The War on Drugs

  • Thread starter BrotherGreen
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The country is a hybrid democracy right now (it is run like a republic but we claim democracy) so your first statement negates the rest of your opinion (you contradict yourself) .
I think the American people are a lot more intelligent than you give them credit for. We are a bit lazy perhaps but extremely resourceful.
Your solution is a wet dream at best. You cannot impose your will against the people. If they are not intelligent enough for you, drink more government approved alcohol, take more prescription drugs and it will bring you down to their level.
Our country has a history of fighting for freedom. You sound like you are fighting to keep a repressive government in place.
I never contradict myself and I most certainly know what I speak of. We are a representative republic, not a democracy...

I stand by my statement that Americans by and large are a bunch of morons only interested in watching the latest episode of "Here Comes Honey Boo-Boo", or "Duck Dynasty" or *insert mindless drivel here*, eating fast food, buying "stuff"...and don't even have the slightest clue about the machinations of government.

Several years ago I hired a Polish National that had applied for citizenship. He knew more about government than did any of my other techs. I'd bet good money that 8 out of 10 Americans don't know who the Federal representative of their congressional district is. Hell, I've asked people if they could name the three branches of government and most could not.

Sound like I'm fighting to keep a repressive government? Clearly you don't me me in the slightest. I have been active in fighting my county. I have been active in other causes. I am more critical of government than most. And once again, the reason why we're in the mess we are today is not because of our's because we have created a government where "We The People" are no longer involved and we allow them to operate with impunity. It is our fault, not theirs. Americans are stupid.

I'll give you credit for the humorous "fighting to keep a repressive government" though...That gave me a good chuckle. :)


Clearly you don't me me in the slightest. I have been active in fighting my county. I have been active in other causes. I am more critical of government than most. And once again, the reason why we're in the mess we are today is not because of our's because we have created a government where "We The People" are no longer involved and we allow them to operate with impunity. It is our fault, not theirs.
You say you want to keep things the way they are so what are you fighting, active in, or critical of?
I am glad you agree with me that the people are responsible for what has transpired. It is a democratic mentality that the people should have a voice in the actions of their government. We are closer on this than you think. The media and public schools have filled us all so full of shit nobody knows what to believe anymore. I do know, because I make it my business to know.
This will probably give you another chuckle too but I would rather a bad law pass by the will of the people than see it pass because a crooked elected representative of the people railroaded it through just to put another buck in their pocket.
What makes me chuckle is you are a proud republican.
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You say you want to keep things the way they are so what are you fighting, active in, or critical of?
Go back a reread my initial post. Please note that I said nothing of the sort. You're taking my words, cherry picking them, and then using them out of context. In fact, what I said was that things needed to change....I just don't think we need to change the way the Founding fathers setup our government. I said that in order for our country and government to work properly, it is Americans that need to change...

Benjamin Franklin's prophetic words are coming to fruition and we have nobody else to blame but ourselves...
The deliberations of the Constitutional Convention of 1787 were held in strict secrecy. Consequently, anxious citizens gathered outside Independence Hall when the proceedings ended in order to learn what had been produced behind closed doors. The answer was provided immediately. A Mrs. Powel of Philadelphia asked Benjamin Franklin, “Well, Doctor, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?” With no hesitation whatsoever, Franklin responded, “A republic, if you can keep it.


Patently incorrect. I am a registered Libertarian as is my wife, Seamaiden, and have been for years.
Just posturing for the sake of it or you wanna get to the point?
Do you think the majority of Americans are too stupid to vote on the issues of the day themselves?
Our elected officials are like bad children who we have reprimanded and continue to push the boundaries further and further. If everything is all good, what message are we sending them?


Go back a reread my initial post. Please note that I said nothing of the sort. You're taking my words, cherry picking them, and then using them out of context. In fact, what I said was that things needed to change....I just don't think we need to change the way the Founding fathers setup our government. I said that in order for our country and government to work properly, it is Americans that need to change...

Benjamin Franklin's prophetic words are coming to fruition and we have nobody else to blame but ourselves...

I agree Dave except, the founding father's part. Governments waay too BIG. And those values the founder's based the Government on, didn't include Other race's that's been the Backbone of this country for idk CENTURIES. I dont claim a political party ,i think politics are worse than who's dong is biggest . If we ALL could accept that different time's, call for different thinking. I think this GREAT country would seriously be intact. And yeah i vote when i feel like its a worthy opponent, or a something that would would help my country and or,state i reside.

Oh, and genius and ALL, but. Benjamin Franklin was a pedophile. Genius, but SUPER huge freak! Lol


Do you think the majority of Americans are too stupid to vote on the issues of the day themselves?
I do and I have repeatedly proven it and witnessed it. Hardly anyone I know knows what congressional district they live in. If they don't know basic stuff like that, we're supposed to think that they'll make good decisions on legislation? Seriously? Go out and ask the average joe what the commerce clause in the US Constitution is and you'll be met with the proverbial "deer in the headlights" look. When I attended a Constitutional Convention Summit in Sacramento a few years back, one of the biggest issues in this state was that Californians, through the initiative process, repeatedly vote for spending programs without giving a second thought as to where said funds are coming from. Legislators are then left with the daunting task of coming up with the funds...that eventually led to the budget crisis we're in today.

Americans don't care if politicians are corrupt. They just vote for the "least corrupt" and go back to their "American Idol".


I agree Dave except, the founding father's part. Governments waay too BIG.
I agree, but I'm not arguing that point. I will, when Seamaiden and I get back from a run into town, cite how we got so big by using the creation of the Department of Education back in the seventies as an example. :)


I agree, but I'm not arguing that point. I will, when Seamaiden and I get back from a run into town, cite how we got so big by using the creation of the Department of Education back in the seventies as an example. :)

Righteous! I GREATLY appreciate the SEASONED Vet's of Growing and LIFE on this farm. The knowledge and experience is bar none Fantastic! Can't wait for that Dave!


So let's take the Dept. of Education, shall we? Back in the seventies every state had their own department of "Education", right? Then under the Carter Administration an effort was pushed through to standardize curriculum, material, testing, etc. Thusly, this huuuuge "Department of Education" was created by then president Carter. Of course tax dollars are used to finance said department. Over the decades, the Department of Education has grown in size, power, and influence...and to what end? Statistics have proven that our scholastic standing on a global stage has declined. We've fallen behind in mathematics and science with no end in sight.

Next up...let's discuss the HMO Act of 1973 and how medical costs have skyrocketed since then. Here's a bit of interesting info...Back in 1960, a woman could go into a hospital, deliver a baby, spend 2 days in the hospital and out of pocket was around $900 dollars....ADJUSTED FOR TODAY! WTF??? When my son was born in 1985 I think the bill was something to the tune of $12,000 dollars!

Gotta go knock out some miles on the treadmill now...Be back soon. :)
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