that smoking marijuana is morally wrong. The survey also shows about 72 percent believe government efforts to enforce marijuana laws cost more than they are worth. In November, Colorado and Washington state voted to approve the recreational use of small amounts of marijuana.
But while more and more Americans are in favor of legalization and fewer perceive marijuana as a dangerous drug, the survey shows about half say they would still feel uncomfortable if people around them were using marijuana.


Living dead girl
They only say they'd feel uncomfortable because all they know about people who use cannabis is what they see on tv and in films, the stereotypes they've been acquainted with in media. :D


great article Oscar this shows that the more the plant and its effects are brought into the light. the less effect the reefer mad will have. we need to remember it is not only the old guard they continue to educate their young as we do. We are all ambassadors of the plant, put everything about it in a good light and these numbers will continue there movement in the favor of all humanity. it is our duty as a community to do all we can to support the plant that heals, soothes, comforts and bring relief to so many for so much. for if we do not show this plant in the light it will be stuffed back into the closet and forgotten about for another 1000 years. no puns intended.


i dunno, a year or so ago when cali tried to legalize recreational weed, the surveys came in at a favorable number for us, then it was voted on and we lost....... good numbers if we can just get our stoners out to vote!!

joe rogan dropped some knowledge on dana white during an interview. he educated dana about the 2 types of weed and what they can do for you. dana white said "i never knew about that, i thought it was just to make you dumb" if more people were informed about indica/sativa, i think a lot more people would get on board with this... i dont know how many times i/my wife were in mixed company and we hear someone say "ohh i have a headache, better get my weed" as they take a sip of alcohol. i politely informed them of the 2 types and the medicinal benefits. even how many pills my wife is OFF of because of this, and at that moment he had a slight change in heart. the "medical" part about it is a joke in most peoples eyes, so the only thing we can do is inform people. a few years back when there were 40,000 clubs just in sac (joke) i remember seeing on T.V. a commercial for med marijuana.

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