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Power OG

Power OG

My Yeti OG forrest day 39
IMG 20150712 193338

Yeti OG B.E. cut
IMG 20150712 193744
IMG 20150712 193005

Yeti OG #7 cut
IMG 20150712 193716
IMG 20150712 193529


Dam son... lol. I am curious tho!? Are alot of your pictures your old stock photos or do you take them as you post them?Which then begs the question; How many girls do you flower at a time $$!


Dam son... lol. I am curious tho!? Are alot of your pictures your old stock photos or do you take them as you post them?Which then begs the question; How many girls do you flower at a time $$!
Those are the 2 yetis he is groing right this second. I'm sure those pics were taken today. Power is a great grower in general but has an extra special touch with yeti.
Power OG

Power OG

Dam son... lol. I am curious tho!? Are alot of your pictures your old stock photos or do you take them as you post them?Which then begs the question; How many girls do you flower at a time $$!
Those are the two girls in flower at this very sec, girl scout cookies & tre og going in tonight, then 3 weeks after that will be Starfighter and AJ's Sour Diesel, there's usally 6 plants in bloom at all times but i had moved a few months back so the perpetual is filling up finally @KiLoEleMeNt


Hello my people!! So I hope this is not some sorta sign or some shit but unfortunately I noticed some super tiny flys hovering and crawling atop the soil in a few of my seedling solo cups. I used the same batch of soil for all 22 of em so if it Aphids or fungus gnats or whatever it is most likely all over every cup,harassing my innocent children!! What is the best way to deal with this since they are so so young!=( Some haven't even broke surface yet so any unnatural treatment will, i feel, hurt or kill the lil guys. Since they are all outside and the very last thing I wanna do is bring some shit like that inside, whats my best course of action?? Last cycle I was blessed enough to not even have a hint of a bug! I was thinking maybe let them get big enough to transplant and then transplant them all and while doing so try to carefully rinse all the dirt off the roots of each and place them clean in new soil...will this work? Please anybody with ideas of whats the best plan for me, i am all ears!!!

I recommend these:

and these:

Do you run no-til? I'm also on an organic program, in beds, but not no-til. I recycle my soil and reamend certain inputs after each harvest.

I'm very interested in the no-til method, but the buds just don't impress me. I'm skeptical of any grow style that promotes a single avenue of nutrition. Whether salts or shits and microbes, it seems to me that any "one size fits all" approach to cannabis nutrition never equates to fine cannabis. Even with custom soil blends, each plant thrives given different ratios of inputs.

I thought of trying notil out, but the buds I've smoked which were produced in this manner have not so far been very impressive. Good resin, but flowers are not fully developed, and the buds mostly look alike, rather than any unique phenotypic expression. Flavors are obviously much better than conventional methods, but certainly not any better than other organic programs of fully amended soil. And strangely, only one strain out of 5 I've tried burned clean and had full flavor through the bowl.

I do ... limited till... I still re-amend when my rice hulls decompose and my soil starts to get compacted....


I do ... limited till... I still re-amend when my rice hulls decompose and my soil starts to get compacted....
Hey SeaFour, I haven't taken the opportunity to look at your threads, so I'll check them out before I ask any questions that may already be answered.

Only downside I can see with the no-til was the excess nutrient that affected flower development and overall burning quality, otherwise I dig the process and basically incorporate many of the same practices. But I'm still on the imported guanos and such.
Organic, of course, but natural? Not so much.

I like to try to load the soil with slightly too little food to feed the plants through the cycle- just enough so that the plant is never deficient, but I can add in some boosters and whatnot to help during peak flower production and really help them boost, without worrying about over dosing them on a particular input. I've been impressed with the dragonfly earth medicine brand products, gonna explore them to a greater degree with this current batch of plants.


Lamota SPreamota06
Well gentlemen it would seem oregon Bud prices have hit an all time low since the 70's and anyone like my self will no longer be able to keep our gardens going on these donation rates they even have a $1500 or less lb menu when you go inside the retail area of their shop..... That is absolutely mental electric bill on my possibly 8k grow is in the 5-600 dollar range plus a one gallon jug of my mills start or c4 are $350 ea and my A+B from them let's not even get into that BS can't get black label any longer they were denied oregon licensing due to labeling issues H&G is just as bad if not worse than as we all know the maintenance costs new bulbs, old fan went out freaking portable ac dies on you out of no where the dam squirrel cage inside the fan blew to bits one evening and then gotta get a new scrubber occasionally this runs around 200-300 a month without things like Ac and scrubbers then it's closer to $1500 there goes one of my two or so lb a month rite there and guess what guys sadly I now cannot afford to pay my $1900 mortgage payment! Measure 91 was nothing but a gigantic :finger: To ommp growers and business owners...... Not sure if i should have reiterated in some way while I was in there that they a fucking the whole operating system up for the rest of us cuz now my peeps gonna want $80 oz saying well shit i can go get it from the dispensaries for $100 or 5 a g all day.... At which point I would have to reply to them (as I am ass like this) oh really well good go get it there then and don't come back to me again because they don't negotiate price either bye bye and that's my rant I'm going to go put that bottle to my head and pull the dam trigger TTYL
Lamota SPreamota06


View attachment 522310 Well gentlemen it would seem oregon Bud prices have hit an all time low since the 70's and anyone like my self will no longer be able to keep our gardens going on these donation rates they even have a $1500 or less lb menu when you go inside the retail area of their shop..... That is absolutely mental electric bill on my possibly 8k grow is in the 5-600 dollar range plus a one gallon jug of my mills start or c4 are $350 ea and my A+B from them let's not even get into that BS can't get black label any longer they were denied oregon licensing due to labeling issues H&G is just as bad if not worse than as we all know the maintenance costs new bulbs, old fan went out freaking portable ac dies on you out of no where the dam squirrel cage inside the fan blew to bits one evening and then gotta get a new scrubber occasionally this runs around 200-300 a month without things like Ac and scrubbers then it's closer to $1500 there goes one of my two or so lb a month rite there and guess what guys sadly I now cannot afford to pay my $1900 mortgage payment! Measure 91 was nothing but a gigantic :finger: To ommp growers and business owners...... Not sure if i should have reiterated in some way while I was in there that they a fucking the whole operating system up for the rest of us cuz now my peeps gonna want $80 oz saying well shit i can go get it from the dispensaries for $100 or 5 a g all day.... At which point I would have to reply to them (as I am ass like this) oh really well good go get it there then and don't come back to me again because they don't negotiate price either bye bye and that's my rant I'm going to go put that bottle to my head and pull the dam trigger TTYLView attachment 522310
Welcome to the club buddy!

CO prices dropped out too, but luckily for us the club quality bud is still mostly substandard, and fine cannabis still has a place with the consumers who recognize and appreciate quality. Long gone are the days of $4000 lbs, but there is still money to be made.


View attachment 522310 Well gentlemen it would seem oregon Bud prices have hit an all time low since the 70's and anyone like my self will no longer be able to keep our gardens going on these donation rates they even have a $1500 or less lb menu when you go inside the retail area of their shop..... That is absolutely mental electric bill on my possibly 8k grow is in the 5-600 dollar range plus a one gallon jug of my mills start or c4 are $350 ea and my A+B from them let's not even get into that BS can't get black label any longer they were denied oregon licensing due to labeling issues H&G is just as bad if not worse than as we all know the maintenance costs new bulbs, old fan went out freaking portable ac dies on you out of no where the dam squirrel cage inside the fan blew to bits one evening and then gotta get a new scrubber occasionally this runs around 200-300 a month without things like Ac and scrubbers then it's closer to $1500 there goes one of my two or so lb a month rite there and guess what guys sadly I now cannot afford to pay my $1900 mortgage payment! Measure 91 was nothing but a gigantic :finger: To ommp growers and business owners...... Not sure if i should have reiterated in some way while I was in there that they a fucking the whole operating system up for the rest of us cuz now my peeps gonna want $80 oz saying well shit i can go get it from the dispensaries for $100 or 5 a g all day.... At which point I would have to reply to them (as I am ass like this) oh really well good go get it there then and don't come back to me again because they don't negotiate price either bye bye and that's my rant I'm going to go put that bottle to my head and pull the dam trigger TTYLView attachment 522310

Wow, I am so sorry to hear how things have gotten for you and the rest of the growers in Oregon! That really sucks that prices have plummeted so much! Who is supplying the weed for the dispensaries at these prices? If the growers supplying it say for that price all you get is this b grade shit maybe they'd be willing to pay more?? IDK I haven't read up on any of whats going on out there, I just read what you wrote so...
Anyway I hope things get better brother!


Welcome to the club buddy!

CO prices dropped out too, but luckily for us the club quality bud is still mostly substandard, and fine cannabis still has a place with the consumers who recognize and appreciate quality. Long gone are the days of $4000 lbs, but there is still money to be made.
thats what I get here in NY if its primo...maybe even 42...I couldn't imagine a day with 100$ zips...Yet that day is here apparently! =(


So after being lucky i guess and walking out to my back deck this morning I scared away a stupid fucking squirrel who thought he'd tear up my solo cups looking for food! Out of 22 lil seedlings I saved 16! It sucks but silver lining, 16 plants will be much easier to flower then 22 in my current setup....And from hearing these nightmares about 100$ oz's I need to hurry up and flower as much as I can before those prices try to come to NY!!

P.S. out of everything I seeded I was most excited about HIFI but my unlucky ass of course only has 1 left bc of that squirrel!! IT BETTER BE FEMALE!!


@NaturalTherapy I heard all that a few months back from a close friend of mine whom is on the ommp board here and he told me that this was about to happen here not for one second did I believe it would be this soon nor did I expect it to be so extremely low cost. Now it's a waiting game to see how the laws unfold when it is all set in place.
So far they have decided to allow public sales to begin in august this year instead of Sept Oct next year ultimately Rushed an already rushed act/bill that is sloppy at best to begin with. This whole ordeal is just one gigantic mess.... worst part is last year oregon sent all our recreational funding monies to Washington so they could build a program we can adopt and modify if needed..... then 91 comes and there is not one thing in the Oregon bill that even resembles the Washington Bill. Even worse still our bill caused the Washington bill to change and may influence your CO Laws as well, heavily adding in restrictions for anyone growing in the state as well as shut down half your stores durme to them being medical and recreational sales which here is illegal and the rest is history........ as you said but them good ol days are long gone indeed.

@Lazerus00 I am not exactly sure where they are pulling their bud from perhaps their ass hole it seems to do everything else for them..... I know for a fact it is none of us in my town we all kinda know each other talk info and strain share and we are all in agreement that we are going to let our entire counties dispensaries go dry two of them are cheats taking your flower on commission and when you come to collect flowers gone but no cash or sometimes they have half then like 100 a month will eventually make it your way for probably the next four years in my case. However in Portland we know a fairly large group there who say they are joining us in what my council friend is calling the Ommp patient/grower sales protests but that's just between the group however a few weeks ago it was referred to in a rec council meeting one time as the ommp Holdout but I don't think our groups are large enough yet to be addressed in this way but it is our hopes to either have the issue fixed now, or get evey oregon grower who takes their meds to a retailer to stop immediately all the patients have plenty of delivery options as well as all us growers will be holding and medical marijuana is a fair trade item (donation based) and there is nothing wrong with us going back to the way it was before even 215 was placed one thing the dispensaries and the state has forgotten *warning graphic content* The truly seem to have forgotten that we don't give two shits or a fuck about their laws and we certainly do not need retail stores if they want to project a black market rize in oregon so they have a reason to overturn both bills medical and recreational we will just fall off the map like it was in the good days and times in the life of a grower

There is a tiny light at the end of the tunnel however it is called The carers act where the select few of our suoreme coincil actually have some intelligence and see no reason to Perpetuate the issue any longer give us medical and tell those who REC..D our state programs and ruining the life's of some. Here is a little overview of it

The CARERS ACT calls for the fedral reclassification of cannabis into a less restrictive category that would allow research and offer protection to the millions of people who use the medicine. furthermore In oregon it is SB|280 that's allowing the banking institutions to Not Allow Medical Cannabis Businesses To Have Bank Accounts. many advocacy groups including NORML, Americans For Safe Access, Drug Policy Alliance And Marijuana Policy Project helped in the development of the bill. even though Medical Cannabis businesses operate legitimately within state regulations and laws, the medicine is still technically illegal under federal law. the CARERS ACT aims to address the many current problems with the Clash Of Federal, And State laws regarding Medical Cannabis, including Reclassifying Cannabis For Medical Use, allowing veterans to have access to the medicine, eliminating barriers for research, and overhauling the banking laws allowing state licensed Business To Have Bank Accounts. many advocacy groups including NORML, Americans For Safe Access, Drug Policy Alliance And Marijuana Policy Project helped in the development of the bill. even though Medical Cannabis businesses operate legitimately within state regulations and laws, the medicine is still technically illegal under federal law. the CARERS ACT aims to address the many current problems with the Clash Of Federal, And State laws regarding Medical Cannabis, including Reclassifying Cannabis For Medical Use, allowing veterans to have access to the medicine, eliminating barriers for research, and overhauling the banking laws allowing state licensed Business


It's a crazy time. We all want legalization but it seems to just make a mess of things. Mass will be totally legal in the near future I'm sure and it ain't going to be pretty. At this point I wish things would just stop where they are. It seems those of us that have been underground forever will stay that way. I know I will. Mass has a funny way of passing stupid fucked up laws all the time so I've got very little confidence that they will get rec weed right either. What's happening in the pnw is pretty shitty. Makes me very nervous for the future in my state. I don't understand how things went from awesome to shit so quick. Sad. Hundred dollar zips? I can't imagine that's top shelf stuff. Sucks brother. I wish u the best.


Cannabis enthusiasts falsely assume legalization is the answer. Wrong. Legalization is not about medical access to cannabis for those who need it, nor is it about embracing libertarian notions of consenting adults doing what they please. And it's damn sure not about giving folks an avenue toward self-reliance or some control over their income.

It's all about getting growers and smokers to pay into a tax scheme for their cannabis use- just another tax on your daily activities.

Years back I read all the anti canna people saying prop215 in CA was just the first step toward full legalization. I didn't want to believe that, but it seemed pretty damn clear to me that that was the agenda here in CO.

When more laws developed to protect the rights of mass producers, distributors and retailers, while simultaneously overlooking the reality of patients rights and needs, I could see that "medical access" was just a marketing tool.

So many call for legalization not realizing that it goes out of our hands when it's legalized, and into the realm of big business. Most cannabis users are too idealistic to recognize that legalization isn't the answer they have always conceived it to be.

When I was about 25 my grandfather gave me a few firearms, just old revolvers. Collectors pieces as opposed to weapons per se. I asked him if I was supposed to register them and he said "only if you want the government to own it".

Cannabis is the same.

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