Treating Seizures In Dogs

  • Thread starter Seamaiden
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It's been a while since I've started a thread of my own, and now I come to this great community with some questions, seeking answers.

My old dog began having grand mal seizures this last weekend, four in two days, very bad, leaving her dazed and confused for hours. Turns out she's a walker when it happens, just jumps up and starts walking, damn near impossible to stop.

We took her to the vet first thing Monday morning and the diagnosis isn't pretty--he feels as my gut told me, it's a brain tumor. He prescribed some prednisone with a very strong admonition that it is toxic to the dog and she'll experience other problems as soon as we put her on it, even though he's put her on the lowest possible dosing schedule for her size (she's just over 85lbs, which has been a trick getting her back up to that point). He said we should wait for another seizure or two before starting her on it due to its toxicity.

I asked him what he knew, if anything, about using cannabis and/or CBD oil for dogs with seizures. He was open to the idea, but felt that there was nothing to it, but go ahead if we felt it might be helpful. So I went ahead and started her on the very last of the elixir I had for my husband when we got home, instead of waiting for another seizure because of how they seem to affect her. My problem? I was scraping the bottom of the bowl so to speak.

So last night I went ahead and cooked down another batch from a jar of buds I've had soaking in grain alcohol for at least two months, probably more like 6-8 months. Cooked down just fine, but when I went to incorporate the coconut oil it never did incorporate. I now have a pot full of liquid coconut oil that won't set at room temperature, with a bottom sludge of oil/concentrate.

What should I do? I can't get it emulsified at all, the sludge just won't loosen up. I was considering adding honey but it's going to take a HUGE amount, and I'm not so sure there's added benefit here. I was also considering pouring off as much of the coconut oil as I can and then reheating the concentrated oil sludge with more coconut oil, but again, I'm just not sure what might happen.


By the by, the dog hasn't had a single grand mal seizure since putting her on the oil, but she has clusters of petit mal seizures. She seems to know when they're coming because she jumps up and comes over to me, and usually within 5-10mins she's having a hard twitch. Then, after having one or a few, it's over and she's back to being Old Hazel. I've been logging everything but I can't really well log doses because I have absolutely no idea how much of any given cannabinoid is in my concoction. I will be relaying this information to the vet, because I feel it's good for him to know that you can safely give cannabis to dogs for seizures without the side effects of a medication like prednisone.
Thanks community![/QUOTE

My hart goes out to you !
I wil take you're sample to the lab and get you what you need!
My bull mastiff had seizures and stomach cancer, year's ago in the 90s, i asked people at the dispensary,at the time they made me feel like i was trying to poison my dog. As my dogs codition worsened before his appointment to be put to rest and for us to say are good buys.
I drove 3hrs to my dispensery and bought a bunch of oatmeal cookies (cbd)had not been on the market yet, i quatered the cookies and gave the quater pieces to him and literally watched him rise from the dead , over that last week of his life
He began eating moving around eat food and stop having seizures.
We said are good buys and i set him free ,
Best friend i ever had .
Rip MAX luv you forever :crying2:


I am sorry for merging are posts, i
wish you and you're family the best :happy:


I know that feeling! I would have used high CBD:THC meds, but I just don't have them. The one verified AC/DC cut I had got too hurt to live.
I passed out a few clones of Sour Tsunami but kept one in a 100 gallon pot I hope to get two lbs off of. Some of that is not spoken for and it would be free to you Seamaiden if you need it pm me.


Living dead girl
Well, Hazel's story has come to an end, and I can't say it was a good end.

We had been able to keep her entirely seizure free since those first four days after starting the cannabis oil. But the cancer had its way with her. I was noticing that she wasn't responding to her name or commands, like she was 'going away', and had gotten much stiffer/lamer over the past week or two. Monday morning at first she seemed fine, then she began gulping water. Then she only peed a few drops. We took the water because she's made herself vomit from drinking too much in the past month, and she immediately went over to the pond and drank up and made herself vomit.

Unfortunately for everyone, we have a timeline to meet and can only push those parameters so far, and we don't have someone to take care of the dog, so she comes with us. We were an hour out of Yucca Valley on our way back up north when she let go a very loose shit in the car and it was full of blood. We pulled over as soon as we could and got her out of the car to clean up, and then she vomited blood. There was fresh blood in the feces as well, so when we saw that I realized that the dog was dying.

I made the decision at that point to not force the dog to make the rest of the trip back up north to see our vet the next day, she wouldn't have made it. We turned around in Barstow and took her to a vet in YV and had her put down there. As it turned out, she was actively bleeding out internally, evidenced after her passing.

I must admit a deep guilt for not realizing just how poorly the dog was doing that morning. The night before she'd scarfed down her food, and played with my parents' dogs for a while before going to sleep for the night, and she seemed fine when I first let her out in the morning. I think it happened in a very, very short period of time and the attending veterinarian believes that the cancer had metastasized and spread to internal organs, leading to pretty bad internal bleeding. I was watching for other signs, more seizures, etc., not at all something like this.

To the end, that dog wanted to go for a RIDE. She was a good girl, to the very end. One of our trips, moving the laying hens. Kitty in the carrier up front. Hazel, all fuckin' happy like she always was.
20160830 145219


One of the more difficult events I have experienced is losing a pet, especially one who is sick that you are trying to get well. It is understandable to feel the way you do, even if those feelings aren't always rational. The rules go out the window when it's our family. I don't pretend to know all of the details but at the end of the day it doesn't matter.

You shouldn't feel guilty, if you were constantly stressed and worrying I believe your pooch can and would have picked up on it. This goes from difficult to nearly impossible when it's your family and your goal is to help the sick. You can't be looking in the rear view thinking you missed something when you were busy in the present.

Like you said, you didn't see any signs and things were fine the night before. You didn't go out and get drunk, it wasn't wine wednesday at the club while pooch was sick at home. You did nothing wrong.

You are guilty of loving your family, nothing more. You have helped others that don't have the experience you have, like me, and I am deeply thankful for your kindness to strangers.

I'm sorry for your loss.

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Herb Forester

Herb Forester

@Seamaiden I just saw this and so very sorry to hear. Canines are stoic about showing pain, and their resilience makes it even harder to assess. It sounds like all your efforts really helped her comfort in the last days, and it's not surprising the oil may have masked the severity. Wish I knew more to say to help you feel a little better, but I'm still crushed at the loss of my boy several years ago and have trouble containing the grief. He selflessly accompanied me through a long difficult time, and his departure left a huge hole in my heart.


Go to for a free consultation

Watch and listen to her 58 second testimonial.
Minnie had a bad case of hot spots, constant itching, and seizures after a round of skin cancer treatments. Watch Kristen tell how Minnie was brought back to vibrant health with these Vitality Science products: Celloquent, Vital Pet Lipids, Pet Flora, and Super Pet Enzymes.


Go to for a free consultation

Watch and listen to her 58 second testimonial.
Minnie had a bad case of hot spots, constant itching, and seizures after a round of skin cancer treatments. Watch Kristen tell how Minnie was brought back to vibrant health with these Vitality Science products: Celloquent, Vital Pet Lipids, Pet Flora, and Super Pet Enzymes.
I'm sorry to piss in the punch bowl, but do you have a financial interest in the content of your post, or does it just come across as an advertisement?
One drop

One drop

Bush Doctor
It's been a while since I've started a thread of my own, and now I come to this great community with some questions, seeking answers.

My old dog began having grand mal seizures this last weekend, four in two days, very bad, leaving her dazed and confused for hours. Turns out she's a walker when it happens, just jumps up and starts walking, damn near impossible to stop.

We took her to the vet first thing Monday morning and the diagnosis isn't pretty--he feels as my gut told me, it's a brain tumor. He prescribed some prednisone with a very strong admonition that it is toxic to the dog and she'll experience other problems as soon as we put her on it, even though he's put her on the lowest possible dosing schedule for her size (she's just over 85lbs, which has been a trick getting her back up to that point). He said we should wait for another seizure or two before starting her on it due to its toxicity.

I asked him what he knew, if anything, about using cannabis and/or CBD oil for dogs with seizures. He was open to the idea, but felt that there was nothing to it, but go ahead if we felt it might be helpful. So I went ahead and started her on the very last of the elixir I had for my husband when we got home, instead of waiting for another seizure because of how they seem to affect her. My problem? I was scraping the bottom of the bowl so to speak.

So last night I went ahead and cooked down another batch from a jar of buds I've had soaking in grain alcohol for at least two months, probably more like 6-8 months. Cooked down just fine, but when I went to incorporate the coconut oil it never did incorporate. I now have a pot full of liquid coconut oil that won't set at room temperature, with a bottom sludge of oil/concentrate.

What should I do? I can't get it emulsified at all, the sludge just won't loosen up. I was considering adding honey but it's going to take a HUGE amount, and I'm not so sure there's added benefit here. I was also considering pouring off as much of the coconut oil as I can and then reheating the concentrated oil sludge with more coconut oil, but again, I'm just not sure what might happen.


By the by, the dog hasn't had a single grand mal seizure since putting her on the oil, but she has clusters of petit mal seizures. She seems to know when they're coming because she jumps up and comes over to me, and usually within 5-10mins she's having a hard twitch. Then, after having one or a few, it's over and she's back to being Old Hazel. I've been logging everything but I can't really well log doses because I have absolutely no idea how much of any given cannabinoid is in my concoction. I will be relaying this information to the vet, because I feel it's good for him to know that you can safely give cannabis to dogs for seizures without the side effects of a medication like prednisone.

Thanks community!
Try gelatin that may help .


I'm sorry to piss in the punch bowl, but do you have a financial interest in the content of your post, or does it just come across as an advertisement?

Should that matter as long as you get the help you need?

Apparently you did not bother to invsetigate the link.


Living dead girl
Guys, it's too late. Several weeks ago the dog began bleeding out while we were on the road, had to turn around in Barstow and take her to the vet my parents use to be put down. The internal bleeding was very, very bad, vets all agreed the brain tumor had metastasized. But, as others have pointed out, the oil gave her a quality of life that we wouldn't have been able to provide otherwise. While she never deserved to go like she did, I am comforted slightly by that fact.
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