WAR ON MEN (must read for parents with young men)

  • Thread starter Confuten1
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There is the problem.I don't believe we the people can come together on very many things.The road we're on has been paved for a very long time.I sound like I'm not optimistic when in reality I am.
I just believe that it's too late for the kind of change we actually need.Keep in mind this is just my opinion and you know what they're like.

Actually I agree with you. Very bad situation.


Interesting post... Seems that people are ignoring the fact that evolution / genetics have played A part and ingrained an image of the role of women that is still an issue even though intelligence is the great equalizer and decider when it comes to corporate level pay scales women are becoming closer equals to men on many levels, Get used to it.



as for Alex Jones and Conspiracy Theory? Take A closer look @ the word people, everything is called theory until it is verified true by science, observation or time.

10 Conspiracy Theories that turned out to be TRUE!

Government control, manipulation for personal gain, corruption? That's easy, read some history books... Individuals and groups have sought to control the population for personal gain / $$$$ / power since the beginning of time and that my friends is A fact. Think it no longer happens? be my guest :rolleyes:


This thread is fucking hilarious! Funny how some reply with thought and logic, others reply with humor and jest, still others reply with scary thoughts of world domination and control. Seems like we got a pretty accurate patchwork of american society here for sure. Its hard though to have a debate as confuten mentioned though, as any subject that involves a conspiracy brings in all the other conspiracy theorists espousing their own theory. Really muddys up the waters on the subject of masculinity when you start talking about Geo-Politics, World Systems Theory, Governments role in society etc. IF people want to debate or talk about all this other shit, start your own thread, shit we all know you need a long thread to even touch the surface of things such as the IMF and the World Bank or whatever power structure you want to discuss. I feel like with all the information people have available in todays age, they try and tie it all together no matter if it does not follow a logical path. Not to discount the extreme interconnected nature of our society, but people cant even debate anymore with out getting way off track in terms of causation. I love to debate in a respectful and logical fashion and am always willing to be wrong and learn more. Each one teach one.


This thread is fucking hilarious! Funny how some reply with thought and logic, others reply with humor and jest, still others reply with scary thoughts of world domination and control. Seems like we got a pretty accurate patchwork of american society here for sure. Its hard though to have a debate as confuten mentioned though, as any subject that involves a conspiracy brings in all the other conspiracy theorists espousing their own theory. Really muddys up the waters on the subject of masculinity when you start talking about Geo-Politics, World Systems Theory, Governments role in society etc. IF people want to debate or talk about all this other shit, start your own thread, shit we all know you need a long thread to even touch the surface of things such as the IMF and the World Bank or whatever power structure you want to discuss. I feel like with all the information people have available in todays age, they try and tie it all together no matter if it does not follow a logical path. Not to discount the extreme interconnected nature of our society, but people cant even debate anymore with out getting way off track in terms of causation. I love to debate in a respectful and logical fashion and am always willing to be wrong and learn more. Each one teach one.

I feel like a lot of these different things we talked about in this thread are somehow connected. Like if it wasn't for A happening B would've never happened


The war on Men / Women mixed with government and politics and you thought everything would become crystal clear? When you inject government into anything it always becomes over complicated and burdensome, It's what they (Fed. and Regulations) do... :woot:


The war on Men / Women mixed with government and politics and you thought everything would become crystal clear? When you inject government into anything it always becomes over complicated and burdensome, It.s what they (Feds and Regulation) do... :woot:

Nice avatar :eek:


@Slowitdown-Clearly some things are and some are not, but in order to tell them apart it helps to follow logic and the rules of cause and effect.
@Phoenix-Never did i say things would become clear.I said if you want to discuss the broader issues you feel are at play, start your own thread. The only people interjecting the gov into this discussion are those who are airing out theory's or opinions that do not relate to the subject of masculinity in society. There is no point in having a logical debate if people don't follow logic.


@Slowitdown-Clearly some things are and some are not, but in order to tell them apart it helps to follow logic and the rules of cause and effect.
@Phoenix-Never did i say things would become clear.I said if you want to discuss the broader issues you feel are at play, start your own thread. The only people interjecting the gov into this discussion are those who are airing out theory's or opinions that do not relate to the subject of masculinity in society. There is no point in having a logical debate if people don't follow logic.
And who has perpetuated and down right instigated "The War on Women" and hence the counter thought of "The War on Men" over the past 5 yrs. and used the media and like minds to further their own political agenda? It is by all means logical with A predictable outcome if you have power, media and unlimited money @ your disposal you can create A war on Hobbits if you wished to do so... So you are absolutely correct, no argument there.


Fear Not!
And who has perpetuated and down right instigated "The War on Women" and hence the counter thought of "The War on Men" over the past 5 yrs. and used the media and like minds to further their own political agenda? It is by all means logical with A predictable outcome if you have power, media and unlimited money @ your disposal you can create A war on Hobbits if you wished to do so... So you are absolutely correct, no argument there.


A wise man indeed... To expose big brother for stealing individual liberty's guaranteed in the constitution that few here have ever read or truly understand what they are loosing in the light of comedy... Brilliant!


thank God for these guys!
View attachment 381772
They will save us from the pussafacation of our boys! :)
Please tell me you've seen these guys with short hair..no beards holding tennis rackets, back in the ivy league school days? lol it's hilarious.
I mean I dig the whole nature provides..giving thanks message they have...but honestly I think it's more of a money trip than anything. But..going out and fixing things like hunger is their main msg, so Ima give them a thumbs up!
I think the worst thing for young guys..is video games. The only real skill there is pushing buttons and sitting on a couch.


Started out as the war on African American men and Hispanic . Now THEY said fuck it kill all the STRONG image's of men period . Funny how a plan backfires then they scramble to do away with masculine image's of Men. My great grandpa told me the day they put GLITTER BOIS on tv primetime, it's curtains for the men, except the men in power that is. I Strongly suggest us men to place the egos and bullshit aside ,take BACK our children ,cities, states, country. Or you can't complain once we're ALL ina fema camp being treated like diseased cattle!

God bless America! !


Fear Not!
Please tell me you've seen these guys with short hair..no beards holding tennis rackets, back in the ivy league school days? lol it's hilarious.
I mean I dig the whole nature provides..giving thanks message they have...but honestly I think it's more of a money trip than anything. But..going out and fixing things like hunger is their main msg, so Ima give them a thumbs up!
I think the worst thing for young guys..is video games. The only real skill there is pushing buttons and sitting on a couch.
Ive seen those Photos....mostly from folks trying to say its all fake like most reality tv is.
But i like to think they had the short hair to get rich enough to grow their hair and beards
but yeah..its probably all for show...Good guys I believe though.


Ive seen those Photos....mostly from folks trying to say its all fake like most reality tv is.
But i like to think they had the short hair to get rich enough to grow their hair and beards
but yeah..its probably all for show...Good guys I believe though.
I totally agree...maybe that's why I'm no Ivy League..never gonna squeeze me into tennis shorts...lol. j/k.
I love the way their kids respond yes sir no sir..can actually see the respect in their eyes..good stuff.
A lot of kids have no real role models either...tons of broken homes..leaves them to look up to hood rats that make money..or shit they see on tv.
Men should remember that if you get divorced..just remember you divorced your wife..not your kids!
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