the marijuana forums these days are a joke

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Ok. I dont ever like to talk bad about anything but.this shit bugs me so here it goes. What in the name of sweet ganja is going on with the forums these days? Ive just recently started surfing around and stuff. Coming from overgrow since waaayyy back (man that place was bottom line) i decided to give the farm a go because it has by far.the.least amoumt of bullshit. I hardly ever name call but i dont care. Rollitup is full of the most rookiest of rookies who do.t know one goddamn thing about indoor gardening and those kids give the most terrible advise imaginable. I mean really bad folks. I was just.browsing.with my phone for about 10 minutes thers and iam just now picking my jaw up off the floor. What happened to all the smart verteran greenthumbs on the web? AND WHERE DID ALL THESE GOOFY KIDS COME FROM? Sorry to rant but that place is a joke and so are a few others. Man. Iam venting. I take my hobby, craft, and gardening with pride.and.seriousness. And iam these days do not a a clue.


Premium Member
This is a result from any IDIOT being able to grow pot and bottom line is this new Generation does not want to work so this industry is stuck with them.

Couldnt agree more! Really makes me sick what the whole industry/Craft has become! Man I miss the old days. Unfortunately looks like its not gonna get any better. Im afraid, its going to get worse actually. Now that more and more states are going legal, all the kids that didnt have the balls to grow before are gonna be all about it now...Oh well, just gotta try and stick with the few remaining old school cats still around and try your best to ignore the rest...


Yeah. The cats out of the bag now so to speak. And isnt gonna go back. Any kid with a 400 watt in a dirty closet with decent genetics will pull something smokeable off. I wouldnt smoke it thats for damn sure. And these little fukers after o couple runs think there goddamn ed rosenthal or.somethimg. No culture whatsoever either. There used to be a cool little sub culture that went.along with being a good HUMBLE grower/smoker. Not no more. This is the one thing in the world that i truly love and could call my very own has been compromised and.corrupted a cheap.2 dollar whore and i.dont like bit.


Living dead girl
I didn't think it was a secret about that site, but we try not to do any intersite bashing here. TRY. I wouldn't be surprised if quite a few of us, myself included, may have started out there, too.

Wanna know how *I* first tried to grow when I was that age? With a 100W bulb in my closet. Seedling stretched like fuck, then it died. I figured it was just too difficult, hadn't a clue about lighting.

Oh, and humility with regard to the guys who consider themselves ballers or playahs? Don't get me started on that whole 'thug life' manner. Just. Don't.


Seriously never browsed any forums since overgrow until very recently. I quit.posting on overgrow about in 02 i believe it was. Still dont know how or why it shut down. But yeah funny in a nauseating sort of way. Ballahs and.playas. Oh man. And.yeah. Humility. Respect for the plant and fellow gardeners. Integrity. Pride. These are punchlines to cheap jokes now a days.


I guess iam just in a funk. Iam.usually pretty.positive. But snows on the ground. I hate winter. And iam in the heart of '' what up playah'' country (flint michigan). And patients are messing with my bottom line again. If you know what i mean. Sorry for the pessimism folks.


I guess iam just in a funk. Iam.usually pretty.positive. But snows on the ground. I hate winter. And iam in the heart of '' what up playah'' country (flint michigan). And patients are messing with my bottom line again. If you know what i mean. Sorry for the pessimism folks.

You live IN the city of Flint, MI? I doubt the only issue you will have if you actually lived IN the city is the "what up playa" persona...


I hear ya bro, i lost my dog yesterday, I'm pretty pessimistic too. I also hear ya about the forums. I was on one about 7 years ago and it was great... I'm still there but active again after a 5 yr break. now thta place is a ghost town. not what you are talking about, just the opposite. nobody posts. there are a few journals and the same 10 cats post on everything haha.

this place is a bit better. some good info, good growers, just gotta keep filtering. theres a lot of trash still too.


Not as bad as the media headlines would potray this town really. But there are alot of idiots here. Its gritty and.tough for sure. What doesnt kill just makes ya stronger is in our dna.General Motors just announced their.going to build a 500 million dollar new plant here last night. So this town is pretty pumped up rite now. Best news here in awhile.


Shoe I grew up in Flint. I used to work on Clio & Carpenter then on Welch & Chevrolet and Saginaw and patterson. So, what the media portays to me is accurate and I know that you know what I mean :cigar: Lost two of my good friends in Flint earlier this year and one last year all murdered.


Yes it is. No doubt. But i stayed in St.Louis for about 9 months awhile back. That town would eat Flint for breakfast. But yeah the Eastside of Flint. Whoa. You can almost feel the poverty in the air. Believe it or not. There are alot of grow shows over there. In between burnt out houses. Iam not shittin either. Literally decent sized basement shows with burnt out crack houses all around. Crazy.


Yeah. The cats out of the bag now so to speak. And isnt gonna go back. Any kid with a 400 watt in a dirty closet with decent genetics will pull something smokeable off. I wouldnt smoke it thats for damn sure. And these little fukers after o couple runs think there goddamn ed rosenthal or.somethimg. No culture whatsoever either. There used to be a cool little sub culture that went.along with being a good HUMBLE grower/smoker. Not no more. This is the one thing in the world that i truly love and could call my very own has been compromised and.corrupted a cheap.2 dollar whore and i.dont like bit.
So true. However the backyard closet kid with the 400 is not competition, because most often they will not sustain, it does take effort, skill, and determination to be consistent, and put out a quality product day after day.

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