THE BREAK ROOM lose ur mynd ¿

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g hit the 120's, today. her recent high was 180ish. it's alot like cheatin sex with new boobz at every turn. startin to get out of hand. she don't usually smoke pot like a chimney and i have to wonder if recent strainz have anything to do with it. she been weedin i haven't done since neighbor bill took ill; we used to do it together... it's a lil over an acre. she took on the pool responsibility... it does make me wonder. I've yet to oil it out. it the ummm very recent chem descendant
and amnesia n this happy hr n black d if it proves out as the oral surgery numbing culprit... b my top ten right there. i want happy hr oiled so i can tell... is this cbd I'm noting in the concentrate... etc.
u haven't said anything about the medicinal benies of wshugga
u don't have to b ailing to say... hmmm... makes my mouth a lil numb... orrr sleepy, trippy, wakeybakey
looks like alot of it. what's it doin for u. what's it doin for mrs T, besides sleepy? how long does it ko her for?
have u put ur own spin on it... i noticed the cotton gin picz 😁


1d is a slave to his wand. I won’t spend my life watering plants anymore. Seeds to cheap. And if I can sit here and do nothing at all while the plants get water then mrs tfall thinks I’m working watering a hundred plants 😁she never grasped the concept of work smarter not harder. I know old men who think they have happier plants because they take them out of the tent admire them water them love them caress them. I’m not that guy. I like boobies and butts to play with not plants.
My system is ghetto as ghetto comes. Drain to waste top feed coco. 5 minutes to mix the nutes daily.
Hopefully this song is old enough for you
I'm 45
i skipped the 1 in 3 herpes hide n seek in the bush generation
trimmin the hedge was unnecessary n then- not considered a perversion
when i started visiting the man in the boat who sometimes resided both
in da hood
as well as under it


i didn't require a fig leaf or vw bus to score "freelove"
it was more a matter of their working towards intoxication before i rolled up
equating to free love


u targeting anyone?
the mrs?
i suspect it's the same in every growerz home.
she soundz wonderful. appreciative. might work on the beverage service. tell er you'll get a new coffee maker if circumstances don't improve.
i figure an adult is home napping for a reason... between the linez. It's counterintuitive for me, but I'm just trying to find a way to get my coffeemaker out... of bed.
I would never! Sometimes I sit here wondering where that chicken man guy ran off too! I smoked some of his weed onetime and it literally tasted like chicken shit! I shit you not. And the price people for. This forum we’re paying him just because he was a friend😟


one of my relatives is still mystified as to their predisposition to cervical cancer
because they don't have an std
and it couldn't possibly b hpv2 caused
because they were saintz
and az long as I'm on thiz wild ryde
I'm disappointed that an std carries a stigma flu dont
it is a common cold
and the stigma taught to me
i treated someone who didn't deserve it like shyt for being human
coldz have been goin around for yearz
flues have been killaz since the beginning of time
we fault people for havin unprotected secks
but masks only recently became acceptable by the masses


I would never! Sometimes I sit here wondering where that chicken man guy ran off too! I smoked some of his weed onetime and it literally tasted like chicken shit! I shit you not. And the price people for. This forum we’re paying him just because he was a friend😟
i meant symptom wise
are u growing strainz towards specific illnesses symptoms conditions?
if so... which?


g hit the 120's, today. her recent high was 180ish. it's alot like cheatin sex with new boobz at every turn. startin to get out of hand. she don't usually smoke pot like a chimney and i have to wonder if recent strainz have anything to do with it. she been weedin i haven't done since neighbor bill took ill; we used to do it together... it's a lil over an acre. she took on the pool responsibility... it does make me wonder. I've yet to oil it out. it the ummm very recent chem descendant
and amnesia n this happy hr n black d if it proves out as the oral surgery numbing culprit... b my top ten right there. i want happy hr oiled so i can tell... is this cbd I'm noting in the concentrate... etc.
u haven't said anything about the medicinal benies of wshugga
u don't have to b ailing to say... hmmm... makes my mouth a lil numb... orrr sleepy, trippy, wakeybakey
looks like alot of it. what's it doin for u. what's it doin for mrs T, besides sleepy? how long does it ko her for?
have u put ur own spin on it... i noticed the cotton gin picz 😁
Mrs T is a doesn’t sleep for crap she just lays in bed because she is disconnected. But she has every other excuse as to why she doesn’t sleep. I told the girl a bag of mushrooms and a spiritual cleansing is what you need. I saw what it did to my friend first hand. It was like the coming of Jesus without the Jesus for him. It was beautiful. People who don’t face there problems get this problem throughout life.


I'm tryin to catch up to the last page r two tfall
shez talking to me... hard to focus


i meant symptom wise
are u growing strainz towards specific illnesses symptoms conditions?
if so... which?
I’m not a lab coat dr Phil weed man who grows the best herpes blocking strains for patients. I grow weed to get people high 😁 they want to sell you those canna rectal use bullets and I just want to sell you some weed man.


Mrs T is a doesn’t sleep for crap she just lays in bed because she is disconnected. But she has every other excuse as to why she doesn’t sleep. I told the girl a bag of mushrooms and a spiritual cleansing is what you need. I saw what it did to my friend first hand. It was like the coming of Jesus without the Jesus for him. It was beautiful. People who don’t face there problems get this problem throughout life.
i would have u email such.
i tell stories
i used to say personal things about my money grubbing whore publicity.
it was a road to a very expensive decade in court of my life.
i feel the thingz we say publicly about our loverz in jest vs the sarcasm that carries lil truthz
reverberates sublimely subliminally until we feel the anger behind conversations amongst friends and it absolutely did damage the way i would look at er... the lil jabz i would take
until i got everything i thought i wanted
and she took it all
easy come
easy go
if u feel a need to b serious n vent this way
i would have u email it
and not shame who we could not do our lives without
i mean it in the best possible way
my lovely g can do no wrong
they're mostly true
i find her idiosyncrasies endearing and i would miss her if these funny lil interactions exchanges never happened
she is my everything and in my limited experience
there is none other like my lovely g
the whirled over

personal emergency
gotta jam
before u arrived
there's a storage unit in Tucson
with 2 rv's and the only legacy of my lovely g's uncle
who passed on dec 23rd 20!9 with EVERYONE here watching
told er
ya gotta get in there inventory it
she aunt wont go shez grieving
how long do u believe she'll subsidize
150$ a month on shyt that isn't real to her

she never seen nor touched

a different wifey in hiz life at that time
and she's already said goodbye to hiz thingz
that day has come
storage feez unpaid
pictures whatever stories he never told
she only got to know him
same as me
last yr
besides her sis
and children
her last of her line
he was the last a veteran uncle billy
of her mother's generation

every day
life's lil emergencies/challenges
[email protected]
anytime tfall


i swear i think nostradamus just had common sense
war has always been used for profit n dragging economies out of depression
g had newz on yesterday and did i not say trump men of power would do anything to remain n power... for more power like a blue dress was the first bj ever received by a man n powa and they never boned either
first thing i said when i could actually afford the expense
go inventory that storage
she'll b in mourning
ur gonna lose whatever story storage has to tell
and any security besides me
u may ever have
lies within if she don't want it
it's the pics n literally darts n medals n dd2!4's u want
itz on u to go fetch

-my upset lovely g
she was in the hospital

all 9mo...
i asked u to have er send the keyz n notarized permission to inventory only

i been plannin this day for 9mo
y r u only now hear


how many presidents were not gazillionaires prior to their presidency n how many became
during n after


i wonder if storage warz payz for tipoffz

doodz came into my lovely g's kohlz when she worked there
he and his lovely had a beautiful home in redlands/tucaipa area on a hillside with a lovely view


aunt put kybosh on lien sale
will allegedly mail keys
title allegedly resides within
imma need help
if n when those tardy keys arrive
i will ask ltr to invest n this venture

it's ur sis's legacy two
i would not bring it up during her cancer treatments
u have a nephew ur sis' son
i would call him

-my grieving lovely g
she's not interested

my brother made a similar call which affected my momz
it wasn't my call to make
popz owez momz n would've paid off another home for her

i paid three timez over
now i pay for yourz to

it's not my call
but if it were me
I'd speak to ur nephew
perhaps he'll come with
or help subsidize
if ur aunt doesn't want
it goes to ur sis first
n technically he has a right to ur unclez sentimental AND financial legacy

-my lovely g
i know he'll just say no

then whatz the harm n asking

if he ain't interested in stories


told er
the keyz ain't heer
i don't want u to think i don't give a shyt
just because i go about my daily tasks
happy hour clone turned out to b a chick
i couldn't remember n clipped em prior to revealing cooch
buttt i wanted happy hr pollen
so today we gonna clone and harvest
should probably reset the cloner...
as there may b only one
at this time
best high i ever had
u bet ur ass imma keep these genz
not the best medicinally
not a hint of sleepysleepy
simply the best non concentrated bzzzz
i noted last time i got lazy n didn't spice up my clonex gel
clonex actually sucks
reliably if i want to stall em out
adding the pure natural honey cinnamon and ummm
spit... 6dayz is my record when i paid attention
these have been n there over a month n some rootn i just tranzed didn't even reach the womanz 6" mark so the tranz wait n see i had to bury em deeper than preferred but never again no cinnamon honey loogie cocktail with a side of clonex gel


so like a quarter z dry
think i called that, yesterday
the lesser of two estimates depending on denzity
we're back on sesamella track
pretty sure
no low lying seedz
i figure whatever jizz i threw in the fanz is now rendered impotent
cause heaven forbid i clean a fucking fan
obviously shez judging
sorry i mean speaking
she knows it's gog
told er shez fired from trimming
i think shez obsessed over the tiny haul
what iz it with women n size
when all they really want n general
same thing wee do
and... it ain't the d
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