Update on my clones that I still need help with

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So I replanted the clone and mix perlite and Also be taking it out side and bring it in during dark putting it under a cfl light
Also have water in two days because people said it was to wet
Also it has about 15 4 inch roots
Any help check last post for more details
Update on my clones that i still need help with
Update on my clones that i still need help with 2
Update on my clones that i still need help with 3
Update on my clones that i still need help with 4


Seeds Here Now .com
Patience, patience patience. You’ll need this a lot in cannabis. Give it time to dry out and re grab a hold and put roots down.
This is why I prefer seeds, they are healthier and more vigorous, and do not go thru this stress process


i agree with all the above,time mate,you have to deal wit the transplant shock ,which is doing well,then you have to wait for the plant to go back to reveg,looks like your clones were taken off a flowering plant,might be wrong,wouldnt be first time,watch your watering pattern,before you watered the pot after transplant ,did you lean the pot towards you to feel what it felt like when it was dry? did you just mix perlite into the already wet soil mix it was ?
either way best thing i can say is same size pot,same soil mixed with perlite,just as you have it,lean a dry mixed pot towards you,or weight it,dry,the water plant to it is soaked,lean it towards you or weigh it.
when you have acheived that you can tell when to water your plant,take dry weight and wet weight,divide in have,that number or leaning feel is were you want it,from that middle weight,you then let the plant dry a bit to come to that half weigh of the half weight for the half weight hahahah,anyway,after it dries then water the plant to runoff,right there you should have a weight that started out as your middle weight and having the moisture rate at 50 %,if you do this you will never over water again,and believe me you will get so tired of trying to keep that moisture level at 50% you will be able to eye mug that bitch and tell when she needs feed ,thats a lot of work for a damn stoner,speeking of,i hope like hell you understand what i just wrote,cause this old ass cant do it again,crap hahahah


one more thing ,that cup with baby in it,take a bread tie ,make a little hook on end and stand the stem up and lean into the bread tie


i agree with all the above,time mate,you have to deal wit the transplant shock ,which is doing well,then you have to wait for the plant to go back to reveg,looks like your clones were taken off a flowering plant,might be wrong,wouldnt be first time,watch your watering pattern,before you watered the pot after transplant ,did you lean the pot towards you to feel what it felt like when it was dry? did you just mix perlite into the already wet soil mix it was ?
either way best thing i can say is same size pot,same soil mixed with perlite,just as you have it,lean a dry mixed pot towards you,or weight it,dry,the water plant to it is soaked,lean it towards you or weigh it.
when you have acheived that you can tell when to water your plant,take dry weight and wet weight,divide in have,that number or leaning feel is were you want it,from that middle weight,you then let the plant dry a bit to come to that half weigh of the half weight for the half weight hahahah,anyway,after it dries then water the plant to runoff,right there you should have a weight that started out as your middle weight and having the moisture rate at 50 %,if you do this you will never over water again,and believe me you will get so tired of trying to keep that moisture level at 50% you will be able to eye mug that bitch and tell when she needs feed ,thats a lot of work for a damn stoner,speeking of,i hope like hell you understand what i just wrote,cause this old ass cant do it again,crap hahahah
Do you have a number by a chance?


Do you have a number by a chance?
you really must be new,im a old hat that barely knows how to use a computer,phones completly out of question,although i did just have to buy a new one,att sent me a message that my phone is 3g ,im obselete so unless i buy a new phone i can no longer have service hahah.bro i dont know you from a hill of beans why would i give you my phone number.
so if you need help just continue to ask here on the forum,more folks better qualified for answering questions than me,just saying ,glad to help though.

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