Thrip treatment

  • Thread starter Trillion
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I have 3 three week old spacecheeze grown from seed under 110w fluorescent tubes. About a week ago i noticed small white spots start to appear on some of the leaves and now whole sections of leaf have been eaten away, like around 2cm squared areas. When i disturb the plants small white specks fly around. I've ordered some pest strips and neem and also h2o2 to fully clean the area.

My question is is that in the mean time i have made a tea of 1 cigarette worth tobacco, 2 cloves minced garlic, squeeze of lemon juice and teaspoon of olive oil diluted with 500ml water. Will this burn my plants? Should i wait for the neem/dilute more?

Help me farmers!

Jalisco Kid

If it is thrips neem oil will not do you much good. Spinosad , not sure of the spelling but its close I hear works well on them. I never seen a thrip but I thought they were a silver grey color. Get some blue sticky strips, thrips are partial to blue. JK


Some beneficial soil nematodes will work wonders for you .. ;)


Yo Trillion, I use don't bug me spray by fox farms for thrips, its like nerve gas, that shit will kill them fucks.. Its pyrethrum spray which is derived from chrysanthemum flowers, so it can be applied up to the day of harvest. Just don't use it under HID's it will burn your plants, make sure to keep lights far away when spraying this stuff. Another thing is maintain your Humidity @ 40-45% and temps in the 70 - 80, you won't get these fuckers in the first place. They love warm and humid conditions..

Dr Herbal

the thing with most spays is thrips build a tollerence trust me bin using loads of different sprays. Most natural sprays are contact killer in other words will only kill the thrip if you spray the little bugger, i would go for natural predetors one off payment and they last until your problem has gone. I gotta say unitedgrooves ive had thrips a few time and never notice any difference when i lowerd or raise the temps or humidity seem to me what ever a persons enviroment if thrips get in there gonna stay in, just what ive noticed in my grow room not have a go or anything just my imput :)


In my experience natural bugs are good for as a preventive measure, but if your garden is infested you need to bust out the spray, once there in its hard to get them out. I use FF spray once/twice a week after spotting one (before your leaves get damaged) and I don't see those little buggers for weeks, unless my temps & humid jump up, but If I keep them low they don't return, you just gotta catch it early . I run a sealed room set up so that helps alot, you just gotta keep your environment clean.. I only had to fight them in my veg room, I make sure everything is bug free before they go in the sealed room for flower.

Dr Herbal

After doin a little reading iam gona say that i agree with you the natural bug are good for preventive measure. But all the sprays ive use all failed ive never seen any fox farm products is that us only? i all ways have high humidity in veg and flower plants love it humid plus that keeps spider mite away which is a far worse thing to get in my view. After speaking to my local grow shop theyve recomended the hotbox sulfume little exspensive at £80 but they garantee its will wipe out infestations in 21-28 days, wether it will wipe them out i dont know grow shops say anything to get you to buy a product so if any one can add some more info to this great peace


Floramite is the bomb. Ussually crazy expensive but there is a buy on ebay who sells 1 oz bottles for $30. Second best, is Spinosad. I use Monteray Garden Insect Spray with crazy good on Thrips!


i personally have been battling thrips for over 3 years ( OUTDOORS) ...and i can proudly say that i have eliminated them with Hot Shot No pest not even jokeing these things are the best in the world in my opinion.


Thanks for the replys everyone. I hit up my plants with my makeshift spray and 24hrs later there is definately a big slow down in the thrips activity but they are still there. I think I'll spray the buggers again and finish them off when my neem comes


I always keep 1 or 2 sets of ladybugs in my fridge during growing season. If anything outbreaks I release a ton of these little varmits and they wipe out everything. Once they are done feasting on their prey and nothing is left they then canibalize each other....yum!

Jalisco Kid

What good will the neem oil do for whats under ground. Read up on their life cycle, they are a bit different. Good luck.
Floromite's a bit of overkill, make sure you really get them the first time around. I have a friend with a mite infestation, did not do a good job the first time around. Now its food for them.
I would have though thrips are too mobile and quick for lady bugs.JK


Einstien oil and benefical nematodes are the way to go !!!!!

Can you be more particular about which nematodes to use and any ideas on where i can get them online. I'm still having a real bastard of a time getting rid of the thrips...

Bio Kid

I agree eintstien is the shit........some really good cold pressed neem they have there...Any you all try soil drench with neem or something similar? Anyone heard of go nats? I've soil drenched with gonats plenty of times and had good results battling thrips and gnats at the same time before. Also noticed they seem to like when the temps r up....hope you get this under control....



I've ordered these from amazon, Steinernema feltiae are the species of nematodes. Will they work for thrips?

Did they work? I'd love to know.

I've been battling thrips for two cycles now, see my thread advanced techniques and problems

I have used Organocide (contains pyretrins and oils), Doktor Doom foggers, and finally chemical bifenthrin or something foggers. Even the chemical foggers didn't totally knock them out.

Someone on here (charles xavier I believe) recomended spinosad, and thats what I went with. I have not yet applied because I'm leery of spraying in flower - though he stated (and so does the bottle) it is safe until a day before harvest, so I don't know, should be.

Good luck with your thrips, I'll need some with mine.
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