What the hell is FIM

  • Thread starter Jedsdead
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Depends on number of plants. Just one?
let’s assume just one in a indoor grow tent

Hypotheses: an unencumbered plant with no training grown to its max potential would yield the same as a trained plant when grown to its max potential

Would this prove true?


let’s assume just one in a indoor grow tent

Hypotheses: an unencumbered plant with no training grown to its max potential would yield the same as a trained plant when grown to its max potential

Would this prove true?

No, it would not.

No training leads to a number of concerns. Adequate lighting and airflow especially. I have never advocated for not training plants. LST is a very effective method of training, im not sure where the confusion lies.


No nerves were touched on my end. Also, train every plant grown in a tent. Whether its topping and/or LST. Untrained plants do well outside, indoors you have 1 single light source that never moves. Buds that dont get adequate lighting leads to larf.

Timing of watering/feeding depends on medium and solubility of nutrients. Water when dry.

With HID you have one single light source that never moves.

Ever looked at the shadow a leaf edge casts under an LED panel? Im just knit picking, but still a valid point to make lol.

If you have two identical plants, and top one, and not the other, and do nothing else. Your yields will absolutely be within margin of error assuming you have the indoor space to pull such an experiment off with most plants. yup.

Im in the funny place of agree with @Stokes and @cannafarmer420 both lmao.

These have all been very contextually restricted statements to make lol.

I can tell you what my land race did trained vs untrained. It kept on going past my HPS hood and hit my 7 foot tile ceiling is what it did untrained.

That particular plant absolutely yielded more outdoors if trained though, indoors too. Substantially so. Idk if any of you have ever seen a wild industrial hemp plant that was damaged as a seedling, but come fall they tend to produce orders of magnitude more flower sites then the super tall lanky undamaged ones. And they produce a staggeringly higher volume of seeds.

Ive never had a dense heavy indica Kush genetic that statement would so easily apply to though. Excessively Training them out would increase the flower consistency throughout the canopy, but never improved yields much. Doing so meant more defoliating and lolipopping as well pretty often.


Just snapped these off a couple plants in the garden. The one with the Mohawk still is the FIM'd one and the one with just the nub in the middle is the Top'd one.

Just wanted to provide some pics of what they look like after they start growing from the cut.
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When I first joined this site there was lady here that was really helpful. She made this video ✌️



So now I have 3 options for my 3 plants I’ll FIM 1 top 1 and leave 1
BTW I’m growing them in a poly tunnel so space not an issue, on that thought does that influence the course of action?

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