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Did you know that when Chong was busted by the feds he had an involuntary lapse of cannabis consumption, through his release and parole. At which point he came down with cancer. He ended up getting a prescription for medical cannabis and beat his cancer, but at the risk of losing his freedom , again. I often wonder if people who consume cannabis daily are in some way keeping themselves healthy to a certain extent because of the benefits of the plant. View attachment 2178395
Im about to do that pontificating thing again, heads up.

well. Smoking anything is bad for you, it doesn't matter what it is, this isn't debatable either lol. Inhaling the combustion product of a burning plant does more harm then good physiologically. As far as how well your lungs take it, that has more to do with genetics then the act of smoking. My dads 45 years into 2+ packs a day and his lungs are largely fine. My moms 25 years into half a pack a day and has precancerous polyps in her lungs. My mom smokes pot my dad doesnt... You cant actually extrapolate ANY accurate information at all from those observations either. None.

Tommy chong was doing 1:1 thc/cbd enemas IIRC. And imho the medically debatable side is the vaping, edible, and topical side (or i guess enemas lol).

Even with CBD, treating cancer is a lot more complex then just using a substance to alter the growth of cancer cells in a petri dish. It does directly treat the late stage wasting syndromes through apatite stimulation though. But to even have any action in the body thats not near completely inert, CBD has to be in the presence of THC, at the synapses, at the same time.

Hate to be that guy, but although cannabis is incredibly medically useful. Most of the last 20 years of claims have been largely exaggerated. Turkey tail mushrooms and their extracts are actually far more effective cancer treatments reliably then thc or CBD is (not that thc and cbd doesn't help in several ways). So are the antioxidants in naturally brewed green tea.

Cannabis, imho, is best served medically as an adjunct therapy to improve one's own perception of the quality of their own life. And medically, that's one of the most useful substances that could possibly exist. When someone's fighting cancer, simply improving their mood through the day and giving them an apatite is incredibly powerful therapeutically.

There are some things like Epilepsy (the main reason i actually consume cannabis lol)glaucoma, and Chrohn's disease that it does indeed treat directly and very competently though. When it comes to most other ailments, cancer included, it's more of quality of life enhancer, then anything that will directly treat a source of problems or symptoms.

You cant really just put it in your body and expect it to treat the location of the tumors. It isn't a gamma knife. Chong was lucky enough to have his tumors in a location he could literally drown them in everything from turky tail, to green tea, to cannabis enemas, and then some. He's just the most famous stoner of all time, so the cannabis largely gets the credit to him and his fans lol. He also underwent surgery, radiation, and heavy chemo therapy along side this, and no one ever really mentions that either lol. Tommy Chong would have died if all he had used was cannabis enemas. Almost guaranteed.

Hell, cannabis doctors prescribe cannabis for migraine's all the time. It's kinda absurd how unwise that is lol. Cannabis actually exacerbates the main cause of migraines and cluster headaches lol (excessive blood vessell dilation in the brain). The chemical mechanism behind that is very well understood now too. Def a Useful way to get your get out of jail free card though lmao.

Even with pain, there are indeed things that mask pain better then a heavy indica pain relief strain. Things that will mask it FAR more effectively. What cannabis seems to do for me, and my mom where heavy pain is involved, is it *changes the relationship you have to the pain you are experiencing* rather then make it go away, and without being physically addictive. And imho that's a better way to treat pain entirely. You dont end up doing things to hurt yourself more later, like with opiates and nerve blockers, nor do you end up in any sever withdrawal syndromes.

Im not cynical at all toward cannabis' medical usages. But i do like to keep myself realistic, and as firmly planted on the ground as i can. I cross-reference and source check literally everything i can because that's how you accumulate the most accurate information possible.
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Here's another weed case for ya, a funny one. I know of some of these things because my father was a lawyer and federal magistrate judge.

Anyway a man and woman right around 30 go camping in New Mexico. Through certain areas in New Mexico you have beautiful red rocks and mesa's. They are usually accompanied with a sign giving specific warnings. One of the warnings at the base of this one was to be down before sunset. The couple did not heed this instruction and got stuck on top. Choppers had to come in to get them down safely as dessert temps can drop dramatically at night fall. So the couple has over a pound of weed and guns in there possession and naturally being in the early 90's that's a big no no. Well the cop writing the ticket messed up the greater and less than sign and amount, he writes the charge as less than an ounce (dumb ass). So once this is realized in court the man had the balls to ask my father (judge) "can I get my weed and gun back?". Obviously it was denied but gotta love the balls and the humor.


Im about to do that pontificating thing again, heads up.

well. Smoking anything is bad for you, it doesn't matter what it is, this isn't debatable either lol. Inhaling the combustion product of a burning plant does more harm then good physiologically. As far as how well your lungs take it, that has more to do with genetics then the act of smoking. My dads 45 years into 2+ packs a day and his lungs are largely fine. My moms 25 years into half a pack a day and has precancerous polyps in her lungs. My mom smokes pot my dad doesnt... You cant actually extrapolate ANY accurate information at all from those observations either. None.

Tommy chong was doing 1:1 thc/cbd enemas IIRC. And imho the medically debatable side is the vaping, edible, and topical side (or i guess enemas lol).

Even with CBD, treating cancer is a lot more complex then just using a substance to alter the growth of cancer cells in a petri dish. It does directly treat the late stage wasting syndromes through apatite stimulation though. But to even have any action in the body thats not near completely inert, CBD has to be in the presence of THC, at the synapses, at the same time.

Hate to be that guy, but although cannabis is incredibly medically useful. Most of the last 20 years of claims have been largely exaggerated. Turkey tail mushrooms and their extracts are actually far more effective cancer treatments reliably then thc or CBD is (not that thc and cbd doesn't help in several ways). So are the antioxidants in naturally brewed green tea.

Cannabis, imho, is best served medically as an adjunct therapy to improve one's own perception of the quality of their own life. And medically, that's one of the most useful substances that could possibly exist. When someone's fighting cancer, simply improving their mood through the day and giving them an apatite is incredibly powerful therapeutically.

There are some things like Epilepsy (the main reason i actually consume cannabis lol)glaucoma, and Chrohn's disease that it does indeed treat directly and very competently though. When it comes to most other ailments, cancer included, it's more of quality of life enhancer, then anything that will directly treat a source of problems or symptoms.

You cant really just put it in your body and expect it to treat the location of the tumors. It isn't a gamma knife. Chong was lucky enough to have his tumors in a location he could literally drown them in everything from turky tail, to green tea, to cannabis enemas, and then some. He's just the most famous stoner of all time, so the cannabis largely gets the credit to him and his fans lol. He also underwent surgery, radiation, and heavy chemo therapy along side this, and no one ever really mentions that either lol. Tommy Chong would have died if all he had used was cannabis enemas. Almost guaranteed.

Hell, cannabis doctors prescribe cannabis for migraine's all the time. It's kinda absurd how unwise that is lol. Cannabis actually exacerbates the main cause of migraines and cluster headaches lol (excessive blood vessell dilation in the brain). The chemical mechanism behind that is very well understood now too. Def a Useful way to get your get out of jail free card though lmao.

Even with pain, there are indeed things that mask pain better then a heavy indica pain relief strain. Things that will mask it FAR more effectively. What cannabis seems to do for me, and my mom where heavy pain is involved, is it *changes the relationship you have to the pain you are experiencing* rather then make it go away, and without being physically addictive. And imho that's a better way to treat pain entirely. You dont end up doing things to hurt yourself more later, like with opiates and nerve blockers, nor do you end up in any sever withdrawal syndromes.

Im not cynical at all toward cannabis' medical usages. But i do like to keep myself realistic, and as firmly planted on the ground as i can. I cross-reference and source check literally everything i can because that's how you accumulate the most accurate information possible.
Aren’t they finding out that certain cannabinoids have anti inflammatory properties? And isn’t one of the things that causes pain , inflammation? I’m not college educated but I read stuff, and know things. But wouldn’t information cause excess pressure on nerves which can be translated into pain? Just spit balling here with thoughts in my brain. In theory reducing inflammation would ease pressure on nerves right? If so that would be a better way to treat certain pains , rather than ignoring them with the distraction of opiates? Just some food for thought?


Aren’t they finding out that certain cannabinoids have anti inflammatory properties? And isn’t one of the things that causes pain , inflammation? I’m not college educated but I read stuff, and know things. But wouldn’t information cause excess pressure on nerves which can be translated into pain? Just spit balling here with thoughts in my brain. In theory reducing inflammation would ease pressure on nerves right? If so that would be a better way to treat certain pains , rather than ignoring them with the distraction of opiates? Just some food for thought?
yes they very much do, when in the present of thc lots of cannabinoids do lots of medically useful things. The anti inflammatory properties so far as ive understood it are a by product of the vascular dilation and aren't super medically significant when compared to something like ibuprofen or the like. Nsaids are a lot more toxic then the anti inflammatory cannabinoids, but you also have to consider most people consuming these cannabinoids are still smoking them lol. Not all, just most. There are also lots of herbal sources for anti-inflammatories a lot more effective then cannabinoids as far as directly treating inflammation goes. Green tea, ginger, and tumeric are on the list off the top of my head, so are a nearly innumerable number of edible mushrooms species, Reishii and Lion's maine come to mind.

Not at all knocking cannabis, promise 🤣 😅😅😅 I do still notice the majority of my pains when i look for them directly when im consuming cannabis, it just never seems to bother me as much, and i can go about my business unbothered by them, while remaining mindful of them. And i personally think that partially psychosomatic, partially authentic balance is why cannabis treats pain so effectively vs something like hydrocodone. I do have some neuropathy pain in my left leg time to time, and i can tell you 100% cannabis doesn't seem to do anything at all for that particular nerve pain, besides take the edge off my annoyance from it.
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yes they very much do, when in the present of thc lots of cannabinoids do lots of medically useful things. The anti inflammatory properties so far as ive understood it are a by product of the vascular dilation and aren't super medically significant when compared to something like ibuprofen or the like. Nsaids are a lot more toxic then the anti inflammatory cannabinoids, but you also have to consider most people consuming these cannabinoids are still smoking them lol. Not all, just most. There are also lots of herbal sources for anti-inflammatories a lot more effective then cannabinoids as far as directly treating inflammation goes. Green tea, ginger, and tumeric are on the list off the top of my head, so are a nearly innumerable number of edible mushrooms species, Reishii and Lion's maine come to mind.

Not at all knocking cannabis, promise 🤣 😅😅😅 I do still notice the majority of my pains when i look for them directly when im consuming cannabis, it just never seems to bother me as much, and i can go about my business unbothered by them, while remaining mindful of them. And i personally think that partially psychosomatic, partially authentic balance is why cannabis treats pain so effectively vs something like hydrocodone. I do have some neuropathy pain in my left leg time to time, and i can tell you 100% cannabis doesn't seem to do anything at all for that particular nerve pain, besides take the edge off my annoyance from it.
Smoking may not be good for my lungs but it is a good form of pain relief and making life a bit easier. What our government has done to so many citizens in the name of public health and safety is horrific which is also irrefutable. And because of them our research on cannabolids is just getting started.

I understand it is now known we humans have cannabolid receptors throughout our bodies and ingesting both active and inactive THC, CBD and others has effects, mainly positive.

"What do the cannabinoid receptors do?"

"Cannabinoid receptors have been implicated in diverse physiological and pathophysiological roles in the body, including regulation of mood, appetite, pain sensation, vascular and nonvascular smooth muscle tone, and immune function."
~ sciencedirect dot com

We're all gonna kick the bucket as it were and I for one wanna go out stoned😉


Well it
Stickers are awesome, I always appreciate the freebies, I’ve got stashes of flyfishing stickers, deadhead stickers, pothead stickers, and a few breader or seed bank stickers. Mephisto genetics always makes special stickers for the strains that they sell.View attachment 2178298View attachment 2178300
i tried fly fishing once. Very graceful. I wasnt, but you probably are. i dont have the patience for it


Well it

i tried fly fishing once. Very graceful. I wasnt, but you probably are. i dont have the patience for it
My first time fishing was a blast. We went with my neighbors. Some kid tossed his line backwards instead of towards the lake. It hooked my friend’s mom’s mouth. It was one of those hooks that are supposed to grab the fish’s mouth. The kid kept tugging too. It was about 20 minutes on the lake and a few hours at the hospital. Thing went completely through her cheek.


My first time fishing was a blast. We went with my neighbors. Some kid tossed his line backwards instead of towards the lake. It hooked my friend’s mom’s mouth. It was one of those hooks that are supposed to grab the fish’s mouth. The kid kept tugging too. It was about 20 minutes on the lake and a few hours at the hospital. Thing went completely through her cheek.
Oh jesus fucking christ 😂🤣😂

Thats one of those things things thats always a fear in the the back of my mind when i take my son fishing

I probably shouldnt have laughed at that, god forgive me

Are those flowers in your pic from your garden? Holy shit they are pretty


Oh jesus fucking christ 😂🤣😂

Thats one of those things things thats always a fear in the the back of my mind when i take my son fishing

I probably shouldnt have laughed at that, god forgive me

Are those flowers in your pic from your garden? Holy shit they are pretty
A nightmare if it happened to you. I would suspect infection would be highly probable too. The flowers were my valentines bouquet for my lady mixed with my Nl5 leaves. Either that picture or my wife’s bra won the ac affinity Valentine’s Day giveaway.


My wife and I ha e both been fishing since we can remember. Our last trip to Bishop we camped just above of the East Fork of Bishop Creek
20210510 054527
20210513 121851
20210517 192302

And we fished the Owens River
20210515 131455

Each caught a small bass
20210514 201224

20210514 202752

Planned on 10 days but due to rain on day 9 left a day early. We had been snowed on a couple days but that rain was no fun.
20210515 105344


My wife and I ha e both been fishing since we can remember. Our last trip to Bishop we camped just above of the East Fork of Bishop Creek
View attachment 2178571View attachment 2178572View attachment 2178573
And we fished the Owens River
View attachment 2178574
Each caught a small bass
View attachment 2178577
View attachment 2178578
Planned on 10 days but due to rain on day 9 left a day early. We had been snowed on a couple days but that rain was no fun.
Nice trout! What state?


A nightmare if it happened to you. I would suspect infection would be highly probable too. The flowers were my valentines bouquet for my lady mixed with my Nl5 leaves. Either that picture or my wife’s bra won the ac affinity Valentine’s Day giveaway.
Of yea for sure

Speaking of horrible injury
When we were kids a friend of mine kicked a cactus. No idea why. But this thing had massive needles, went right through his LA Gears. Needle went right in between his big toe and toenail and broke off.

His mom didnt let him play with us anymore after that
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