The Next Leak Will Assure Hillary Clinton's Arrest. ~julian Assange

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Dabbling in Oil
1240325433 old dude bong smoking


Well i for one got to love the shit show Hillary Clinton and Trump might as well put them into a ring
With Obama joining in made Hillary look really bad last night ,, Trump asking Russia to hack in Her Emails
There so busy attacking each other and not addressing the real issues Americans face
Its rather amusing
Localgrowguy ?? you mention that the younger kids are not voting  it appears only 42 percent actually vote anyways
Many Americans do not Vote because they think there vote does not count

You say because of the two nitwits running for president that Americans have no choice ?? Sure you do Vote neither and ask for a new election with out them 2 in it plain n simple ..
There so busy fighting each other
Not one has addressed the Debt , education, Medical ..
Man its a real shit show

But In the end, there is no such thing as a free lunch. You cannot make money grow in value by shaking it back and forth from one bank to another. You cannot prosper a nation by doing each other's laundry, or filling out their government mandated and greatly obfuscated paperwork, or flinging stock certificates around which may have as little real worth as Federal Reserve Notes. To make money, to show a profit, you must make products that somebody else wants to buy, and sadly, that is a capability the United States has allowed to slip away in great measure. The "service economy" was political propaganda to make the public believe that the decline of our manufacturing ability was a good thing.

Our nation is broke, bankrupt, and having sold much of its machinery and technology (or given it away to political donors), is unable to easily return to those endeavors which once made our nation great. Our infrastructure is in decay (the percentage of roads in the US with major damage doubled last year alone), our public schools unable to produce a workforce able to function in a high-tech manufacturing environment, and those managers end engineers with manufacturing experience have in great part been lured away to other nations. The severity of our total government debt has reached a point where the promise that the taxpayers can be made to cover any foreign investment loss rings hollow, because we can no longer pay the debts our government has now.

Our nation is in trouble. We don't make many of the products we used to make. Consequently we don't have the products to sell that we used to. We don't even make most of the products we need ourselves (like that computer you're staring at this very moment). Result: we have a massive trade imbalance. Cash is flowing out of the nation, and it's not coming back in anywhere near as fast. There's no way to spin it; that is a major problem. Our nation is becoming poorer, it is hopelessly in debt, and all the artificial escalation of stock prices cannot conceal that.

And as the artificially pumped up stock market continues to decline, the true scale of the economic horror which is the product of decades of government corruption, will become apparent to all


To be fair, I teal deered the shit out of your post. I don't have time today. Your broad accusations and scorched earth apocolypse now posts only serve to divide, not unite. You can say that both parties are trying to unite, but they aren't.

I see that dems seem to think obama hit a home run. Pub's are being denounced for the republican nominee asking russia to conduct espionage. Obama saying she's the best possible nominee ever is stupid because of benghazi and her shortcomings there, and dem's saying this is the first time that a political nominee has asked another country to conduct espionage because donald fucking trump said he hopes that russia finds those emails. I think the comment is both funny and absurd, which makes the joke. The reason I think that young voters are refusing to vote is because of shit like this. Why the fuck should anyone vote, like you say?

The answer is, if you don't vote, then you don't get to participate in political discussions. Not voting but still bitching is weak minded and petty. But this falls on deaf ears, yours included. No hard feelings, but you are being ridiculous. Andy Dufresne would say you are being obtuse. I see all of the scary stuff you talk about but I don't see any ideas how to fix it. It feels nice to complain and vent and bitch but at the end of the day nothing is being done, and that's why I think young voters are disenfranchised.

Well i for one got to love the shit show Hillary Clinton and Trump might as well put them into a ring
With Obama joining in made Hillary look really bad last night ,, Trump asking Russia to hack in Her Emails
There so busy attacking each other and not addressing the real issues Americans face
Its rather amusing
Localgrowguy ?? you mention that the younger kids are not voting  it appears only 42 percent actually vote anyways
Many Americans do not Vote because they think there vote does not count

You say because of the two nitwits running for president that Americans have no choice ?? Sure you do Vote neither and ask for a new election with out them 2 in it plain n simple ..
There so busy fighting each other
Not one has addressed the Debt , education, Medical ..
Man its a real shit show

But In the end, there is no such thing as a free lunch. You cannot make money grow in value by shaking it back and forth from one bank to another. You cannot prosper a nation by doing each other's laundry, or filling out their government mandated and greatly obfuscated paperwork, or flinging stock certificates around which may have as little real worth as Federal Reserve Notes. To make money, to show a profit, you must make products that somebody else wants to buy, and sadly, that is a capability the United States has allowed to slip away in great measure. The "service economy" was political propaganda to make the public believe that the decline of our manufacturing ability was a good thing.

Our nation is broke, bankrupt, and having sold much of its machinery and technology (or given it away to political donors), is unable to easily return to those endeavors which once made our nation great. Our infrastructure is in decay (the percentage of roads in the US with major damage doubled last year alone), our public schools unable to produce a workforce able to function in a high-tech manufacturing environment, and those managers end engineers with manufacturing experience have in great part been lured away to other nations. The severity of our total government debt has reached a point where the promise that the taxpayers can be made to cover any foreign investment loss rings hollow, because we can no longer pay the debts our government has now.

Our nation is in trouble. We don't make many of the products we used to make. Consequently we don't have the products to sell that we used to. We don't even make most of the products we need ourselves (like that computer you're staring at this very moment). Result: we have a massive trade imbalance. Cash is flowing out of the nation, and it's not coming back in anywhere near as fast. There's no way to spin it; that is a major problem. Our nation is becoming poorer, it is hopelessly in debt, and all the artificial escalation of stock prices cannot conceal that.

And as the artificially pumped up stock market continues to decline, the true scale of the economic horror which is the product of decades of government corruption, will become apparent to all


Will leave this here, pretty clear who cares about the people.

Very much enjoyed obamas talk and the rest of the dnc. The comparison between the two conventions is rather stark contrast. Not a big fan of the hilldog, but well ... trump is a disgusting candidate and I would be embarrassed as hell if that is what was supposed to represent me. Good luck to the reasonable remains of that party.


Ohhhh all is lost, what would Bert and Ernie do. Wooas me.


Premium Member
lol Keep thinking that if you really think about it or read up on it you guys were really late for the party almost 2 years late
Matter of fact You never landed one troop on the Ground until Russia, and Britain had Germany on the run
Many Americans think they won the war with Canada yet even that one was a loss they came down there to Party Eh started one big bon fire burnt down the white house.. you guys were so scared you kept running south lol
Iraq , Korean, Vietnam.. All loses you never won nothing or got nothing that you set out or planned for .. right So its was a lose
even your war on independence ?? you needed the french even though England was fighting two different wars on 2 different contents Napoleon ?? they were beating the shit out of all of you .. as it was , if they were not fighting at Europe you would of been crushed even with France helping
Sadly the truth is brain washing most think your the best at war when in fact History does not lie .
You have struggled fighting 3rd world countries,, USA is the only country that used a Nuke on a country and from that day forth in your own minds think your untouchable or The best .. To me that is brain washed ..
Meet a opponent like Russia , China , india , even Pakistan.. a real Country with NUKES also but not only that but also man power and a history 10 times bigger then usa history on wars
You would probably get schooled Don't kid your self

But anyways all i am trying to say is even Julian proved it ?? USA even today is spying , listening they do what ever on other countries is this right ???
The days of bullying are over cause in reality that is what you been doing
You will start something with a country, threaten with invasion and if that does not work you impose Embargo's You do what ever to try to change there government .. and 100 percent of the time you Fuck the whole thing up and NATO comes in to clean up the fucking mess thems are Facts
you purposely play both sides start wars Create regimes like ISIS you support them yet claim there your enemy ??? your more worried about whats going on in the world yet blind at whats going on in your back yard
Its a crooked world out there but USA tops it all
That is one thing USA can say there good at just have to look at the middle east and look what you created YES YOU by creating Divisions
Good reality check. Forgive 99% of most americans we suffer from a condition called American Exceptional-ism. Of which there is no cure. Sad but true. Dont get me wrong I love my country and will fight to protect it and my family but the shit that goes on behind the scenes with all of the spying and skullduggery and toppling of sovereign nations is rather sickening. And we wonder why we have lost favor with a lot of the world.

Just remember you will come to love our forced Democracry or we will bomb the shit out of your asses. And if your brown skinned we will bomb you just cause we can.


Premium Member
With truth comes silence. What folks dont relaise is Karma is real and someday the wrongs that have been done worldwide will come to visit us. Truly hope my children/grandkids are long gone by then. Cause it wont be pretty.


i know julian assange personally and he has evidence that Bill Clinton did inhale and Hilary used to love a blow back.
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