When Is It Safe To Transplant?

  • Thread starter TokaiSeed
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When can i transplant this beauty? It's on its 9th day now. Thanks in advance.
When is it safe to transplant


68A4742B 1C41 48D0 A336 4F28F2565257
What size pot is it in now? I’ve got one at fifteen days that I just moved into a one gallon pot, but I could see the roots exiting the solo cup it was in through the water drain holes. My second fifteen day old didn’t seem hardy enough yet to move it. When I cracked off the first solo cup, the roots were visible all around beneath the root root cube.
Wee Zard

Wee Zard

When she gets taller than the pot ,and slightly wider, it's time to take a peek.
First, inspect the weep holes.
See any roots? It's time.
Have to water everyday? It's time.
New growth at the terminus turning pale? Buy her new shoes.

Done right, she won't notice the switch so instead of transplant shock, you have a slight delay while she grows more roots, then a growth spurt.

Don't go with too big a pot.
Adding a few inches of soil under, and an inch or two in diameter will do.
Deeper if you intend to grow her tall, wider if you intend to supercrop.

Add soil to the new container until she sits just below the top of the new one.
Let that sweetie dry a little so the root ball stays intact.
Then moisten the new soil. Not wet, just moist.
Put your hand over the old soil with the stem between your fingers.
Then, in one fluid motion, turn her upside down and tap the container on the edge of a table. She will drop onto your fingers.
Use both hands to turn her upright and set her in the new container.
Pour moist, (not wet), soil in around her. Leaving, of course, enough room to water.
Gently press the soil to eliminate voids and you are done.
Raise you light for a day or so while she wiggle her toes and you are good to go.

Grow on,
Wee 'zard


When she gets taller than the pot ,and slightly wider, it's time to take a peek.
First, inspect the weep holes.
See any roots? It's time.
Have to water everyday? It's time.
New growth at the terminus turning pale? Buy her new shoes.

Done right, she won't notice the switch so instead of transplant shock, you have a slight delay while she grows more roots, then a growth spurt.

Don't go with too big a pot.
Adding a few inches of soil under, and an inch or two in diameter will do.
Deeper if you intend to grow her tall, wider if you intend to supercrop.

Add soil to the new container until she sits just below the top of the new one.
Let that sweetie dry a little so the root ball stays intact.
Then moisten the new soil. Not wet, just moist.
Put your hand over the old soil with the stem between your fingers.
Then, in one fluid motion, turn her upside down and tap the container on the edge of a table. She will drop onto your fingers.
Use both hands to turn her upright and set her in the new container.
Pour moist, (not wet), soil in around her. Leaving, of course, enough room to water.
Gently press the soil to eliminate voids and you are done.
Raise you light for a day or so while she wiggle her toes and you are good to go.

Grow on,
Wee 'zard

Thanks Wee'zard. that was very detailed and very helpful! will follow your advice.

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