Time To Tell The Kids About My Grow Room..pointers?

  • Thread starter gardnguyahoy
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Ok so my lady has three kids 3 7 and 9. This morning i find out they apparently told their dad that my office is a grow room, that i grow plants in there, and then that he shouldnt smoke cigarettes anymore that he should smoke out of pipes like "gardenguy" and mommy do IN FRONT OF THEIR GRANDMA !!!

So tonight im going to sit the 7 and 9 year old down and tell them the truth. Im gonna explain to them that i grow medicine (im in a legal state and within my plant count) thats contrversial, its legal for me to have but if they tell someone who disagrees they could get taken away from us.

The dad is in no position to take them, and he doesnt mind, hes just afraid that if they blurt that shit out to the wrong people were gonna catch some strife.

Any suggestions on how i talk to them? How i tell them this, what i say? Any ideas where i stand with the law in this situation? (im in california) any and all suggestions would really help me wrap my mind around how to explain this to two very smart kids under the age of 10

@Seamaiden you suggested some good things before and i tried to track it down, couldnt for the life of me remember where you told me about how you handled that sitch

Thanks guys and gals!


tell em the truth bro,and try to explain that not everyone is in favor of mmj being a medicine.i just dealt with this a while back with my grandkid and i explained how family matters are private and to keep it within the family.you'll figure out what works for your kids.


9 is easier to explain it to than 7, hope they can keep a secret
I would just explain that it is a plant and some people would take them away and other people might hurt them if they found out about it. Just because it is legal doesnt mean people need to know you grow it. There are very bad people out there that would harm you and your family if they thought you had big amounts of it or money. I would say that would be the most important point, DONT TELL ANYONE, and if someone asks them just tell them they dont have to answer any questions, they dont know what you do or watch you do it hopefully so just tell them if anyone asks for them to just say they dont know because that is the truth.


I was told by my child's therapist that this conversation is too much for a child to handle..
My child was a young adult at the time.. I believe when I told them they were 10 and 7..

I would do things different today given the chance..


Time to teach the concept of "a family secret."

Best of luck.
It sounds like the cat is out of the bag already and now it's time to go into cya mode. Seeing that you are in a legal state and you're following all rules I would do as @ShroomKing suggested and teach them all about family secrets.

Think of something that each of them are embarrassed about to use as an example. Say "you know how you're 9 and still shit your pants? Well my grow is the same way it really embarrasses me and I wouldn't want you to tell any one about it. Just how we don't tell your whole class you still shit your pants 3 times a week" find an example and explain it to them like that.

Also this is much better than having your 7 year old niece break into your office where your grow is in a non med state and start askin questions... Needless to say I will no longer be living with my brother as of February 2016 lol

Good luck with your situation I can def feel for you!


I had the same conversation,but my daughter was 13/14 yrs old. Her Oma " grandmother" lives in Amsterdam so I brought that up ,and how it's legal there but not here. And how other states are now making it Legal/medicinal but it's not either Here.. And how she could be taken from us if the wronge person found out.
It all comes down to the kids to be honest. Are you truthful with them about everything? I've always been str8 up with my daughter,I like having her come to us for anything. So again it's all on how your kids can understand secrets!!

I must say I was growing in the room next to hers and had to stop when she came home from school and said people were telling her she smelled like weed. I was like" how the hell do they know what it smells like.. But I was smoking when I was 13/14 yrs of age. So that's had to stop,and be moved..
Good luck my friend.


Premium Gardener
I don't know what state you're in, but in CO. You can have kids, grow weed, and not go to Jail or have your kids taken. Keep the door to the grow locked!

I don't have kids but my neighbor and grow partner has 3. He's been honest with them. We don't smoke around them or trim around them. They keep asking where all the skunks are coming from.

In a legal state I think you're best bet is to understand the laws and the 'dos and donts' and be honest.

A friend was in the middle of trimming and harvest and he got a call from his daughters elementary school principal. Her backpack remakes of weed but she didn't have any on her. Dad explained he was a caregiver and in the middle of harvest which makes everything smell. The principal left it at that!



Mafia kids gotta learn about "family secrets " early on.i like the shit analogy lol.but i do think some level of normal needs to be part of it.if you go off on them and start saying shit like social services will take them away or people will rob you or break in,you could have bad results by making the kids feel unsafe at home.they could develope sleep disorders and worse shit.so just dont go gangsta on em ya know.


Thanks everyone, this is all great advice. I feel like some folks might find this thread informative if theyre in the same position as me so lets keep it rollin with the personal experience yo.

Im always honest with them, as honest as can be. Except with my grow room. Theyve asked about it before and i told them id explain it when they were older. Which im sure peaked their curiosity even more. Shouldnta said that looking back on things.

I honestly dont keep it locked most the time, but i will start now. Any advice on the legal standpoints for a card carryin californian would be appreciated!



Mafia kids gotta learn about "family secrets " early on.i like the shit analogy lol.but i do think some level of normal needs to be part of it.if you go off on them and start saying shit like social services will take them away or people will rob you or break in,you could have bad results by making the kids feel unsafe at home.they could develope sleep disorders and worse shit.so just dont go gangsta on em ya know.
I hear you, sound advice, i appreciate it brotha. I dunno if you guys remember being 7 or 9 but scaring them doesnt seem like a good option lol


Bro when i was 10 my best friends big bro was a major dealer.we stole roachs from his ashtray and lit them off the pilot light in the furnace.at 10 lol,i new what the smell was at prolly 8 all my older siblings partied hard.


Bro when i was 10 my best friends big bro was a major dealer.we stole roachs from his ashtray and lit them off the pilot light in the furnace.at 10 lol,i new what the smell was at prolly 8 all my older siblings partied hard.
Yeah my brother is 3 yrs the older ,so I hung out with his friends mostly..when I was 12/13 they were 16 already doing it all. I started smoking cigs around the same time. Thankfully I haven't had a cig in 10 yrs or a drink in 13 yrs. I used to love them both (well drinking really) way toooooo much.


Lmao them saying that shit in front of their grandma gardenguy,they deserve an ice cream for that.
Nowadays i have grandkids,4 and 7 around occasionally so i built a shop not even connected to my house,All they know is grandpas in the shop and no ones allowed in there,lol.
When my kids were little is when the D.A.R.E. programs first started,that was a real bitch,cops asking your kids questions in school!Luckily we got through it,you will too.


Lmao them saying that shit in front of their grandma gardenguy,they deserve an ice cream for that.
Nowadays i have grandkids,4 and 7 around occasionally so i built a shop not even connected to my house,All they know is grandpas in the shop and no ones allowed in there,lol.
When my kids were little is when the D.A.R.E. programs first started,that was a real bitch,cops asking your kids questions in school!Luckily we got through it,you will too.

I did buy them an Ice cream matter of fact lol.

I am very nervous about dare influencing them.


My Kids are 10/7/5/2..they all know about it and when the first knew they didn't really care...it was just another plant in the garden...My boys just went through D.A.R.E..........they don't really Talk about Cannabis....No Smoking...No Drinking...dont let anyone influence you into doing anything that you don't want to do... They just told them that cannabis is a medicine and that they need to be careful because people make brownies and cookies and candy that is made with Cannabis and that Kids are in the ER all the time because they pick up something like that and eat it not knowing what it is...

My boys know that I am a Vet and that i have pains...they know that my cannabis is a medicine just like Rosemary and Oregano.....they don't even bother with it...but when they found out what it was....I just told them that it is legal for me to have it but don't tell anyone because people are bad in this world and we don't want anyone coming into our yard to try to steal anything.....they were pretty cool about it... I just explained that at one time it was highly illegal and people made lots of money on it and also went to jail and or died over it but now I can use it for medicine but there are still people that want to make money off it so no one can know I have it
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