White Widow Auto (CKS)

  • Thread starter fatconeskills
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Decided to start a new diary to help better my skills, and maybe help other growers at my competence level. Last time I made the mistake of not rinsing my coco, and I'm paying for it now. Things are a bit different here. First off, starting in am 18L pot, coco packed lightly at the top and denser mid way, with pumice stones at the bottom. No Precharging. Prewatered the pot with ph'd water. Germination was cup/paper towel method. I did add greatwhite onto the seed before sealing in ziplock for 48 hours. Tap root was "hairy" and thick. Planted on the 1st of feb. I let the pot dry till yesterday which was no bueno, I am less afraid of. overwatering at this point in coco, more over the issue lies in the ph of the medium. The runoff was astronomical as the coco was left to dry. Flushing till runoff was at optimal, then light feed of 1/4 Calmag. The key thing I'm learning with coco is that you must water daily, the medium must remain moist and root growth will boom. Always water till runoff, ph of the medium will remain within range, but if coco dries out, salts and residue buildup will definitely. hinder growth. So I water daily, once. Since this seedlings is starting off in the same pot, I. need to be mindful of the amount fertigation required for sufficient runoff. Anyone hesitant on watering everyday should try soil, coco is hard to overwater, but you cannot drench. Gentle waterings till root system is mature. To conclude, genetics. I now understand, no matter the conditions, genetics will always prevail. Opting for unstable genetics is not fun, and is stressful. New seeds from breeders from new strains have proven to be problematic, some phenotypes have shown resilience, but not enough stability in the gene can make your grow horrible is unexperienced like me. This time I used crop king, even though the genetics aren't great, but this way I can guarantee some what stable genetics from their White widow auto. I have set no goals or expectations, I just want to grow a healthy, happy plant.
White widow auto cks
White widow auto cks 2
White widow auto cks 3


I'll follow along. I haven't done autos yet but the day is coming. Good luck on your grow.


All plants are worth my time. If she isn't doing well, we work on getting her back.
we don't discriminate here. I'm glad to have the expertise of everyone here. Makes growing enjoyable and the knowledge base is infinitely expanding.


we don't discriminate here. I'm glad to have the expertise of everyone here. Makes growing enjoyable and the knowledge base is infinitely expanding.
It's basically how I learned what I know now. Besides actual hands on training, there was a point where I knew I needed to take it more serious. I started reading, taking notes, following grows and asking questions. Even to this day, I am still learning.


It's basically how I learned what I know now. Besides actual hands on training, there was a point where I knew I needed to take it more serious. I started reading, taking notes, following grows and asking questions. Even to this day, I am still learning.
I feel you my dude. for me it was a series of growers on YouTube, for about 4 months of constant research and watching videos of seed to cure. Its really fun having this as a hobby, not to mention the benefits when done correctly. Cheers to progress for the both of us !


so 14 days of no feed straight water, mag deficiency popped up hardcore to mess with me.
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Ran white widow from cks many times, plants are touchy with nutrients, go easy, plants take pruneing ok, should finish 70+ days from sprout.


Ran white widow from cks many times, plants are touchy with nutrients, go easy, plants take pruneing ok, should finish 70+ days from sprout.
thank you master Edinburgh, resident auto beast. I'm doing water-feed-water... to keep it on the lighter side. I hope this is a more stable genetics.


Almost into week 3, will LST as soon as the stem thickness up a bit more. Still under a 120w led.
IMG 8316


A little into 3 weeks, daily fertigation, 2x with feed. I water till 20-30% runoff. I noticed that if I do plain water feeding, it will break the balance in the medium. By maininting high runoff, im not getting salt buildup, and ph lockout seems less of an issue. THE KEY IS TO KEEP COCO WATERED. For those who are worried about over watering your plants in coco, don't, but also don't be a dumbass. Clearly daily watering will not cause issues, medium ph and overfeeding will. When I notice darkening of the leaves I hold off of feed and reduce to a lighter dose, never plain water in coco, it will fuck your shit up. Ive been on the 1st week of vegetative growth formula strength, as you guys can see, auto flower really don't need much. I watered daily until it had a more rigid root system, then twice a day no problem. The more you fertigate, the better oxygenation you will get @Roots. I spread my waterings 8 hours apart, this ensures ph does not fluctuate, and no buildup occurs.
Unnamed 11


I don’t train like that, this all I do , well then strip the bottom 1/3

Same widow with the weight on fir 2 days just give the bottom branches time to catch up to even out the canopy like the last pic and yeah I know she’s hungry


Day 36, Light base defoliation, Just removing some sucker tops around the bottom. Nothing aggressive. Still feeding at week 1 strength and no issues.
IMG 8454


Guess I might as well make this my main grow thread. Little update. This was at week 8 still in veg ! I had snapped the main top by too much LST, snapped clean off at night, wasn't able to save her.
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94 days in. Too big for the grow space. Definitely not happy, but I'm trying my best to accommodate. Did not expect over 20 tops, trimming is going to be a bitch.
this plant is huge.
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Breeder lists 8 weeks, and around 4 weeks in, I think well be done around breeder estimate. This seems to be more of a narcotic smoke than the gg4 I grew, but again the genetics were subpar. I have yet to try crop kings white widow, but opting for a classic stable strain paid off. Very light eater, just chugs cal mag like its nothing. Smell is reminds me of the ammonia caps I would sniff in training plus some peppery citrus notes. Very fuely. I was all about those giant colas, now smaller dense buds are my goal. I realized no one hands out awards for largest cola, nor do they fit in jars.
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