Whats Next!!! First Time Grower

  • Thread starter KayMarie44
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Hey everyone this is molly (red pot) & Roc (green pot)... My father and I have started these 2 about 2 months ago as a father daughter project lol I'm 21 don't trip, so we're first time growers basically all we've done is plant them in pots outside and watered them a few time a day if the rain isn't heavy... we repotted them about 2 weeks ago in bigger pots and added new good quality soil and plant food. Molly has grown a lot larger but it's seems like Roc isn't getting any bigger and is now dying... judging by our recent pics can anyone tell me what our next step should be for both plants. Is it time to repot them? and is there something else we should purchase for them...
Whats next first time grower
Whats next first time grower 2
Whats next first time grower 3
Whats next first time grower 4
Whats next first time grower 5


It looks like thy are both males as there is no side branching, which does not necessarily mean the plant is a female, but...

Do not go with 3 part nutes at this level of growing.

NPK Industries has a product line up called RAW. They are dry nutrients, you add the water (not tap). They hae lots of YT tutorials.

This grow I am using their Grow and Bloom. So far I am very pleased


Without experience I think a 1 part complete nute made for potting mix is best to learn how much and often to feed.

Flora nova is loved by everyone around here but thick and hard to mix I understand. I use pure Blend Pro. And jacks classic is easy or Dyna grow foliage pro for a more complete 1 part.

Only need to add 1 thing to the water. That way you can focus on the plants needs more without too many variables.


@KayMarie44 welcome to the farm, glad to see you've got some family support.
Like other posters have mentioned get some nutrients for your plants.
I started with this line of powdered fertilizers and is quite easy to use, and tough to overfeed with which is also one of the things that new growers get caught on.
The lack of side branching is something else and after you start feeding those plants and they get greener, maybe those branches will develope, or maybe they are males. Can't tell yet, so first things first feed. Keep us up to date on what transpires with your plants. Someone is always willing to offer good advice.
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i had no idea there was a 1mix solution.i thought 3part was least u can find.i use a 7part mix.

That's a lot of bottles!

For hydro in neutral medium or water culture I would use 3 parts for the adjustability. But in potting mix only one general fertilizer is neccesary.

I have posted this before but it is really great info.

It is the president of Dyna Grow saying the bloom bottle is not needed and only produced for customer demand.

It is worth listening to the whole thing. He explains all about what the plants use for nutrition. Cannabis plants. They are testing now to make a fertilizer for indica hybrids.



Ive been using my taylor-made line for bout 7yrs now..i like being able to truly dial things n and tweek slowing.by having multiple bottles its easier to do this.but for all intensive purposes shes a self proclaimed noob so yur advice is def better.
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Ive been using my taylor-made line for bout 7yrs now..i like being able to truly dial things n and tweek slowing.by having multiple bottles its easier to do this.but for all intensive purposes shes a self proclaimed noob so yur advice is def better.

What are they? Do you mix them yourself?

I am aware of the shortcomings of my one part. Can't add or take away needed or unneeded nutrients. Well you can by mixing or switching to the one part bloom bottle from the Grow. Always a compromise.

But I combat this by using ammended soil mix like ocean forest as a base and insurance I always have available nutrients for the plants.

Of course that can complicate when and how much to feed for new growers so I always suggest something like pro mix and use a 1 (2) part nute to learn good watering/ feeding habits from the beginning.


UPDATE!!! so we found this really great one part nutrients system that seems to work really nice! Here are the new pics roc seems to be making a come back and both seem to be much greener... any feedback or advice you guys could share would be greatly appreciated!!!
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Love the white polish:love2:. Plants are looking better compared to the first pics. Keep up the good work. Are you planning on doing another project next season as well?
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