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  • Thread starter compaqgrower
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Transplanted about 4 days ago, and started nutrients as well. Anything you great farmers could suggest i do better please dont be scared to comment, first time grow, just playing it by year right now lol. Thanks for the advice.
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Thanks, just wasnt sure if they were growing well enough, just put in 2 more 23w cfls to help, the ones on the right looked frozen and havent really shown any progress since the transplant


Alrite thanks, i used nutrients after transplanting and i have been using them every other watering every other day or so...hopefully they start coming back.
3G Labs

3G Labs

Just looked over the pics again. The buckets they are planted in, Do they let the water drain out? If not , you're going to start having issues real soon FYI. And they will Definitely need more lumens for healthy veg growth and flowering.


Best of luck. Peace
Huge buckets for such low light. But look fine. What wattage are you planning to flower at?


The buckets drain..but i feel like it takes alot of water to get them to? I have 6 cfl's on them right now...i wasnt sure about what to use for flowering yet. I want something that will work but not to expensive, if you have any suggestions on a good light im open to hear them lol u guys are aewsome
3G Labs

3G Labs

The buckets drain..but i feel like it takes alot of water to get them to? I have 6 cfl's on them right now...i wasnt sure about what to use for flowering yet. I want something that will work but not to expensive, if you have any suggestions on a good light im open to hear them lol u guys are aewsome

As long as they drain they should be fine. My concern is you'll probably have salt built up in your grow medium before those plants develop roots that reach to the bottom. The problem - if you just water a little into a large pot and the water doesn't RUN out the bottom Salts will build up fast because they aren't being flooded out of the soil. But with a pot that big and the size of those plants, once you saturate the soil you probably won't have to water them for 4-5 days(or more), let the soil get fairly dry before watering again.
As for cheap lights sound's like you want a T5 4ft 8 bulb fixture, 300 dollars for the fixture, blue bulbs (veg growth) are 11$ a piece, red bulbs (flowering growth) are 13$ ea. should grow 1-3 plants but yield will be low to mid. If you want killer budz you gotta" Pay to Play" , or grow outside. I know you can probably find a hood, bulb, and ballast for a lower wattage HPS for around the price of the T5 setup.
Good luck


Bro it doesn't cost much to get yourself some good lights. If u want to stay on the low cost grab u an Apollo mh/hps ballast and hood off of eBay. Under 200 bucks for an entire 600 watt set up. I used one for years and never had a problem.. If u want to take the led route go to topledgrowlight. Com and get urself a Mars 2. They are also just under 200 buck for a 400 watt that will do u more than justice. Just two suggestions but both give u all u need for under 200 bucks and will give u a killer crop. Good luck!


Ill have to look into those lights, thanks everyone for the help, much appreciated!
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