swerve "releasing the aliens"

  • Thread starter thunderfudge
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Must be rough homeboi
Oh it is doggie!!!

I know what ur thinkin>>>>> prolly that I had some wild nite & partied till the sun came up>>>>>>>> NO!!

I was school shopping at the mall yesterday till 9 at nite with my 5yr old lil girl... she wanted everything but clothes. ..after that I had 2 play with the New $40 My lil Pony I got her from build a bear... then i had 2 watch My Lil Pony till bout 1am SMH!! Then got major OGKBed out after she finally went 2 bed..... Summer vacation mode!! My daughter dont get up till 10:30am

Not the pimpin nite u were thinking? LOL!! Trust me dog it was ruff!!


Original Swamp Fam
TK x STD is HIV... Chemdog D x HIV is Rabid Dawg. I just got back my original HIV seeds and will be working the line further next year when state goes med. The Rabid Dawg I only passed to brother manic. I was running a test of 100 seeds of her when I got snitched on. all the beans were lost but wanna remake them.


Original Swamp Fam
I might also add where the name came from , HIV is Highly Infectious and V standing for number 5. seen it as HI-5 and HI-V around the boards. When I was running the strawberry D and using a stellar male all the pots were labeled x STD. inside joke among a few growers that were running some of the keeper girls for testing were like which STD do I have 2 or 5 etc. just sounded funny. so I used the male and made a few crosses. these are the names I used.

Rockbud x STD is gential warts cause of the rock hard nugs
Willie nelson x STD was Herpes from all the girls he loved before
Mcfly x STD is McClap.

funny to hear someone say they loved my genital warts etc. inside joke and wasnt really thinking of many growing them was just for me and my little crew. I also made some MTF x STD and TW x STD but never tested them or named them. most my crosses dont get named just go by the cross. this was just a inside joke and I have a strange sense of humor.


Your telling me to Respect OBS ??? I was commenting on someone else post about OBS gear and was taking back that they had Negative shit to say about his Gear..Maybe you need to put on the Reading Glasses, ..:asshat:
Maybe you need them,i was sayin respect to obs,not tellin you to respect him,nothin to do with me how you feel about somebody,76


Another pile of unworked, herm probable genetics.
green punk is a straight up troll , last time he trolled me i confronted him via pm and guess what , he didn't have the guts to reply .. you have never run any genetics from me so how the fk can you judge my work ?
and to whoever asked he if knows something , no he doesn't the guy has a history of shit talking and trolling ..

go ahead and air out your issue with me since your not man enough to reply to my pm .. let's get to the bottom of why your a trolling hater


Original Swamp Fam
well since it was brought up and now there is no way for me not to know if they are or arent hermi genes I think its only fair to send me seeds to put my mind at ease.o_O

being serious I have never seen anything but great genetics come from Obs. I havent had the pleasure of talking to him myself but ive been around these boards for more than a min. If my swamp brothers in cali have good things to say about the man and his work thats good enough for me. but seriously. get that damn website going obs. we need some beans back east. :cool:


Active Farmer
TK has been more than around the block now, doubt anyone is asking to get the OK for breeding at this point.

I agree she has been around the block, but alot less than many people have claimed since there are many S1's and fakes going around. Only reason I mentioned it, is N brought that up himself specifically in his breeders section. Plus as a someone with such a great reputation, I would expect nothing less from him. Plus I doubt hes the type to go with the old "if they jump off a bridge, I'll follow" habit.


Active Farmer
^^^ ? I thought the TK was given to Big R as a cut. How is he the creator if he got it as a cut? Seems he just passed a cut and is taking cred for making it. Not trying to start anything just curious as it doesn't add up

And isn't everyone and their mama making tk xs already? Did they all ask him for permission? interesting......
nobody said anything about BR claiming to be the creator, just wanted to clear that up in case anyone else misinterprets that. Anywho, it's not really my business to get involved anyways. that cut is dank and so are the offspring coming from it. I'm gonna keep on pushing...


What now?
Bunch of stand up original's just shooting the breeze- why ask permission- especially when you're friends w the dude.

"Game on?" Sure it is- no rules- fuck it - I'm down

Talk about what you don't know a little more- it makes this even funnier.

Dope ass weed detectives solve everything but broad mites-

Hypocrite deluxe
Yo- n
Hit me up for beans and clones. I got you


Premium Member
What now?
Bunch of stand up original's just shooting the breeze- why ask permission- especially when you're friends w the dude.

"Game on?" Sure it is- no rules- fuck it - I'm down

Talk about what you don't know a little more- it makes this even funnier.

Dope ass weed detectives solve everything but broad mites-

Hypocrite deluxe
Yo- n
Hit me up for beans and clones. I got you

Well look who it is! Good to see ya round again Big Ricky! You should stay awhile..


Original Swamp Fam
for sure. and lots of s1's as well. dont see a need to ask anymore. 6 years ago was a different story.

let me clarify my previous statement. after rereading it i dont think my point was stated. with all the s1's going around being claimed as the real cut i DIDNT see the need to ask ricky for blessings. hes a busy guy and what would it matter its a s1 IMO. Ive always honored his word and mine. I dont have the cut anymore. but like before if I did get her back and used her in a cross Id ask permission first cause my friendship and word matter to me. but then again Im no bean seller.

I get the feeling I stepped in shit when I was just trying to walk the dog.


And to clarify I wasn't trying to get anyone riled up. Just wanted to determine what truly determines what cuts are "whose". I guess it could be an entirely new thread.
Usually I see it as someone who pops a seed and finds a pheno. That's the guy who "found" the strain and preserved it. Seems BR was the one who kept it alive as it seems it wasn't passed before that? Then got it out to a few bros for conservation. Surely will give props for that.

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