who is California Cannetics?

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hello. could someone tell me something about these guys? i saw them mentioned in the Introduce Yourself section of the forum.



Premium Member
I think this is part of the Doc Otis crew and from what I hear are working on some top grade gear at the moment .:tongueout


Premium Member
You're a busy man RD! I'm excited to hear what else you'll bring to the table.


California Cannetics

Hey, I heard about this thread. A little early for a pubic intro thread but HELLO!!! We are so glad someone has already inquired. We are a small group in Southern Cali. MMJ patients who have been working together since the early '90s. Our other partner, Hammer, should be up to speed soon, he lost everything in a fire last year. We're shooting for early '09 and until then haven't much more to "Let out of the bag" so to speak. Masugama is our first goal, we'll keep you all updated. Till then, keep it green...



Rewrote this post a couple of times, and I mean entirely no offense-- just curiousity... but if you've been breeding for over 20 years, why haven't we heard of you? I mean, prop 215 has been around for a while, and I would think the first place anyone would hit up to distribute genetics is the collectives... not a forum that isn't even targeted towards MMJ users... Also curious, are you bringing anything innovative to the community? Some sort of ground-breaking high content strain? Some amazing producer? Or just building hype for your project?

Very curious to know... :mmm


Rd, you should send some genetics over here to the East Coast. Manifest Destiny! Aggressive expansion. :cool


Cell I live in the southeast and we have many of the cali cuts going around here including the white, trainwreck, lots of og variences I just recently smoked an orange tasting bubba kush I swear it was the original bubba, probably crossed with cali O.

Mosca Negra

Congrats RD, SS DO, and Crew! Bring 'em on!!


Karma Genetics

Whising your team good luck. And let us rock 2009...............
The Kind Man

The Kind Man

Can’t wait to try some of your guy’s work. All of California, especially So Cal and the Emerald Triangle, along with southern Oregon have the best genetics and vastest cannabis gene pool in the world. Good things should be coming from this :D
|The Kind Man|
|Scientia Ipsum Est Vox|


Hey folks. Well, the Masugama is on the back burner for now, low germ rates our first attempt. Did try a few of the next container and closer to a 75% germ rate so that will continue into the next year. Got 4 other projects in the works as we speak. Not anything to talk about yet but rest assured, we are working hard and diligently to bring out the best product we can offer. We'll update soon, thanks for the interest and inquiries. Keep it green...



Quality Breeders are an asset to the community. Look forward to your work!


few things have changed since 9/3, RD is/will be workin on some elites with me, im sure between the 2 of us we can come up with some real sick elite hybrids


75% germ sounds good enough bro, maybe make the packs 12-15 insteada 10 to make up for it..sounds interesting but i dont have any clue the strains your working bro..whats the make-up of masugama?

Hey folks. Well, the Masugama is on the back burner for now, low germ rates our first attempt. Did try a few of the next container and closer to a 75% germ rate so that will continue into the next year. Got 4 other projects in the works as we speak. Not anything to talk about yet but rest assured, we are working hard and diligently to bring out the best product we can offer. We'll update soon, thanks for the interest and inquiries. Keep it green...



Keep it up DocOtis!

Hope to try yours one day!

Vibes and wishes!



Hey friend. The Masugama is a Pure Hindu Kush. It was talked about a bit in a previous premature thread, not started by me, when I was work'n with a different seed co. It was originally from Sensis Hindu Kush and every bit what I expected and then some. The best of the best, I ran, from the early-mid '90s. Hashy, fruit loopy taste with a pleasant but not overwhelming effect. Had the stone with just enough high to make a very good blend of high to stone and very effective meds. Very uniform growth too. MMmmmusagama...

Unfortunately at this point about half my old stock is still with my ex-partner and he seems to think my hard work was a gift for him to take a free ride on. Listen to this BULLSHIT!!!

So in a public forum he has admitted to robbing me. Stating "Finish what you started with us" when he's steeling the gear I shared with him to a collaborative project with. NOT to do his own thing using my hard work. I shared my hard work to collaborate on a project together, then he decides to part ways. That does NOT mean I gifted anything to him. This is just his way of trying to rob me and justifying it with words. A technique called blame switching. Used to get the focus off the true offender and focus on the victim as the guilty one. Good try friend but not good enough, you created this whole entire unpleasant situation. Don't slander me because I ran a grip of Elite gear and you got all upset over nothing. All I can say to this insanity is give me my stock back then we can talk about the Grindhouse stock I'm about to sell off cheap... What the hell are/were you thinking??? I know my gear is that good and desirable but taking it to this level is childish.

Thieving is not an acceptable practice in this industry and someone has broken a serious tou of good, honest business practices. Edits..... my post and then closes the thread so I have no reply publicly in that thread. Pretty shady business practices and why I'm work'n with Elite now. Yes, I'm kick'n it with Elite now...:dance

I of course kept the best of the best and the stock that is truly the Masugama. The other stock, stolen from me, was from unworthy and inferior mothers that were pollinated accidentally. It's unfortunate, but I now do understand the seediness of this business; pun intended.

Let's hope we are successful in continuing this superior stock of my Masugama. Then you will all see for yourselves how dank this shit is. Dank enough to have others try'n to steel it and call it their own. ;-) I guess that's a compliment in a way...

So, the Masaugama... This is the original batch, G1, I made 15 years ago. So I'm hope'n we'll see this 75% germ rate again and make a G2 round. If we get it to that phase that's when we'll be releasing them. Hope to grace you all with my OLD SCHOOL HINDU DANK, MASUGAMA! Keep your fingers crossed for some good old school REAL kush, Hindu style.

So, for now and for a while I'll be work'n with Elite make'n some digidy dank gear, 'ya all see my thread on the Twisted Purple OGK? I am quite honored to have been invited to work with such a great breeder, Elite! Thanks EG and we'll be pump'n out the dank gear soon!!! They say, everything happens for the better and it sure worked out for me this time.

Our projects will always be go'n on in the background here. Sooner than later, if all goes well and as planned, we'll have something special and unique from California Cannetics to offer the community. Remember, The Doc and Hammer are still work'n things here, full time, so the California Cannetics team is always work'n on something. PEACE!...........RD

Wow, what a raw deal and a stab in the back too!!! Glad you could hold on to the origanal genetics. How far into the future is the Masu??? RB


well you picked a man that knows his genetics for sure, I had no idea Steel was that kind of person, to bad it went to shit.., gonna run a couple of his strains the next run, aroung jan, o9
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