Update-jeff Mizanskey Fears Dying In Jail Over Pot Charges

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It has been nearly a month since one of the most infamous prisoners of the drug war, Jeff Mizanskey, learned that Missouri Governor Jay Nixon would not grant him a pardon. The 61-year-old is serving a life sentence without the possibility of parole for a streak of bad luck in which he was convicted on three separate occasions for possession of marijuana, with Missouriā€™s three-strike rule sealing his fate. He has now been incarcerated for over two decades. Without a pardon he is doomed to live out the remainder of his days as a resident of the Jefferson City Correctional Center ā€“ a maximum-security detention facility that houses some of the most wicked members of uncivil society.

However, unlike some of the inmates Mizanskey has been caged with since 1993, he does not have a rap sheet that includes acts of violence or vile-spirited debauchery. On the contrary, he was simply found guilty of having an affinity for a plant that the United States decided decades ago should be considered an illegal substance. And while common sense should dictate that this man, or any other for that matter, not be buried underneath a prison for holding an admiration for a flower, this is exactly the deranged logic that has led Mizanskey to this point ā€“ and sadly, dwindled away at his hope of ever seeing the outside world ever again.

In a letter obtained by HIGH TIMES, Mizanskey pens a gut wrenching account of the insanity that has led to him serving a life sentence with no chance of parole over a substance that has been made legal in over half the states in America. ā€œNever in my wildest dreams did I ever think I would end up in prison for smoking cannabis, with a life sentence without parole,ā€ he wrote. ā€œAfter all, it was, and is, and it will always be a non-violent crime.ā€

ā€œI didnā€™t kill, rape, steal or hurt anyone,ā€ Mizanskey continues. ā€œBelieve me, I never knew anyone could end up in prison with such a cruel and unusual sentence as I have for cannabis! Boy, was I shocked.ā€

The letter, which was provided to us by the folks at POW 420, an organization dedicated to the release of individuals serving life sentences for marijuana, goes on to paint a ugly portrait of Mizanskeyā€™s broken spirits and his grim outlook on the future. ā€œI have to face the facts that I may not live long enough to get out of prison,ā€ he wrote. ā€œAfter all, I donā€™t have that many more years left in my life.ā€

Without a doubt, serving 21 years in a state penitentiary is more than enough injustice for a marijuana-related offense ā€“ much less life without parole ā€“ and it has sparked a legion of local lawmakers to plead for Mizanskeyā€™s freedom. In a recent letter sent to Governor Nixon, the Missouri General Assembly explains that keeping Mizanskey, a non-violent drug offender, incarcerated for the past two-decades has cost Missouri taxpayers, so far, a whopping $400,000, which is an astronomical amount considering his ā€œviolations have not produced enough harm to justify a life sentence without the possibility of parole.ā€ Yet, Governor Nixon made it clear late last month that he did not intend to honor the request presented by a number of state senators and representatives when he simply passed over, or ignored, the commutation of Mizanskeyā€™s sentence.

In his letter, Mizanskey speculates as to the reason why he has been left to expire as property of the state and suggests that, perhaps, it is because not enough people have taken a stand on the issue. ā€œI donā€™t know why Governor Nixon has not granted me clemency, or if he will,ā€ he wrote. ā€˜I am just guessing that he hasnā€™t received enough letters, calls or signature yet. I hate to say this, or even think this, but sometimes I wonder how many has he really got? I wonder if a lot of you are talking about me, and expecting someone else to do something about it. I can only hope and pray not. Please donā€™t get me wrong, I do appreciate all that you have doneā€¦ even talking helps. I just hope my case has opened up some eyes!ā€

By Mike Adams Ā· Thu Jan 29, 2015

Mike Adams writes for stoners and smut enthusiasts in HIGH TIMES, Playboyā€™s The Smoking Jacket and Hustler Magazine. You can follow him on Twitter @adamssoup and on Facebook/mikeadams73.
Power OG

Power OG

I signed his petition at change.org, there's so many more serving life for cannabis, life for a non violent crime, a victimless crime.
Smh. Its sad that this is continuing in our supposedly "Free" country.
Positive Vibes & Respect


Howdy......this is another link......http://petitions.moveon.org/sign/free-jeff-mizanskey

Free Jeff Mizanskey
Petition by John Mullis

To be delivered to Governor Jay Nixon

Grant clemency to Jeff Mizanskey, doing life for marijuana. With the President's recent comments on marijuana, and states making marijuana legal, it makes no sense to continue to incarcerate Jeff any longer, he has already served 20 years. He has paid his debt to society, and daily he watches murderers and rapists go free. Grant clemency now and release him from prison.
There are currently 17 signatures. We need 50 signatures!

Come on Farmers young and old lets lend a hand......Let's practice what we preach!


Best of luck. Peace
Howdy......this is another link......http://petitions.moveon.org/sign/free-jeff-mizanskey

Free Jeff Mizanskey
Petition by John Mullis

To be delivered to Governor Jay Nixon

Grant clemency to Jeff Mizanskey, doing life for marijuana. With the President's recent comments on marijuana, and states making marijuana legal, it makes no sense to continue to incarcerate Jeff any longer, he has already served 20 years. He has paid his debt to society, and daily he watches murderers and rapists go free. Grant clemency now and release him from prison.
There are currently 17 signatures. We need 50 signatures!

Come on Farmers young and old lets lend a hand......Let's practice what we preach!




ok first off I feel absolutely fucking terrible that this is happening

however I need to play devils advocate here and say what the fuck? 50 signatures - what is that going to do? the gov had us senators and state reps appealing for clemency and he ignored it - so why would he be swayed by an online petition of 50 people

ok so what this rant is really about is WEB SECURITY - that web site is putting the people who sign up on blast - name, city etc and I can clearly see who is #18 on that list

it may not be anything intended to be nefarious - it might just be trying to gather emails for their mailing list

all Im saying is you should be careful what you post up on the net - I wouldnt want my name and city blasted out there


ok so what this rant is really about is WEB SECURITY - that web site is putting the people who sign up on blast - name, city etc and I can clearly see who is #18 on that list

it may not be anything intended to be nefarious - it might just be trying to gather emails for their mailing list

all Im saying is you should be careful what you post up on the net - I wouldnt want my name and city blasted out there.

Motherlode......your concerned about web security.....you do realize that this site is Canadian based.....Canadians have a strong Cyber Security System in place....who's to say that we are all currently not being watched at this moment.


Idk if it's to help free a brother or sister, blast my ass off.Freedom is not free......


LMAO @ strong cyber security system - wtf does that even mean

dude put himself on blast - that was my point

if you think a 50 signature cyber petition from canada is gonna somehow help - go right ahead then blast away


LMAO @ strong cyber security system - wtf does that even mean

dude put himself on blast - that was my point

if you think a 50 signature cyber petition from canada is gonna somehow help - go right ahead then blast away

Are you even reading the posts? thcfarmer this website is out of Canada, duh....if you misunderstood hmm.. that was what i was referring to....Oh, that's right your concerned about web security. Concerned about the petition's site well then write a letter or not.

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