Thinking of moving out to Eugene.

  • Thread starter bevin
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Hey all! The family and I are thinking about moving out to Eugene, whats the medical scene like out there? I am in CO have been a red card holder for 5 years now and have been growing since I was 15/16 on and off, as of the last few years I have been harvesting at least 4/5 times a year out here. So I an wandering what its like out there, are there dispensery's or is it all private caregivers? Please some one let me know.. Thank you all and Happy Growing


I haven't lived in Eugene, but been there a few times, I didnt know of any dispensaries, infact I dont think they have those there, They have some compassion clinics but dispensaries not allowed. There's a club pit bull I think franchised type "dispensaries" I checked the site and said shod be one opening soon.

Lots of cool folks in Oregon, Lots of Herb too. I'd love to go back to Oregon, Really Nice place!


Well id want to go out there and caregive, I have 1 dispencery i like here is CO thats pretty much it.


Its all private caregivers in Eugene. 4 card max, 6 flowering plants per card. There is a few good local hydro shops that are willing to order most anything you need, and they give 25% member discounts on all supplies. The market is crazy low... one of the lowest in the country, so you'll have to be competitive. Law enforcement is really laid back as well. Let me know if you have anymore questions... Good luck with the move!


its only 4 huh, i read that there wasnt a cap on how may people to you can caregive for. I have an upped plant count 18 in all for eatables do theyor will the dr's there do an upped plant count. We were actually thinking of opening a soil and hydro shop if we manage to get out there. are there alot of shops there? Also what are the people like out there I've heard that there is a bad meth problem out there. any how were thinking of moving to eugene or south from there.
Also is there any talk of dispencerys opening up there


a.) There is definitely a cap on how many cards one grower can have, and there are also laws that specify that growers cannot combine gardens to exceed more than the designated 24 maximum flowering plants per garden. (ie. you and your spouse cannot have 8 cards between you and grow them all in one location.)
b.) There is no possibility that any MD can prescribe a patient more than the 6 mature plants per card, regardless of the intended purposes.
c.) There are currently 4 hydro shops in the Eugene/ Springfield area. They all sell their own teas, and 2 stores (under one company) manufacture their own organic nutrient and soil line. That company is called Oregon's Only Organics if you would like to research the potential competition. My opinion is that you will have a difficult time establishing another hydro shop here in Eugene/ Springfield, but obviously without knowing you and your business model makes it pretty hard to predict how successful another hydro shop would be. I can say that there are no hydro shops to my knowledge that are south of here, so that could be a good place to stake your claim. The downside to that is the population is much lower in southern Oregon, therefore, there will be less potential customers, but you should be the only local supplier for the area so that will ensure some business for you. Another downside is that southern Oregon is pretty anti-pot, so law enforcement could be an issue.
d.) People in Eugene are really laid back, comprised mostly hippie types and college students. Its a super liberal place, and if you are moving from Denver then you should find yourself at home here. I wouldn't say that there is a bad meth problem in Eugene. It exists, but I've lived in places with a much more severe problem. Springfield (which is adjacent to Eugene, separated by a river) has a lot bigger problem with it. Southern Oregon also has some meth issues as well. It is all rural communities down there, so meth problems should be expected.
e.) Dispensaries are few and far between. There are no true brick and mortar dispensaries in Eugene, and I even think that the city has a ban on them. I know at least that the city voted them down within the past 2 years. There is a collective center here that will connect patients with growers and help them get their medicine, but they do not operate the same way as dispensaries in CO do. Not really sure about the rest of Oregon. I hear that there is a true dispensary on the coast, but I've never been there. It is more likely that Oregon will legalize recreational MMJ before any new legislature allowing for dispensaries passes. I expect that legalization will happen, then the Oregon Liquor Control will implement state run MMJ stores. I don't think that setting up dispensaries only for OMMP patients is currently a priority for legislators. They are working to open MMJ stores for everyone. After that is complete, I expect that medical dispensaries will follow soon after. There is a lot of different lobbyists working on getting MMJ legally into the hands of consumers, and they are chipping away at prohibition laws from all angles. The situation is very fluid right now, so it makes predicting how this will unfold very difficult. With that being said, it goes undisputed that the legal MMJ boon in Oregon is approaching its debut.
Oregon Panda

Oregon Panda

a.) There is definitely a cap on how many cards one grower can have, and there are also laws that specify that growers cannot combine gardens to exceed more than the designated 24 maximum flowering plants per garden. (ie. you and your spouse cannot have 8 cards between you and grow them all in one location.)

This simply isn't the case. Any number of growers per address. They are trying to change it to 3 growers per property right now (HB3460), but as it is, there is no such limitation.


Qregon Panda: what can yo tell me. please enlighten me on your thoughts of eugene and south


we are heading out to eugene on the 27th and staying til the following weekend. Goin to check out the job scene aND SOME HOUSES
Oregon Panda

Oregon Panda

The further south, the better the growing and more sparse the population, but perhaps more zealous the law enforcement. The further north, the shorter the grow season, but more lax the lawmen. Eugene is right in the middle in both aspects, geographically as well. If you have your pedigree you shouldn't have trouble finding a job in such a populated market. Nothing is "for profit" here on paper, the house bill I mentioned before looks to change that as well.


Having grown in Southern Oregon (Medford area), I can say - Stay away! Jackson County is run by by over 400 gun-toting hardcore drug warriors. I'm so glad that I don't live there anymore. It's too bad, too. You'll see 15-pound-plus plants outside there.

Current law allow each patient's grower to flower six and hold 18 immature seedlings. Dried, ready-to-use medicine is limited to 1.5 pounds per patient. Each person is limited to growing for no more than four patients, but there's no limit on the number of growers at a specific address. HOWEVER . . .

If you grow over 99 plants, expect local law enforcement to ignore the law and come and steal your patients' medicine. Your best bet is to locate in the Portland area, where medical grows aren't considered terrorist activities like in the south or around Springfield/Eugene area. The Willamette Valley's not the best outdoor growing environment like in the south's famous Emerald Triangle, extending into Humboldt County in northern California.

Good luck and be safe. I'm never going back there because I found Jackson County to be more fascist than Idaho or Texas, where I've also lived.


So we went to Eugene and checked it out. I think we will be moving to the Grants Pass/Williams area. We found a few properties, now were just trying to see if we can get the financing. I loved it in southern Oregon It was so great in the whole state. And GREEN!! I love how it smells there. Thank you Oregon we will see you again soon. I'm posted on the outdoor grow forum if you guys wanna check out what going on here in CO. We also went to Florence it was great to see the ocean again.


Keep your plant counts well under 100 or expect harvesters with handcuffs. You'll get plenty of aerial attention, so plant counts will be checked. Be safe.


Yeah I dont need that many plants. my card limit would be just fine. both me and my wife would get our cards


Were is the cheapest dr in Oregon to get card through. I spend 200 a year for me and my wife here in CO thats dr visit and state fee


Best service and most professional is Ashland Alternative Health in Ashland. Once you factor in the costs and runaround, it's the best.


Watch out, the clubs in southern Oregon got hit yesterday, more coming, they even got that idiot Lori Duckworth., the head of SONORML, they been selling of all people, fiddy dollar eights, lmfao, what a bunch of idiots, Theres the movement in oregon for ya, lol Two year investigation, the state gave the feds the registry list last november, here we go, lol. All you processing extra or selling extra folks, get prepared and I also hear the NORML backed Greenery in Ashland is in cahoots, is that why they changed their software for patients to include all personal info on their computer?

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