the regulate, control, and tax cannabis law of 2010

  • Thread starter danko
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here it is...

it seems to leave a lot of things up to the local and state governments as far as how to regulate growers and shit...

biz could be really good next year! lol


it seems to leave a lot of things up to the local and state governments as far as how to regulate growers and shit...

biz could be really good next year! lol

Considering how hard some communities have been fighting to prevent medical marijuana dispensaries, many of these same communities will definitely be prohibiting the sale of legalized cannabis. Even the local governments that currently allow medical marijuana dispensaries have done everything in their power to limit the number of these facilities. Getting a license to cultivate, distribute or sell legalized cannabis will come at such a high price, only the deepest pockets will be able to afford the privilege. Restricting personal possession and cultivation limits insures these new canna-businesses will be able to prevent non-commercial growers from being self-sufficient by making it a crime to cultivate or possess amounts reasonable for personal consumption. I would like to see a 25sqft grow room that fits all your mother plants, clones, vegetative plants and flowering plants in a 5x5 area and harvests less than an ounce. This, IMO, is the biggest flaw in this initiative.

There are no laws restricting the amount of alcohol we can purchase at any store, nor are there any laws restricting the production amounts or acreage of wineries, at least that I'm aware of.

Not everyone here in California that supports legalization supports this intitiative to TAX, REGULATE AND CONTROL cannabis. Maybe its because legalize isn't even in the title or in the minds of those trying to take over this billion dollar economy.

So biz will only be booming for people like richard lee, who are positioning themselves to profit from this restrictive psuedo legalization initiative.

chief greenleaf

Kushpheen this is exactly what I was thinkin when I read about this! On one hand I was thinkin the MJ community would be behind it because it would be the first time weve ever seen legal recreational cannabis but on the other hand it seems like all the care givers and growers that make a modest living and depend on this industry will be very quickly replaced by a bunch of corporate big wigs with the money and connections to get the licenses. This is exactly why I would rather see decrim laws than legalization and taxation, I dread seeing OUR industry taken over by rich fucks that dont care or know anything about it. This is an industry that WE fought and bled and dealt with the ridicule and prejudice, WE got harassed beaten by the police and went to prison to build this industry! And I just know that as soon as a state passes a legalize and tax law were all gonna get pushed out and everything we fought for is gonna be taken over by people who dont need it or deserve it.
Im out in the midwest and where Im at there's not even med laws in place yet but whats the buzz like in Cali about this so far Kushpheen? I mean is the MJ community supporting this or does everybody realize that theyre tryin ta take away your right ta grow and force you ta buy their herb at whatever price they decide? Im just curious cuz I know theyre probably runnin commercials and shit presenting this ta everybody like theyre doin this for the MJ community but I know better and obviously so do you!


the way this read to me was, once this passes, it will be debated by god knows who, to establish ways of monitoring growing, transport and sale of herb. i mean of course they will, shit every industry gets inspected, by the fire marshal or someone else that has the capacity to shut them down. . we are producing shit that people eat, vape, and smoke, someones going to regulate it. i think this is when growers need to be joining and forming collectives, and our collectives need to be communicating and starting networks with eachother so we can all work together to make all this shit go down right. we need to form a state wide collective that all the other collectives in cali can join. with that many members they would have to take the growers seriously!!thats the only way i see us farmers having a say in the future of our business.

dude that posted above me was way right when he said we all have put up with hell to get this industry this far!

ill be damed if they take it from us once they make it legal!!


Ive heard alot of people into the medical marijuana growing ,already talking about how this will screw everything up and to vote no. Plus theres going to be a chunk of the comunity that will vote no, no matter what on legalizing marijuana. Im going to guess it gets a %75 no vote.
Its going to be really tuff to regulate and tax if you let everyone grow, Really the bill isnt that bad for small growers, Its going to be like wine and you can tour grow farms and smaple and buy oz for $20 lol You have to relize if you want legal weed they are not going to let everyone grow in the back yard. If they did there wouldnt be anyway to collect taxes. You cant have it both ways. There not going to write a bill and say everyone can have 12 plants and 12 lbs ect. Your lucky they put in 25 sq feet. If it goes leagl in 5 years it wont be worth growing, Big farms will be selling it so cheap, just like wine. And dont kid your self the quality will be there in the long run, they will be hiring us to help run the farms. lol


that bill says you can still grow personal weed. all be it in a 5x5 area. also it says for each adult in the house. besides its not like there going to have door to door checks on personal gardens. they are talken about making this an industry. and if you provide a good service in any industry you get biz. it will be like micro brews. maybe, know one even knows as of now. im buying as many lights and growing the dankest shit i can to try and lock down my area when this shit passes. all competition welcome. thats how the whole capitalist thing works. so what if it drives down prices. weeds too fucken expensive anyway! 50 an 8th?? fuck me. how bout 25? doesnt bother me man. id be happy selling pounds for 2000 if i could grow and sell as much as i wanted.


And dont kid your self the quality will be there in the long run, they will be hiring us to help run the farms. lol

Dont kid yourself, unless your a robotic trimmer there will be few jobs for us. Every aspect of the cultivation and distribution process will be as automated as possible to maximize profits. Unless you have a phd in commercial agriculture production you won't be getting near any plants. Companies will be able to buy any strain and have an in-house breeding program churning out new proprietary flavors constantly. Packaged, marketed, and sold quicker than you can say richard who? You might be able to work for the states new 'regulatory committee' that will be creating/enforcing the new laws and issuing licenses, but good luck passing the states drug test. Unless your capable of spending millions on the infrastructure of your company, it will be very, very hard to be approved for licensing. All I'm trying to say is, if a few giant agri-corps buy enough farm, greenhouse and indoor facilities to flood this market, you will have a few dozen brands owned by a handful of companies, that will have essentially built their fortunes by stealing the last truly free market economy in the state/country from the hands of thousands of growers. Thus, enabling a few wealthy people to become even wealthier. While the growers, who are struggling now to make ends meet in this already challenging market/economy, will be forced to find new professions.

chief greenleaf

Exactly thats why we need ta be supporting decrim, this truly is the last free market economy left and right now whether we realize it or not we control it. Growing and selling herb is one of the only ways left for the little guy ta make some extra cash, if it gets legalized and taxed that all goes down the toilet and youll be lucky ta get a job trimmin for min wage!
Thats the real purpose behind this and all of the true MJ warriors have been opposed to it from the start, Dennis Perron was fired from Oaksterdam for his opposition to it! Jack Herer and a few other guys are behind the MERP Model, which will actually benefit the entire MJ community and not just a select handful douche bags w/deep pockets.
The Big Wigs dont like that we have something thats helpin everybody make some extra money and like usual they wanna cash in on our industry and push us out. But with the current laws bein so sketchy theyre afraid to get involved and thats the way we need ta keep it. The only way Corp America can touch MJ is by changin the laws and the only way to do that is to make us believe that it will not only benefit the MJ community but entire community as a whole. But if that was really the case they wouldnt be puttin all these sideways regulations into it, a 5x5 area WTF! I understand that we consume the herb and it has ta be regulated but we also consume tomatoes but they dont have a regulation on big your tomatoe patch can be. If herb is legal there would be absolutely no benefit to growing a huge garden for profit because there wont be enough profit margin involved anymore. The only reason theyre restricting it is to force you to buy it from them so they can take over and rake in all the dough, and thats exactly whats gonna happen if Cali passes that law. Like KP said Id like ta see anybody fit all theyre special moms, clones, and flowering plants in a 25 sq ft space and produce enough herb ta be worth the trouble! And thats the point!


Well-Known Farmer
Isn`t it only a fine anyway to get caught with an oz in cali? So why would anyone want to take on all the regulation,taxes,and controls for that? Want to grow and have stash legal? go get a Doctor`s recomendation!


thats what im talken about! this is our industry!! if we dont make ourselves as growers heard...they will take over!!


after reading the bill again it actually says that the regulations for sale and cultivation/distribution will be left to city and county governments. that sounds like a good thing to me. im not really buying all this richard lee conspiracy to own the pot trade noise. growers still will have to form some kind of association for sure anyway. like the beef council and shit.


Isn`t it only a fine anyway to get caught with an oz in cali? So why would anyone want to take on all the regulation,taxes,and controls for that? Want to grow and have stash legal? go get a Doctor`s recomendation!

Exactly, possession charges now currently rival the potential taxes applied to legalized cannabis. Instead of the government 'taxing' the occasional possessor, cultivator or dealer, they can 'tax' everybody each time they light up. This argument IMO shouldn't be about whether we should remove the criminal penalties for cannabis possession, cultivation or distribution, but should be about whether we need the government to tax and involve itself in another area of our lives.

after reading the bill again it actually says that the regulations for sale and cultivation/distribution will be left to city and county governments. that sounds like a good thing to me. im not really buying all this richard lee conspiracy to own the pot trade noise. growers still will have to form some kind of association for sure anyway. like the beef council and shit.

rich lee is just one of the people who stand to make a killing should this initiative pass. This will just simply increase the market share of his already profitable brand 'oaksterdam'. I'm just not sure he has the best vision for a free market cannabis economy and his bill seems slanted towards limiting potential competition.

Regardless, this bill won't circumvent federal laws prohibiting cultivation and distribution.


IMO the Govt. Officials have wanted to control the limits since they enacted SB 420. Due to the fact that it was not voted on by the public, SB 420 guidelines were beaten down in the Calif. Supreme Court. They know the only way to re-enact some sort of limit is to have a new Prop. voted on by the public. Thats why they put in those bullshit numbers. How the hell can you grow anything and get an ounce at a time. Just dumbass politicians who have know idea what the hell they are doing, like usual.
Of course just like alcohol the local govt. will have control. You know how hard it is to get a liquor lic. ect.? Plus if your area doesn't want MJ you will probably be in a "Dry" county type deal.
JUST SAY NO NO NO. I know this will be the first time i've voted since ole slick willy clinton.
Will this Prop. supercede Prop. 215, or will med. patients still have rights covered by their doctors?


Believe the one OZ and 25 sq feet are state wide minimums. Given a little time and northern counties will have 1 ton and 10 acre limits per adult.

It will be legal someday; prohibitions don’t work and are to expense to maintain. Once it’s legal for a while and the world doesn’t end. It will become like booze, allot of poor people will smoke crappy mass produced tasteless weed and there will be micro growers selling fine smoke. So start thinking of how you’re going to market for super fine weed. I know “Death Weed 5000” now I just got to get it copyright protected, trademarked and???


ill take decriminalization and nothing else. I dont want my government growing, or regulating my cannabis consumption and growing space. Only people who benefit from this bill are the asshats at oaksterdam


If it was just pure decriminalization i'd be for it. As far as i could tell in the link provided by Danko,page 3 under sec. B. Purposes #7 .
Medical users will still be covered by H&S 11362.5 & 11362.7-11362.9 This still gives Dr.'s the right to recommend larger amounts.
Good thing my Dr. lets me have 90 plants in a 10x10 and up to 6 pounds. At least i can sleep easier for now. I'm sure they will try to cover that loophole before too long.

chief greenleaf

after reading the bill again it actually says that the regulations for sale and cultivation/distribution will be left to city and county governments. that sounds like a good thing to me. im not really buying all this richard lee conspiracy to own the pot trade noise. growers still will have to form some kind of association for sure anyway. like the beef council and shit.

Danko google "jack herer MERP Model" and youll find plenty of info ta back up what Im sayin. Dennis Perron was fired from Oaksterdam strictly for his opposition to the bill, that alone is fishy ta me. Not ta mention the fact that J Herer, Eddy Lepp, Ed Rosenthal and just about every known legit MJ supporter are furious and in complete opposition to the bill. I dont know about yall but Id trust life long veterans in this game before Id trust a guy that stands ta gain millions by taking away our right ta grow our own. It really seems like the only people that support this either are in a position ta make alot of cash from it or dont realize what this bill is really gonna do to the industry.

Exactly, possession charges now currently rival the potential taxes applied to legalized cannabis. Instead of the government 'taxing' the occasional possessor, cultivator or dealer, they can 'tax' everybody each time they light up. This argument IMO shouldn't be about whether we should remove the criminal penalties for cannabis possession, cultivation or distribution, but should be about whether we need the government to tax and involve itself in another area of our lives.
rich lee is just one of the people who stand to make a killing should this initiative pass. This will just simply increase the market share of his already profitable brand 'oaksterdam'. I'm just not sure he has the best vision for a free market cannabis economy and his bill seems slanted towards limiting potential competition.
Regardless, this bill won't circumvent federal laws prohibiting cultivation and distribution.

KP youre absolutely right man, even if this bill had the best of intentions, the last thing we need is for the govt ta have control over yet another aspect of our lives! Theyre controlling more and more aspects of our personal lives everyday and continue ta hack away at the constitution and our rights, and it seems like most Americans almost encourage it!!!!

ill take decriminalization and nothing else. I dont want my government growing, or regulating my cannabis consumption and growing space. Only people who benefit from this bill are the asshats at oaksterdam

If it was just pure decriminalization i'd be for it. As far as i could tell in the link provided by Danko,page 3 under sec. B. Purposes #7 .
Medical users will still be covered by H&S 11362.5 & 11362.7-11362.9 This still gives Dr.'s the right to recommend larger amounts.
Good thing my Dr. lets me have 90 plants in a 10x10 and up to 6 pounds. At least i can sleep easier for now. I'm sure they will try to cover that loophole before too long.

Decrim is the only way ta achieve a positive change in the laws and still remain in control of the industry that we built, PERIOD. Full legalization will do nothing but push us out and force us to buy our herb from them instead of your homeboy. And anybody that thinks that we'll be able ta get jobs in the industry after legalization probably can... as long as they have a clean record and can pass a drug test! Ha!
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