The War on Drugs

  • Thread starter BrotherGreen
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Little Dick Nixon declared a "War on Drugs" a few decades back. I am not real sure why he did it but I am sure there was some money being passed around under the table to make this happen. Everyone knows he was a crook so the assumption would be that it was done to fill someones' pockets not because there was any benefit for the American people.
All this funny business about bans in certain counties in "free" states is a product of these crooked politicians carrying out the agendas of the real villains of this war.
There really hasn't even been a war. If there was there would be dead cops stacked up like cord wood and nightly news segments with a steady body count. Fact is that this has been an illegal police action that has done more to take away citizens' civil rights than any other scheme in American history. It was certainly the role model for the Patriot Act which does take away our rights as citizens and reduces our Constitution and Bill of Right to toilet paper for the rich.
We have a government that no longer represents the people as it is mandated to do. All one has to do is watch the news to see that the bureaucracy is failing the people in an epic manner. They are raping and pillaging the village and do not have the least bit of concern for any citizen who has not bought their favor.
How can this be fixed? Well, the truth is that we don't need a House or Senate any more. We could vote electronically on the issues of the day ourselves! Here is my solution:
Let's get rid of the dead weight, end this war, and restore our country to its former glory.
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Little Dick Nixon declared a "War on Drugs" a few decades back. I am not real sure why he did it but I am sure there was some money being passed around under the table to make this happen. Everyone knows he was a crook so the assumption would be that it was done to fill someones' pockets not because there was any benefit for the American people.
All this funny business about bans in certain counties in "free" states is a product of these crooked politicians carrying out the agendas of the real villains of this war.
There really hasn't even been a war. If there was there would be dead cops stacked up like cord wood and nightly news segments with a steady body count. Fact is that this has been an illegal police action that has done more to take away your civil rights than any other scheme in American history. It was certainly the role model for the Patriot Act which does take away our rights as citizens and reduces our Constitution and Bill of Right to toilet paper for the rich.
We have a government that no longer represents the people as it is mandated to do. All one has to do is watch the news to see that the bureaucracy is failing the people in an epic manner. They are raping and pillaging the village and do not have the least bit of concern for any citizen who has not bought their favor.
How do you fix this? Well, the truth is that we don't need them any more. Here is my solution to fixing this.
Let's get rid of the dead weight and win the war. This is the only peaceful solution I have been able to come up with.

RIGHT ON BROTHER. .RIGHT ON... Truth IS, its a lot of empty brains, clones,confused people and folks raised by said crooks, That continue this madness. Education is KEY in making this disappear. Fact is, too many scared heart's that are not willing to put liberty first. Jah! I hope im WRONG, but time will tell. Power to the people cuz WE the PEOPLE have the power. Just have to wake minds up. Good post brother!


It's not just your government. The decision to wage a war on drugs rippled out to the rest of the world. Once the US began, everyone else followed suit. Now decades later, most of the world lives under threat of loss of freedom for simply exercising their freedom. In some places, it's so far out of control it's hard to imagine, places like Indonesia and Mexico. Will we ever live in a world where drugs are legal once more? Doubtful I think.

-- iCultivate --


War on drugs main target was inner city people. The biggest effect for war on drugs was the 1 in 100 crack law. Basically, for every gram of crack it will equal 100 grams of coke in the federal level. Black/hispanics and other minorities were targeted. Guys were getting caught with 8-ball of crack, go to trial because they were oblivious to the new laws and get 20 years! Anyway, lockup 2 million people build more jails, hire more cops, hire more judges and we all make money yayyyy! Fucking joke!


War on drugs main target was inner city people. The biggest effect for war on drugs was the 1 in 100 crack law. Basically, for every gram of crack it will equal 100 grams of coke in the federal level. Black/hispanics and other minorities were targeted. Guys were getting caught with 8-ball of crack, go to trial because they were oblivious to the new laws and get 20 years! Anyway, lockup 2 million people build more jails, hire more cops, hire more judges and we all make money yayyyy! Fucking joke!

Agreed! ONLY. .Blacks/ Hispanics. Out number earths population 8-1. I despise the term" Minority" more like "Majority" . And when we realize this =Change.


Agreed! ONLY. .Blacks/ Hispanics. Out number earths population 8-1. I despise the term" Minority" more like "Majority" . And when we realize this =Change.

there is no way in hell that figure is accurate bro. when ya consider that china alone has around 1/6 of the total world population, is blatantly evident how wrong it is.



there is no way in hell that figure is accurate bro. when ya consider that china alone has around 1/6 of the total world population, is blatantly evident how wrong it is.


#Factz homie. I won't EVER get racial on the farm. If you'd like to swap knowledge, PM me ill give you my e-mail, we can Build.


whites still dominate the U.S in numbers

if you look at the entire world its def Asians
  • World Racial Demographics Asian 54% East Asian 24% (Korea, Mongolia ,China, Japan) South Asian 21% (India, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal) Southeast Asian 9% (Cambodia, Bruma, Philippines,
    • Malayasia) Black 15% White 15% Hispanic 8% Middle Eastern 8%


Asians do have most people in the world infact in china you are only allowed to have two kids... Whites are majority in usa as of now but the fact is we do not know how many non-us citizens actually live in the usa or as the media calls it "illegal aliens" which to me is a outright fucking stupid term. Anyway hispanics have largest increase in population in the us and that will continue to grow. Blacks will always increase bec they love fuckin! But what i have noticed in the past decade is a lot of interracial couples which means a lot more mixed kids. Redheads are expected to be nonexistent by 2060. You dont need to google what i am saying if you live in a big city you already see this all around you!


Alien is a strong term and a blatant generalization. If it were gender bias it would be a perfect slur!


Asians do have most people in the world infact in china you are only allowed to have two kids... Whites are majority in usa as of now but the fact is we do not know how many non-us citizens actually live in the usa or as the media calls it "illegal aliens" which to me is a outright fucking stupid term. Anyway hispanics have largest increase in population in the us and that will continue to grow. Blacks will always increase bec they love fuckin! But what i have noticed in the past decade is a lot of interracial couples which means a lot more mixed kids. Redheads are expected to be nonexistent by 2060. You dont need to google what i am saying if you live in a big city you already see this all around you!

Oooh slow, that was a bit Reachy! When's the last time you visited a Trailer Park? Or have You ever visited South Tucson? I believe HUMANS love to fuck period . My Mexican homies will tell ya, Condom for what ? We're Catholic. They don't believe in condoms. I don't TRUST numbers from organizations who steal relics of knowledge and replace with lies . Hell for all we know Australians might be leading lol . All I DO know is this. .."IT'S STRENGTH IN NUMBERS" And weather your blk, pink,purple, we MUST Unite and TAKE our liberty back . My best friend for 33 yrs is a JEWISH dude from Hayward. His mom used to say. .. Demons try to control numbers & information with Hate,Murder, Misdirection. Time to go Color blind Slow! But keep a eye on China. .They're sneaky lol jk


It's not just your government. The decision to wage a war on drugs rippled out to the rest of the world. Once the US began, everyone else followed suit. Now decades later, most of the world lives under threat of loss of freedom for simply exercising their freedom. In some places, it's so far out of control it's hard to imagine, places like Indonesia and Mexico. Will we ever live in a world where drugs are legal once more? Doubtful I think.

-- iCultivate --

hafta agree bro, the system is so messed up now it seems impossible to fix it. but change is happenin, slowly but still happenin. one baby step at a time.



How can this be fixed? Well, the truth is that we don't need a House or Senate any more. We could vote electronically on the issues of the day ourselves!
Bad move. A democracy is one of the worst forms of government. Furthermore, you go for direct representation and wanna know what's gonna happen? Urban centers will dictate legislation leaving rural people in the dust. The Founding Fathers were brilliant. I see no need to change how this nation is governed...What I do see where we need change is we need a populace that is intelligent...Americans are a bunch of idiots. Don't believe me? Go look at Facebook and see how many people posted about their favorite football team on Stooper Bowl weekend vs. how many people posted about the farm Bill that recently was passed.


Well-Known Farmer
I think the system is broken beyond repair. I don`t give this country 20 more years. My advise is prepare for the worst and hope for the best.


you guys make great points but all in all it will be hard for any change because they feel collective ignorance can pass for wisdom. add in all the greed. plain and simple people have lost 100% of control and then we are pretty much face fucked into submission by the lie and illusion that we still count. fuck the system fuck the government all to hell:D:blackalien:


Bad move. A democracy is one of the worst forms of government. Furthermore, you go for direct representation and wanna know what's gonna happen? Urban centers will dictate legislation leaving rural people in the dust. The Founding Fathers were brilliant. I see no need to change how this nation is governed...What I do see where we need change is we need a populace that is intelligent...Americans are a bunch of idiots. Don't believe me? Go look at Facebook and see how many people posted about their favorite football team on Stooper Bowl weekend vs. how many people posted about the farm Bill that recently was passed.
The country is a hybrid democracy right now (we claim both a republic and a democracy) so your first statement negates the rest of your opinion (you contradict yourself) unless you meant to say we need get rid of the democratic process that exists in our government today.
I think the American people are a lot more intelligent than you give them credit for. We are a bit lazy perhaps but extremely resourceful.
Our country has a history of fighting for freedom. You sound like you are fighting to keep a repressive government in place.
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