Uw Purple Greenhouse Day 19

  • Thread starter mynameisbob
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I'm using Black Gold cocoa blend with no ferts or nutes any help or suggestions would be appreciated. Just seems a little slow on growth but super healthy


Seedlings take a while to get established. What kind of a budget are you working with. My advice changes depending on your financials. I like to grow both with amendments and with liquid fertilizer aka nutrients. Separately I mean ofcourse. I only say that because I don't want you to buy both amendments and liquid fertilizer and wonder why my advice ruined your plants. I personally am a big fan of House & Garden or Canna for Coco especially. I just love the lucas formula. It's easy and simple but these brands can be a bit on the top shelf side cost wise. So if your on a budget let me know and I will give you the compost tea and amendments version of this talk. Don't think that because they cost less organics isn't as good. You could grow some of the most amazing weed you have ever had by your second harvest with a good soil recipie and some awesome tea.


Oh I forgot to answer your question. Let's hope it's a she and it looks really healthy. A bit on the light green side maybe but feeding will fix that.


My budget is *very* low to say the least. Do you think nitrogen would fix the color problem?


Looks great! What's "UW Purple"? Color is OK, some are just naturally light green. N will make it darker though. Take it easy so you don't burn it. Purples usually have very dark green leaves though, but you might just have a green pheno.
It's probably growing lots of roots right now so top growth slows a little but it will take off like crazy soon!
Hope it's a girl!


My budget is *very* low to say the least. Do you think nitrogen would fix the color problem?
You don't have a deficiency In my opinion. Just either a hungry plant or as someone said earlier a green pheno. It could just be a really light green plant. I do use a nitrogen bonus in my garden. you could get a double bonus by using aminos. I have house and gardens but based on what I have read here. Botanicare has an amino Booster with nitrogen for allot cheaper and it works just as well based on me seeing some grows on here beginning to end and being impressed by the outcome when people are mixing and matching nutrient company's which I used to believe was a big no no which yes I learned working at a hydro store lol. So I'm sure you can get that amino boost but you don't have to have it and you said you were on a budget. Here's my opinion on liquid ferts and bonuses on a budget. Please feel free anyone to chime in about this as I'm not a bio chemist or even a botanist. You will have to adjust for pH based on using cocofiber but this stuff should make you pretty happy. I plan to tell you this in two stages. First I will give you the basics I think you will want. Then you tell me no that's still too much money and I try again with massive support from the community I hope. Now I would buy these at a hardware store like home Depot or lowes. Well honestly I would go to their local equivalent but I don't know what that is where you live or if it's as awesome as the one here so yeah home depot Or your local version hoping it's cool like mine lol. Growmore Seaweed extract. I buy the gallon but you don't have to. Alaska fish fertalizer. Alaska fish fertalizer more bloom. Buy some sulfer free molasas. You can use corn syrup, honey, or even agave nectar if you like. Oh and super thrive. Now if you want to really have some fun with it you could try my next suggestion. If you get small bottles like liter size and smaller you should be able to get growing for less than 60$. Depending on inflation You should be able to do this for less than 80$. I am nowhere sure on the cost of it but my best advice for someone on a budget that wants dank is to Build a tea brewer. There are some great examples on here if you search and I personally like the build of the 15 gallon bio dynamic tea brewer. Then you could grow some of the best bud in the world and still within a reasonable budget. Then you just get some worm castings, some ancient forrest, and so on but I'm sure one of the experts could advise you best on this. Here's how I started as I was on a budget too. I bought Fox farms grow fertalizer their worm castings and guano liquid I think is called big bloom and I also got some samples from different stores by asking for em. because yeah this stuff is expensive.


This is today. UW is indeed a light colored plant. Consisting of lime green/purple. Most moderm varieties aren't true to the lineage so that's why most pics of this strain online are a dark purple. It is lighter in the pic than it actually is though. I can't really afford any ferts or nutes right now though. Budget is really tight. I'm watering it every 2-4 days. I let the soil dry up a bit between waterings.


Your doing fine and it looks very healthy. Your soil has some slow-release ferts so don't worry. After a couple months, they may be used up and then you can add more if needed. I'd just leave it alone unless it starts to look sickly. Cannabis will TELL you what it needs if you just pay attention.
Since this is your first grow, best to just get a handle on how it looks, how it grows, etc. Learn the basics before jumping into all that complicated stuff. You can start adding all the fancy amendments on your next grow.


Found this spot on 1 leaf today. What could it be? :( it's on the bottom leaf (the one fingers)


Can't guarantee it but I get this sometimes. I call it "water burn". Large drops of water on the leaves in full sun turn that drop into a magnifying glass and burn the leaf.
Get a loupe and check it out up close. If you don't see any bugs/eggs etc. and it's not all over or spreading, that's probably it.


Well here's today. It grew its first set of 7 finger leaves overnight. It seems to keep growing faster and faster everyday. There was no bugs on that spot,I think it may be from me not checking my PH. I've just been using tap water,my levels might be way off causing some sort of nutrient deficient or providing too much.


Hi. When you spray use your full hand to shield the plant, let the spray run down your hand all sides, like stated its a water burn, on the leaf, the lights magnify the water droplets, and burn the plants, regards they are looking good regards


Is it possible to get water burn through a greenhouse? Doesn't the sun have to be directly hitting the leaf to magnify it enough to burn?


I have Solex5 on my greenhouse which diffuses the light very well. Still happens occasionally. I don't water during the hottest part of the day anymore, only in the early morning or evening when the sun is not blasting. If you do, make sure to keep it down low at the soil and not on the leaves.
If there was anything in that water (nutes, etc) makes it worse - the salts can do damage too.
Not sure where you are at but I'm at 5400' (CO) and the sun is a LOT stronger the higher you go.
But I could be wrong.
As long as it's not spreading, I wouldn't worry about it.
It's a beauty!!! Sure hope it's a girl.

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