Top leaves turning yellow with some brown spots

  • Thread starter Jeded
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Hi I'm having what looks like a problem with my first grow. The top leaves on the plant are bright yellow and some , not all have dark brown spots, more towards the inner part of the leaves as opposed to the edges. There are 3 plants sharing the one container and the reservoir holds 9 litres of feed. Im growing with hydro (drippers in coco pellets) and am using advanced hydroponics of Holland (Dutch formula) nutes and am following the instructions. I don't have an EC meter but have just been changing nutes every 7 days.
The water I'm using is regular tap water that's been let stand for 48 hrs before use and I add about half the recommended ammount of H2O2 to water, also using airstone. The plants are about 24 Inches tall and are 3 weeks into flowering 12/12 cycle. I have them in a well aired loft with an oscillating fan about 4 feet away.
I'm told they are either LSD or Bubblegum not sure as I inherited them at the end of their veg cycle from some one who had to get rid of them quickly, they were a bit stressed when I got them as weren't on a proper lighting cycle etc. Ive been keeping the ph at about 5.8 as per directions on nutes. Lighting is 600w and are about 14" above top leaves, were a bit closer but moved up. Haven't seen any kind of bugs knocking about maybe a house fly or two. I've been just giving them plain water for the week but no noticeable improvements. The rest of the plants look great down below , nice buds beginning to form, any help would be much appreciated. Thanks.
Top leaves turning yellow with some brown spots 3
Top leaves turning yellow with some brown spots 2
Top leaves turning yellow with some brown spots
Top leaves turning yellow with some brown spots 4
Top leaves turning yellow with some brown spots 5
Top leaves turning yellow with some brown spots 6
Top leaves turning yellow with some brown spots 7
Top leaves turning yellow with some brown spots 8
Top leaves turning yellow with some brown spots 9
Top leaves turning yellow with some brown spots 10


Someone can correct me if I'm wrong but.. every time I've seen this it's in flower and seems to be related to Calcium or Magnesium. In coco it seems to be more of a problem as coco is very selfish with calcium. What's seemed to work for me was to get some calmag of some sort in there. CalMag Plus, cali magic, CAMG, whatever you want but you need to get back on the nutes pronto. This is not a burn from too much nutrients. It's from something not being available to the plant. With out getting too into it calcium and magnesume are very very important to the plants growth and photosynthesis.

The first sign of calcium deficiency in older
plants is the appearance of a reddish-brown
discoloration in the tissue between the veins
along the margin of the blade.

Old report


Someone can correct me if I'm wrong but.. every time I've seen this it's in flower and seems to be related to Calcium or Magnesium. In coco it seems to be more of a problem as coco is very selfish with calcium. What's seemed to work for me was to get some calmag of some sort in there. CalMag Plus, cali magic, CAMG, whatever you want but you need to get back on the nutes pronto. This is not a burn from too much nutrients. It's from something not being available to the plant. With out getting too into it calcium and magnesume are very very important to the plants growth and photosynthesis.

Old report
Thanks for the feedback, got the nutes back on again and will let you know how the Calcium & Magnesium works for me. Thanks again.


I have a very similar prob with my Diva at the min, and there is so many could be's eh? Since someone suggested cal mag figure i'd try that, just out curiousity how is yours getting on? what are you using to supplement the cal/mag? I was thinig mines might be lockedout :( but trial and error will soon show!

209 Closet grower

209 Closet grower

looks like a classic case of n deficiency.You will still need n in flowering


Hey man,

Jst to say have had an update on the similar prob I had with my Diva, It has been suggested to me MG + N defeciency, and I was also keeping my PH at 5.9 so its been suggested by DR Detrioit lol to up the PH to 6.2 for a feeding to try and allow better absorbtion of micronuits then fixing the ph back at next feed, am going give it a try along with some cal/mg/n supplements..will let ya know how i go!




Hope things work out for you. If your in soil try mixing in some azomite in the future it adds a lot of the trace elements and is absorbed slowly.


Update..Got this product from my grow store and seems to be working, as Legion suggested problem probably a deficiency of Magnesium and/or Calcium. The Revive solution has both and Nitrogen. Added to feed and sprayed on as directed and can see the leaves regaining their green colour after 5 days. So far so good and this seems to be doing what it says on the tin (the guy in the store swore on a stack of bibles it would) would want to at 30 euro a bottle.


Ace!! so glad to hear your bouncing back :) I have a similar product and am already seeing improvements!! SO yay for us!!! :D


I notice this in late flowering in coco. Should I be adding a calmag supplement the last 4 weeks of flowering


spreadhead... if your plants are asking for it then give them a bump (doesn't have to be a full dose). I personally have noticed better end results when I wing them off as appose to cuttin them off cold turkey.

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