That's awesome!! Manure is gold!!! I live on the river so the soil is beautiful here too. 15 gallons of perlite in each hole really made a difference. I got started a little late this year. Next year I'll start them in March. Maybe February. Next season I plan on adding a pinch of guanos in the holes and only running compost teas and
My behemoth's were started from seed at the end of april, went in ground some time in may lol. I prob wont even pop seeds til may next year. But im also in tennessee mountains at high elevation growing sativas. It's basically a giant plant growth terrarium with naturally accumulate mineral rich soil everywhere you go.
If they flower fast enough ill have to gt you some S1's from my big girls lol. Ive been growing for almost 20 years and the blew me the hell away every single time i went out there and continue to do so. My big girls prob gonna yeild 2-3lbs dry alone.
Helpful hint when you plan on replanting the same patches, a light, small pumice stone, although more expensive then perlight, will do the same job, last a LOT longer, and make aerating and turning over through winter/spring even easier then perlite does. Back in KC i only had to put down pumice stone 2x in about 6 years of tossing clones in the same spot.
If you grow indoors in soil you can switch to a light pumice stone if you want too, and screen and reuse it every grow. Works great. Just pricey (only the first time you do it)
I used small volcanic pumice over perlite in my own patch in kc though, am here too. Small volcanic pumice > Volcanic glass, all day every day imho. Can increase aeration without diminishing water retention much if any in ground. I do prefer perlite indoors though. Transplanting is a lot easier with perlite then pumice even though i think the plants prefer the pumice.