Updates on AZ MJ laws

  • Thread starter kolah
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Are there any good links or threads that discuss the current situation regarding the AZ MJ laws? Most of what I found were old articles and such. I will be re-locating to the AZ desert region in a few months.

From scanning the threads here, it appears this AZ Forum needs some beefed up and spirited discussions as well. :)

Looking forward to some peyote hunting. :D

Howdy Kolah, I,ve been searching also, as I live country style, just not far enough out yet. I'm going to get my MM card soon and want to know the growing Laws/governing and the caregivers? I've read and read, I'm no lawyer but not stupid either:confused: completely I think. Never done the 'peyote thing/hunting'. I know AZ., don't know peyote (will google after post!). Let me no what you find out and I'll do the same. Besides peyote, do you grow? I'm in north western region.


Are dispenseries up and running yet? I ask because I see they have a bogus rule that you can't grow if you are within a 25 mile radius of a potshop.

I believe that is true. AZ has fought this from the beginning. They keep rewriting what they don't know, won't ask for help and from the start said, we will not be like CA! AZ has the strictest laws on drunk driving, which I don't drive and drink...no more anyway! I got lucky and found your reply, wasn't looking for it. So sounds like your headed to larger towns/city. I've got a friend in the valley, living close to dispensers. Her card shows she can grow. Maybe because @ first the dispensers wasn't open becus AZ was not sure how to govern them.


Any good threads on anybody growing with LED's ? I have one I used for growing and it really did good! I've used CFL's start to finish, I don't have power/electric available. Besides my folks went through the depression and I hate spending/giving money to power companies. I like the LEDs but man the cost. They will take over the world of lighting grows OMI. I really like the 'forums/threads'...coming from real experience with results and fu-- ups! You learn the hard way, a good teacher but a little rough around edges! Thou you do remember those, hopefully!!:banghead: New to posting my opinions/questions. Yet I;ve read and read many and many from different sites, they all good and better!! You can't go wrong, wish I had internet when I started! Hey thanks to all those GREAT GROWERS WITH EXPERIENCE and SHARING ALL THAT WISDOM AND KNOWLEDGE WITH DETAILS. THANKS


Living dead girl
We have at least two cats here rockin' LED lighting, Kebz and (I hope I get this right) tags420. I would start with the Why I like LEDs thread.


I believe that is true. AZ has fought this from the beginning. They keep rewriting what they don't know, won't ask for help and from the start said, we will not be like CA! AZ has the strictest laws on drunk driving, which I don't drive and drink...no more anyway! I got lucky and found your reply, wasn't looking for it. So sounds like your headed to larger towns/city. I've got a friend in the valley, living close to dispensers. Her card shows she can grow. Maybe because @ first the dispensers wasn't open becus AZ was not sure how to govern them.

From my understanding of AZ MMJ laws, she can no longer grow...due to the 25 mile rule.

And yeah not only is AZ laws tough on DUI but very bad on MJ.


All AZ government is against MMJ. I guess there're not thinking about taxes they will receive from US. On another MM site I read where this guy is challenging the 25 mile rule. In fact he filed papers in court and waiting for his hearing. Different people with cards are still able to grow with-in the 25 mile zone as their card states.
Our government is so screwed up. The right hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing. There's good infor all over the net about AZ MMJ laws.

red x

If she has a valid card that says she has cultivation rights, she can still grow.
When it is time to renew is when her right will lapse


A couple things is that if she is close to a disp, then correct her cultivation rights will expire.. There are only 26 disp up and running, some still battling local politics, some just didn't really have the money to get into it... Many though IMHO were just waiting for something like the federal Memo from the Justice Dept. I think those able will now fast track the process.. The disp. will cover everywhere unless we can force things to change with the 25 (flying distance) rule..

I'll be taking matters further inquiring into the vanishing of the Qualified defense provission that was written into prop 203. I't was said it was to be a temporary provision but do not find that wording in the measure I voted on.. My belief when I voted was that wording was there to allow a citizen to file a motion to dismiss if he or she is arrested and can prove a doctor recommended the use of MMJ. That provision of law that was in effect allowed for the uninterrupted supply of meds and amount determined by the condition. Close examination of wording in prop 203 will note that wording centering on qualified defense, namely "qualified patient" is different than the remainder of prop 203 talking about registered qualifying patient.

That provision of law did not allow even for giving away any meds and was to be a defense upon arrest of which i'm fine with, just not fine with the vanishing act of that provision at the legislature.. Attorneys for the Disp even say it was a temp provision.. Why?? and where is the language stating that.. Realistically if that provision was relied upon as a safety net for patients who cannot afford a card, or meds from the disp, or even need specific strains and cultivation methods such as I provided for myself, then why not keep it???

These questions need answered, and it's being ducked..

As for the LED's I'll let everyone in on this, use stage lighting LED's (much cheaper) the old ones that were DMX programmable wouldn't hold a program setting for lighting frequency, so on a timer when they powered back up the frequency had to be reset.. Now there are high output LED's programmable and DMX capable that are battery backup which store the frequency, so when on a timer and they come back on, it's the color scheme you program them to.. Plus they have much better warranties, my last unit has a 2 year replacement, plus they are designed for trussing, plus with the battery backup you don't have to have t5's or another light on backup battery in case of power failure so you don't freak your plants photo cycle out.. As far as streight LED's im not sold the same as Aquaponics, does it work sure, the best, Not IMHO.

Think of lighting in the same way as sound, that EQ on your radio, LED's of the type I explained that can be tuned to whatever frequency you like are beneficial.. If you have a HID that has a ton of punch, lot of power like big concert sound and you throw flos and a bunch of other lights, that is the equivalent of changing the light spectrum of the HID bulb in differing places.. IF you have the measuring equipment you could use the new LED's I use to adjust the spectrum to what you like.. So think of it like EQ, human ear can generally hear between 20hz (low) to 20,000hz (high) certain frequencies are displeasing if raised,, it must be adjusted to our pleasure (EQ'd)

I use them for flower limited, for veg full tilt boogie..


What is this vanishing defense u speak of AZ? What u smokeing on bro u seen that azkush or gdk yet?

25 mile rule sux balls honestly idk how they can say yea there will be no dispensarys and state publicly they will allow patients to grow and supply there own meds and on the other hand turn around and open dispensarys and un authorize a patient to grow becuz they decided to allow dispensarys to open while in the meantime thousands of patients went and paid the money to become legal as well as spent millions on grow equipment to supply themselves said medication to only lose there rights and money spent on equipment etc..
If anything AZ patients very well should be compensated for money spent on grow equipment at the very least i think there is a class action lawsuit pending for reimbursement to patients that spent money on equipment after being authorized to grow.
Its such a fucked up deal dispensary owners and operators should be ashamed for opening dispensarys in AZ in the first place nothing but greed driven money hungry dirty fuckkers in the first place knowing opening the doors was going to fuck up alot of really good people in the process.
Fuck AZ and this 25 mile rule As the crow flies wtf kinda shit is it man it makes me sick and to be quite honest is its the dispensary owners and operators that make me the most sick.
Its a very fucked up deal for a patient liveing with this rule. Its not justifiable for authorizeing patients to grow and spend money to be able to grow there own medication legitimately only to have it taken away once that money was collected and the Lottery was opened up for dispensary owners.
Shyt makes me sick man mass or vermont maybe colorado or somewhere in between will be where im at come the new year.


Andrew Myers and the MMP that wrote this law wrote it like that they said so it would pass because people didn't want marijuana growing everywhere and it wouldn't be controlled so they said only dispensaries would be able to and that we can vote to make changes to the law we need to vote the 25 mile rule out! only way to do it because we passed a voters rights law that says they cant change the laws and we cant change the laws without a vote! Where is Andrew Myers and the MMP now they are in other states trying to pass similar laws and pad all there friends pockets that are on the green rush with them and they're friends in Az haven't made enough money yet to change the laws!


Here is a link to a post I made some time ago, you can click on the key law link and read it,, the provision is in the historic document as well if you do a search for prop 203. If you do decide to continue cultivating regardless of state law as it stands at the legislature, I'd be sure to already have my motion to dismiss typed out and carry it with you as well as your doctors recommendation.. Don't know what the outcome would be claiming qualified defense in front of the judge..

If the provisions removal was challenged successfully, keep in mind that you cant even give a joint away under the provision,, the entire amount you cultivate would be for your need and your need only.. Seek legal advice, do not think I'm encouraging anyone..

The question that need to be asked to the court is "what was the laws intent" and does that need still exist. the other question is where is the language to voters that provision would only be temporary and be removed from legislature,, I do have copy showing at the legislature. My statement would be yes for the people who have specific strains to cultivate for their ailments as well as economic reasons,, my methods of cultivation are much more efficient as well as methods and chemicals used are unknown of the dispensary grows.


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