used fish tank water

  • Thread starter GreenRider
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Has any one ever used fish tank water to feed their plants? I have a 100lt aqua set up have been wondering if the old tank water is good for plants? Every week I do a water change and would hate to see good water go down the drain if so.
Any input would be appreciated.


Living dead girl
Have not, but always read from others who do that their plants LOVE it. When doing a water change, IMO, you shouldn't waste that water. I did used to use my fresh tankwater on my houseplants. Never water from the salties, but now I know that a small amount could, in fact, be beneficial (around 10%).

If nothing else, water someone's lawn or something with it.


TY Seamaiden. Do I have to dilute with fresh water, or water them directly? cool thing is that it is at a constant 23º and the ph is balanced.
sky high

sky high

There won't be enough nutes to sustain yer grow but it is a decent starting point. Check the pH....seems to creep upward in my tank (67 gal w/ a buncha big. fat goldfish I put outside in summer).

Lately I haven't been doing any water changes since I installed a small UV in the tank. However, I used the water from changes for years w/no problems.


Living dead girl
You're using water from a freshwater system, yes? Unless it's a marine system you're keeping, just use the water, no dilution necessary UNLESS you've been letting things get really, really dirty. When was the last time you did a water change, anyway? And, what are you keeping?

I am such a major fish geek that I had to get a job in the trade back in the late 80s to support my habit. And, my husband and I met on a fishkeeping bulletin board, online, 10yrs ago.


It´s a fresh water system i normally do a water change every 15 days. the ph does fluctuate slightly over time, but if I am correct the nutes should balance the water with in the parameters. My next watering session should be in about 4 days time so gonna use the tank water and later post here if their are any significant results.


I swear by it... I have a 90g freshwater setup with a mix of African Cichlids(Malawi and Tang.) and can't recall a time I haven't used it. My pop's used the water for the household plants and preferred a bit of fish poo sludge (put a smile on his face the darker it was). I haven't went that far... but I've added nutes to said water with 0 issues... like Sea mentioned, I wouldn't use really dirty water as the ph naturally would be dangerous. Simply put... if the fish are happy and healthy the plants should be as well.

I prefer my fish tank h2o for a couple reasons, its full of oxygen and I like to think of it as poor man's fish fert, albeit not as potent, due to fish waste/matter thats being recycled by your filtration.

Sea - that's cool as all get out you were able to work in the hobby. I'd be working for free, all my money would be spent on the prized new arrivals. I frequent the Cichilds clubs/swap meets in my area for the best fish to this day... always nice to meet another fish geek :) Peace SSP


Living dead girl
Aw, man..! somma my favorite systems are Africans. I did 'work' for free, at the Long Beach Aquarium of the Pacific, hoping to be able to go long enough to be hired on as an aquarist. Wait time at the time was 2yrs. Then, I was injured on my other, paying, job, and I had to stop it all. I LOVED just being there, all that water, all those fish. Same thing with 104th St.


every time i changed my tank water i saved it and watered that day with it, hell i use fish emulsion during veg so i just thought this would be similar. i still fed them nutes on schedule, this was just a "treat" for them.
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