Tired of trainwrecking other peoples threads? Well then, come party at the captains! Trainwreck this thread with…….trains? Anything goes here……….

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What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
Man it aint my day, i just got assaulted by about 50 tiny ass ticks just walking across my back yard. Deer tick sized dicks. But different.

Looked em up, is something called an asian longhorn tick, new invasive species, yay.

Read you can find up to 10 of them *per blade of grass* in some places, and they have literally swarmed and killed adult cows and horses.

Why im not finding out about these things til i pull dozens off me over a 5 minute period is beyond me.

"Dont usually bite people" my ass.... Like 6 were latching on already.

Aint had the heebie jeebies like this in a while... Apparently they can reproduce asexually at far faster rates then normal ticks too 😶 Also, they can can run as well, very zippy little bastards
Walked in the rough at a golf coarse here by the time I was out, there was any army scurrying up my pants. Still freaks me out


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
Aye there homies and farmers.
I try to repost this from time to time,
It’s not that im schilling, it’s just that I think a forum this cool. With endless info on everything you can think of, it deserves all the support we can, y’all are awesome.
We have a spot to be ridiculous as well as share in the knowledge and love for the medicine we grow. If you could why the hell not?

If you cant atm? Kill it with fire! I totally understand with bean prices skyrocketing.
If you hadn’t noticed. I really like beans man.



Is that you Jesus
If you don't meet cats, you've been screwed over.

Nah, I don't know. But I meet different cat-animals on DMT. Since my virgin voyage I have gotten 4 cats and I dream about cats all the time. Freckin 16 years now.

I never hated cats 🤷 But I had nowhere near this affection for them. Also heard I might have a worm in my brain like that guy in Poltergeist. If that worm is up there he is as stoned as me, so he's probably just hanging out, having inner dialogs about the moon being hollow or some stupid shit.

Yeah, DMT and cats. I've heard about many who meets cats and big cats 🤷


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
If you don't meet cats, you've been screwed over.

Nah, I don't know. But I meet different cat-animals on DMT. Since my virgin voyage I have gotten 4 cats and I dream about cats all the time. Freckin 16 years now.

I never hated cats 🤷 But I had nowhere near this affection for them. Also heard I might have a worm in my brain like that guy in Poltergeist. If that worm is up there he is as stoned as me, so he's probably just hanging out, having inner dialogs about the moon being hollow or some stupid shit.

Yeah, DMT and cats. I've heard about many who meets cats and big cats 🤷
Toucans that tumble and Aztec homies that throw glitters bombs of awesome. I thank them while I’m in, Birds Eye view of my pineal glands momentary masterpiece. Love that stuff.


Scale of 1 to ten
PXL 20240424 215501490


What's happening to me what's happening to me what's happening to me what's happening to me
life becomes life becomes life becomes life becomes life becomes life....

But nah i just took a germaphobe style shower straight up. They were getting into my shoes and other unwanted places.

Im thinking about maybe retiring the kholer command for a damn flamethrower now.

Yea im intentionally not posting picture. If you google these things youll see dead cows covered and stuff. If they get on you, immediately recognizable as not right. They move fast, faster then any other ticks ive seen too. Usually tiks are wobbly and clumsy, even the tiny deer ticks. These guys aren't clumsy (gals i guess, apparently no males have been found making them the only known asexually reproducing arachnid) They went straight for the inside of my shoes and my pubes 👿 I could feel them as they got on me very easily and they move well enough through hair to be a PITA to grab. Theyre also even tougher then the usual dog and deer ticks. I cant pinch em, i have to burn em.

So yea apparently we have super ticks in the southeast now. Spreadin west from new jersey towards Wisconsin too according to some quick readings. They dont carry lyme but do carry the spotted fevers and other fun tick sicks.

I have an even half dozen bites. But im also not finding any with "the lint roller trick" now but the suns going down (Go roll a lint roller through the grass and you can figure out where they are most numerous apparently)

I dont like this at all, i dint want to have to learn this today, its been a real crap day lmao.


life becomes life becomes life becomes life becomes life becomes life....

But nah i just took a germaphobe style shower straight up. They were getting into my shoes and other unwanted places.

Im thinking about maybe retiring the kholer command for a damn flamethrower now.

Yea im intentionally not posting picture. If you google these things youll see dead cows covered and stuff. If they get on you, immediately recognizable as not right. They move fast, faster then any other ticks ive seen too. Usually tiks are wobbly and clumsy, even the tiny deer ticks. These guys aren't clumsy (gals i guess, apparently no males have been found making them the only known asexually reproducing arachnid) They went straight for the inside of my shoes and my pubes 👿 I could feel them as they got on me very easily and they move well enough through hair to be a PITA to grab. Theyre also even tougher then the usual dog and deer ticks. I cant pinch em, i have to burn em.

So yea apparently we have super ticks in the southeast now. Spreadin west from new jersey towards Wisconsin too according to some quick readings. They dont carry lyme but do carry the spotted fevers and other fun tick sicks.

I have an even half dozen bites. But im also not finding any with "the lint roller trick" now but the suns going down (Go roll a lint roller through the grass and you can figure out where they are most numerous apparently)

I dont like this at all, i dint want to have to learn this today, its been a real crap day lmao.
What's happening to you what's happening to you what's happening to you


I've had to tie someone up with belts to a chair when he was buck naked cuz he was tripped out beyond anything I've ever seen and was trashing my buddies vacation house in Gloucester. Funniest night of my life


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
The capts wax rig tip of the day.

Concerning your method of the flame.
I myself like a culinary torch, gets hotter faster
Now some bangers are made waaaaaay to thick these days, requiring you to lean on that torch more. After a bit of wear and tear on these torches, the flame nozzle can unthread it self where it meats the fuel line fitting, find something that can fit in the dispersal nozzle and righty tightly that homie back in.

My point is. This little thing can lead to air sometimes making it past the gasket, that then get parked in the actual fuel containment. Now for the “hey you fucking awake yet” moment when out of nowhere,
You have a blowtorch and it’s spitting at you like a rattle snake, not going out when you release the trigger. And a hearty 10 inch wand of fire.

Can definitely spook you if you aren’t careful.
But don’t throw that torch out, repair is easy, tighten in the nozzle and hold that trigger until the tank is empty.

Too much air got in the butane air/fuel ratio from the above issues

9/10 wait until it’s room temp and the gasket inside can reseat itself properly. And fill her back up.

I’m awake now btw hahaaha


There was like 15 of us and half were girls that we grew up being friends with and only one had dropped a dose, the rest were only drinking. I never believed lsd could permanently effect someone until that night haha
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