Unhappy plants

  • Thread starter Kooshe
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So i have 4 photos that need some help, For the past month they have been unhappy, I've thought it may be PH issues as the coco was around 5.4ph, I thought it may have been over or under-watering so i was very vigilant about feeding them. Its warmer outside now so i decided to put them outside in the sun, Within 1 day all 4 were praying up to the sun. Now im thinking its clearly an issue with the environment, Temps are set at 74f and stay between 70-80f humidity is 60-65% in veg, Light they are under is a Phlizon COB 3000w. Any ideas why they are doing so damn well under the sun in 88f weather? but not in a controlled environment, Is it a lockout and its getting nutes from the sun to compensate? Im a first time grower so im very confused and i would like to fix the issue. Im always PHing feeds to 6.2, Plants are in CoCo, PH tester is accurate, I always test a buffer before using it. Ill leave some pictures of before going outside and ones after i brought them inside from being out in the sun, when they were happy.
Unhappy plants
Unhappy plants 2
Unhappy plants 3
Unhappy plants 4
Unhappy plants 5
Aqua Man

Aqua Man

So i have 4 photos that need some help, For the past month they have been unhappy, I've thought it may be PH issues as the coco was around 5.4ph, I thought it may have been over or under-watering so i was very vigilant about feeding them. Its warmer outside now so i decided to put them outside in the sun, Within 1 day all 4 were praying up to the sun. Now im thinking its clearly an issue with the environment, Temps are set at 74f and stay between 70-80f humidity is 60-65% in veg, Light they are under is a Phlizon COB 3000w. Any ideas why they are doing so damn well under the sun in 88f weather? but not in a controlled environment, Is it a lockout and its getting nutes from the sun to compensate? Im a first time grower so im very confused and i would like to fix the issue. Im always PHing feeds to 6.2, Plants are in CoCo, PH tester is accurate, I always test a buffer before using it. Ill leave some pictures of before going outside and ones after i brought them inside from being out in the sun, when they were happy.
What does vigilant about watering them mean?

Never take inside plants outside then back in... Almost certain to get bugs that way.

It's possible the sunlight stressed them out. Typically indoor plants are not accustomed to UV and need to be hardened off.

That praying you are talking about was likely light stress.


They were wilting being inside, I brought them outside for the first time and the leaves started praying up to the light (a good thing). When i brought them back in they went back to wilting. And vigilant as in being careful and really making sure they need to be watered and catering each plant differently.
Aqua Man

Aqua Man

They were wilting being inside, I brought them outside for the first time and the leaves started praying up to the light (a good thing). When i brought them back in they went back to wilting. And vigilant as in being careful and really making sure they need to be watered and catering each plant differently.
I'm not sure what you mean praying good thing? If you mean like V shape that is a sign of early light stress

Oh geez I just noticed the spoilerr has the pics.

Your plants are starving. What are you feeding and how often?


Your plants are starving. What are you feeding and how often?

my first thoughts when i saw the pickies.

i can only say that the same plant can react differently placed under natural sunlight and artificial lighting - but this case seems to be more nutrient-related, underfed.


The plants seem pretty light yellow, which is usually a Nitrogen deficiency. The medium looked pretty dry to me, but maybe it's just my poor vision. When plants are light yellow, it is a sign of low levels of chlorophyll... inadequate lighting can also do the same thing. When you put them outside without being gradually accustomed to the full sun, they can get sunburned, just like people. The lack of chlorophyll might cause more damage as well. Make sure your Ph is decent and give 'em a snack... nothing too crazy, but even a fairly light feeding should show a lot of improvement. Unless they are sunburnt, which is another matter and not good news.


I will take the advice and give them a feeding, Will update in a few days.
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