Thinking of moving out to Eugene.

  • Thread starter bevin
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Watch out, the clubs in southern Oregon got hit yesterday, more coming, they even got that idiot Lori Duckworth., the head of SONORML, they been selling of all people, fiddy dollar eights, lmfao, what a bunch of idiots, Theres the movement in oregon for ya, lol Two year investigation, the state gave the feds the registry list last november, here we go, lol. All you processing extra or selling extra folks, get prepared and I also hear the NORML backed Greenery in Ashland is in cahoots, is that why they changed their software for patients to include all personal info on their computer?


They didn't give the feds a patient list. I was the initial analyst of the state's use of the registry data. Lots and lots of irresponsible use of private information, but all by municipality or county law enforcement.

NORML's involved in The Greenery? I know the four who started that operation, and they've no NORML affiliation. Why do you assert that' CCB?

If you bothered to read the story, you would see this crackdown was led by the Medford Police Chief. He's no authority over the Greenery as it is located 19 miles and three towns away (Ashland).


the employees have stated it, so it may not be true, they may have just been mouthing. But why does the Greenery need all your drivers license, state id info and such when you use their shop? And nicely and neatly entered into an easily accessable database? Why do all the other shops not keep written records, they just verify you are a current card holder?

A federal search warrant forced the state of Oregon to turn over some medical marijuana records, the Seattle Post-Intelligencer is reporting.

The state, which administers and keeps all records of medical marijuana users, tries to keep card holders' identities private, the online paper says.

Since pot is still illegal federally, medical users are afraid they may face some retribution. But the feds say that medical marijuana growers are also selling their bud on the black market.

From the story:

The warrant was executed in November of last year against the Oregon Medical marijuana Program, the state agency that administers the Oregon Medical marijuana Act, voted into law in 1998.

As part of an investigation into growers in Oregon suspected of dealing on the black market (the PI doesn’t name suspects in investigations unless they have been charged with a crime), a special agent with the Drug Enforcement Administration obtained the warrant to aid in his investigation.

“I know that in order to effectively pursue this investigation,” wrote special agent Michael Gutensohn in his application for the warrant, “I need to investigate each of the patients, growers and caregivers associated with” names discovered in the investigation.

“I have probable cause to believe that records from the Oregon Medical marijuana Program will contain evidence and instrumentalities of marijuana manufacturing and trafficking and conspiracy to commit marijuana manufacturing and trafficking offenses,” he wrote. __________________


Im sure they stated that warrant was for a few people, wanna place odds they got a look at everyone on the list and prolly made their own list? Especially those huge numbered caregivers, and maxed out growers and spots. JMHO Make your own mind up, for sure.


There's no global access allowed. It is specifically designed to prevent this. It is being overly used by local police, not feds.


And I stupidly forgot to say thanks to CCB for responding to my question. Thanks, dude!


Always wish you well Sir Dr and Missus. You are one of three bright spots only seen in the last three years, lol. My bitterness of life does reach to you, I promise. Yall are nothing but good karma, imo.


I dont live in OR but I read that in some places in eastern OR the police are so underfunded they no longer respond to lots of calls. Some woman called that her ex bf was stalking her house, they told her to handle it herself and he ended up breaking in and killing her. So there's that.


I dont live in OR but I read that in some places in eastern OR the police are so underfunded they no longer respond to lots of calls. Some woman called that her ex bf was stalking her house, they told her to handle it herself and he ended up breaking in and killing her. So there's that.
This incedent happened the same day that the Medford police agencies were conducting the raids on the dispensaries. The reason no law enforcement was able to respond is because all the officers were busy with the raids. Very sad case of how the war on drugs newest victim is another innocent person. The dispatch officer actually told this lady that no officers were available and to just ask the stalker to go away. This lady had a history with this person who was her ex, who had a history of domestic violence. If the 78 officers it took to conduct the raid were doing real police work this would have never happened.


Bevin, your choice of location is pretty good. Stay out of Jackson county though, the sheriff is very anti pot and will disregard Oregon pot laws any chance he gets. Josephine county is great though, which is where Williams is located. There are tons of grow shops in the area however. Hit me up I am very familiar with the area and know lots of good peeps out here


This incedent happened the same day that the Medford police agencies were conducting the raids on the dispensaries. The reason no law enforcement was able to respond is because all the officers were busy with the raids. Very sad case of how the war on drugs newest victim is another innocent person. The dispatch officer actually told this lady that no officers were available and to just ask the stalker to go away. This lady had a history with this person who was her ex, who had a history of domestic violence. If the 78 officers it took to conduct the raid were doing real police work this would have never happened.

Oh god that is unforgivable. Goddamn cops wasting their time on a PLANT, leads to the rape and murder of a woman. That's the war on drugs for you!


Lori Duckworth is not an idiot. She has worked hard to help the patients in S. Oregon and help legalize marijuana. Rumor was someone turned SONORML in for charging too much money for meds. I did not see or hear anyone complaining. No doubt, they must have broken a law or two but there is no place now for many patients to get their meds. They charged enough to pay the rent and enough that patients weren't reselling it on the streets.
Josephine county has TWO sheriffs deputies. The people would not pay about $14 a year more to have normal coverage. They call Grants Pass, "Grantstucky".


Sorry to poke at the zombie, but things have changed and this info is outdated and came up today when I did a google search. Eugene now has medical dispensaries. Most are owned by the same partners, but I haven't seen any price gauging yet. Probably because the market is so huge here. $25 1/8ths and $150 / oz. are about right, top shelf up to $60 per 1/8th. Cops here ARE NOT laid back, they're some of the worst I've ever encountered. Eugene has the lowest police officer:citizen ratio of any city over 100,000 people in the country, I'm sure that has something to do with it. Because they are so understaffed, marijuana crimes are not a priority for them (by city council policy), but they are definitely not chill. I wouldn't even say good morning to a cop, best to avoid their attention altogether.

Any event, eugene is a pretty cool town as long as you like your towns mellow, laid back, and without much going on.
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