Tired of trainwrecking other peoples threads? Well then, come party at the captains! Trainwreck this thread with…….trains? Anything goes here……….

  • Thread starter Captspaulding
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“The wheat 100”

Slow down zeke!

Whoa we have a certified barn raiser folks,
Oh, the leader has stopped to fix a broken 2x4 on the outer rail? So like jebadiah to rub it in everyone’s face. 😛👊🏻🤡
I wonder if they had to give up the trophy and medal before they went home, no jewelry allowed back at the parish 🤣


Variety is the spice of life, that’s why I shop at the dispensary and the seed companies at the same time. I’m on the never ending quest to find something new or rediscover something old (nothing wrong with getting back to the routes of all these hybrids). I hope that I never find the one ☝🏽. Cannabis is kinda like a river, in that it’s constantly changing and it’s never the same strain “for me” day after day. Always different and always enjoyable. View attachment 2164634
theres no such thing as "the 1" when it comes to cannabis plants. At least not until i discover a sativa dominant *perennial* cannabis plant capable of growing back starting where it left off after fall harvest, testing over 30%, and gives zero anxiety if smoked on too heavily by a neurotic individual such as my self.

And once i spend a couple weeks or so smoking on it, Im going to want something else, anything else. 🫠 🙄
F1's ftw lmao.

I ordered some off amazon once and i got atleast 3/4 of them were alive. I pretty much blast chemicals now. Fuck it. Its either smoke them or eat them anymore.
ive used lady bugs before.

These days i just use a pyrethrin/permethrin concentrate to make some spray with RO water in a pump sprayer. And i hit my girlies once a week or so and stop once they start to go into flower. Neem oil causes scorching if sunlight hits it on a leaf outside. Ladybugs disperse, and every other easily obtainable pesticide is highly toxic to largely all known complex life in one form or another lol. I like me chrysanthemum extracts. Ive had lots of people try to tell me it ruins flower or makes it give them headaches and stuff too. The only people who ever had that opinion of my flower though, that it gave headaches because of pyrethrin use" were the people who never actually tried my flower because they felt they knew better. It is funny though, when people feel safer buying some bag from a sketchy drug dealer where you dont even know what the strain is or where it came from or how it was grown, then they would direct from a grower. To me this is absurd, but to many it somehow makes sense.

For most resolving the headache thing is truly as simple as: Stop holding your breath on ever single hit when you're trying a new strain, thats not a very smart thing to do. if you sit there and do that without smoke in your lungs over the course of 10-20 mins, and youll probably still end up with the very same headache.

Thc is also a vascular dilator. Most headaches are a result of vascular dilation in the vessels feeding blood to the brain. Use your critical thinking cap here.... Headaches are a common side effect of THC itself. It's just the chemistry of the substance. There's no reason to look for things to blame a headache on just because you are biased toward THC as a compound/substance lol.
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theres no such thing as "the 1" when it comes to cannabis plants. At least not until i discover a sativa dominant *perennial* cannabis plant capable of growing back starting where it left off after fall harvest, testing over 30%, and gives zero anxiety if smoked on too heavily by a neurotic individual such as my self.

And once i spend a couple weeks or so smoking on it, Im going to want something else, anything else. 🫠 🙄
F1's ftw lmao.
True story. It's easy for me to number a few that I can not get my hands on like #1Super Glue, #2 NL1, actually a very close 1&2 for me😉 I was able to buy the SG at an illegal dispensary I followed to 3 different locations many years ago🤣 It was grown by local legal company 20-30 minute drive south of me. The shit was special. NL#1 or possibly #2 (there were no #'s back then) was available here or at least to me on the black market mid 80's and was my #1 for 3 decades. Haven't had it for at least 5-6 years and never grew it. Someday maybe but too much going on with what I got.

All that (Jeeze!) just to say how many times through the decades I'd grow 1-3 stealth plants and after 2-3 months of smoking only that I'd of killed for mex seed weed and everyone was dry🤣

Even though I haven't been in years I'm really glad we've got dispensaries so something is always available😉


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
Good morning homies humans farmers,
Crap weather today.
gonna do some defol on a bunch of overdue plants
All this talk about ai concerning the takeover of jobs, I could use a couple of Johnny 5 units, I have no problem getting my Gutenberg on. 🤣🤖🦾

This peaceful cookies in a 1g is showing its teeth. Badass genetics @dreamnfox 🦊🦊🦊
IMG 4901
IMG 4902
IMG 4899
IMG 4891
IMG 9840


True story. It's easy for me to number a few that I can not get my hands on like #1Super Glue, #2 NL1, actually a very close 1&2 for me😉 I was able to buy the SG at an illegal dispensary I followed to 3 different locations many years ago🤣 It was grown by local legal company 20-30 minute drive south of me. The shit was special. NL#1 or possibly #2 (there were no #'s back then) was available here or at least to me on the black market mid 80's and was my #1 for 3 decades. Haven't had it for at least 5-6 years and never grew it. Someday maybe but too much going on with what I got.

All that (Jeeze!) just to say how many times through the decades I'd grow 1-3 stealth plants and after 2-3 months of smoking only that I'd of killed for mex seed weed and everyone was dry🤣

Even though I haven't been in years I'm really glad we've got dispensaries so something is always available😉
My old glue dream cookies, we ended up naming it moonsocket. seed mother to two of my genepools.

Closest thing to a perfect plant ive ever grown. Excellent yield, excellent quality, unique structure and very unique terp profile. Never once tested under 30%, but had a creeps up on ya high, so it never rattled anxiety out of anyone. Would feel a fat fab instantly, but styaed creeping up on ya for a good 10-15 mins. But it also didnt have a cieling. Could keep smoking and keep getting higher if you wanted to. It was even effortless to trim. About 3 mins per coloa the bud/leaf ratio was so good. Cloned like bamboo and you could even make long term mother plants from clones of it. Consistently the highest quality cannabis i could get ahold of for a couple years straight. I didn't like how lanky it liked to grow though. No matter what you did, you had to tie up all the buds in flower. Couldn't hold itself up at all. Would flop by week 4 flower if you didnt. Besides the "have to tie the buds up" issue, it was truly a perfect plant. You could murder the thing intentionally 4-5 weeks into flower and it would just crisp away and die. Wouldn't ever under any circumstances hermie on you, no matter what you did. That trait just wasn't in the plant. You could even bounce your light schedule around. No nanners.

Id still find myself getting bored of the flower/dabs after a week or so, and start switching things up.
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Can you out GRAV The Gravmaster???
Proof of life!!!!

Boy o boy...brother from another mother needed help... then new employee quit on me... been working myself ragged... just got someone new trained and finally catching up on some well needed rest.... my grow youngest plants has been suffering horribly... they look how I feel and look.... Banner 2 and Urkle are half way thru flower.... the no love grow is working well for these 2....

Lsd ended up being male and no quarantine space... that's how bad I'm not paying attention... just noticed it was male today....

Fucking incredible needs to be flipped but with now 4 plants suffering and that in mix it will be ok harvest...

Oh and no vehicle to get soil..
My boss usually drops me soil but work been busy for all stores... im just getting screwed all around... nit blaming boss at all!!!! Just dumb bad luck... they going right into 7 gals as soon as soil in my hands!!!

My trademark truck bed has come to an ending🤣😭... but it is still in use!!!! Gave to gf for her outdoor garden!!!!
20240418 125249
20240505 112744
20240505 112655
20240505 104422
20240505 104426
20240505 110904
20240502 205241
20240502 205258
20240502 205258
20240503 194625
20240503 194628
20240503 194630
20240503 194639


Boy o boy...brother from another mother needed help... then new employee quit on me... been working myself ragged... just got someone new trained and finally catching up on some well needed rest.... my grow youngest plants has been suffering horribly... they look how I feel and look.... Banner 2 and Urkle are half way thru flower.... the no love grow is working well for these 2....

Lsd ended up being male and no quarantine space... that's how bad I'm not paying attention... just noticed it was male today....

Fucking incredible needs to be flipped but with now 4 plants suffering and that in mix it will be ok harvest...

My trademark truck bed has come to an ending🤣😭... but it is still in use!!!! Gave to gf for her outdoor garden!!!!
Welcome back! Some of us are getting ready for the outdoor season.


Can you out GRAV The Gravmaster???
Ya it's been a long couple of months my friends... I need my online community!!!! Everytime I went to start something on here I would just fall asleep....over worked but APPRECIATED at my normal day job!!! Can't wait to see your progress this season coming


Good morning homies humans farmers,
Crap weather today.
gonna do some defol on a bunch of overdue plants
All this talk about ai concerning the takeover of jobs, I could use a couple of Johnny 5 units, I have no problem getting my Gutenberg on. 🤣🤖🦾

This peaceful cookies in a 1g is showing its teeth. Badass genetics @dreamnfox 🦊🦊🦊
I think I mentioned I had close to 100 going once upon a time and saw this
20220311 095717

some 46 or so then another dozen
20220311 093950

50-100 same difference, TOO MUCH WORK!🤣

I've got 32 cuts in my hot box awaiting roots and I'll thin those out to 4 GDP, 4 BBHP and 10-12 Cherry Wine hemp, if the planets align😉


I think I mentioned I had close to 100 going once upon a time and saw this
View attachment 2164888
some 46 or so then another dozen
View attachment 2164890
50-100 same difference, TOO MUCH WORK!🤣

I've got 32 cuts in my hot box awaiting roots and I'll thin those out to 4 GDP, 4 BBHP and 10-12 Cherry Wine hemp, if the planets align😉
EDIT: Oh shit, add in 8 from seed and I just planted 10 more. Shit shit shit. It's a fking disease🤣🤣🤣
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