why cant i get stoned

  • Thread starter baron1212
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Thats an excellent point, maestro. Yes, there could be some physiological/metabolical reason behind it.


All i did was get a bigger waterpipe and POW lifes good again!


All i did was get a bigger waterpipe and POW lifes good again!
Funny how that works.

After smoking from a big bong for awhile, I like to switch it up to a small pipe or small bong. My feeling is that you take your hits a bit differently with each piece, between the slow lurping phase and the fast clearing phase. By doing this with only one piece, you subject the same parts of your lungs to smoke over and over, making them less able to absorb the smoke you're feeding them. By switching up your piece, and therefore lung inhalation pattern, you're exposing fresh areas of your lungs to smoke, and you're able to absorb the THC better again.

I'm definitely no doctor.

I know this threads a bunch a BS but on a serios note. Really if you are smoking down n not catchin a buzz at all, are you sleepin at night, more sensitive to pain than usual, sensitive to light, hows your appetite, been noticing weight loss? Im just askin because when I became an adult onset type 1 diabetic my body stoped making insulin completley
and one thing I noticed was I couldn't get high. Because this was starvin my brain my body stopped making vital hormones like dopamine n seratonin. I farm some stank sticky dank and have refined my skills in the hobby over twenty years my meds are good. I was blastin pinkie size joints thinking my herbs wasn't any good while my bros were curled up fetal position after a smoke out.

Dopamine is a big part of what makes ya feel stoned, sleep good n deal with pain physical n mental. Seratonin helps moods. sleep, happiness and has a lot to do with the high behind herbs.

Maybe you are just smokin too much, smokin bunk or doing too much meth or somethin but if dank aint bombin ya test your blood sugar bro. Its easy n can save your life.


Your post's spot-on to how I've felt over the past couple years, while ingesting large amounts of energy drinks (I'm a big fan of Red Line, which is basically legal tweak). After stopping those for the last week, I've noticed that I get a lot higher, I'm sleeping better, my moods are overall more positive with less valleys, and the sun's not unbearably bright. My appetite/digestive system seems a lot happier as well.


Try giving yourself an enema,your colon is probably clogged with all kinds of bullshit and you need to cleanse yourself.Please report back with the results.

This is probably the only place in the world where someone can say that, and nobody even thinks twice about it.

Haha! Go shove something up your ass and report back to me!
Hehe! That made me laugh!

It is a good point though.....


A big old bong did it? Hell, just a couple hits off a pipe get me sailing. A bong hit would knock me on my skinny ass.

Anyway, glad your figured it out.


I had a similar problem...im 31, started smoking 5 years ago...after i started growing I was able to start smoking hash's, oils, and all kinds of bud...but after a month ago my best bud, with my best oil just didnt get me where I wanted to be anymore...I was immune to being high....I was just so use to it no one could tell if I was high or sober either. Id smoke from the time I woke, till I went to bed. Also couldnt sleep worth a damm anymore even with the best indicas....

Long story short, it been a month for me without smoking any bud at all and I am sleeping better then ever. Alot more energy....my body needed this time off, plus my grow is looking better then ever...lol.... I have certain conditions I started smoking for and overall im doing better now that I have had the break.

I havent started smoking again yet. My goal is to hold off till next harvest and to tell you the truth I thought I would miss smoking more then I do.

But I am looking forward to my next bowl, bet it will be like smoking weed for the first time again.


(I'm a big fan of Red Line, which is basically legal tweak).

Off topic.
Have you tried this redline concentrate? a 5ml spoon is a full serving and can knock a tweeker on his ass.


Continue on topic comments here :


CONCENTRATES AND OIL AND HASH, and better weed... but seriously i know what you mean kinda, some strains just dont do it anymore, i smoke easy 6 grams a day, its a great habit i know


Premium Member
Ive been smokin pot since 10/31/70, that date I first puffed is still carved on a fence post of my childhood home in the S.F. Bay area. I get good and ripped all day long, 3 or 4 hits at a time. At night its not as effective,hash/mj vape hits work a little better in the evening.

I got a friend who grows his own and it tastes and smokes like hay, loves it. He says he dont get baked off my stash, which most others rave about.

I think and here we go again folks, its all about nutrition. If your bodys functioning properly receptors are recieving and processing thc and you will get higher than someone whos not in good shape..

Cigarette smokers I wonder, if that plays a role as well. Ive noticed cigarette smokers dont like vapes cause they say they dont get High


I liked the enema suggestion. The only additon would be to use strong coffee as the enema mixture (as per Dr Max Gerson, The Gerson Therapy). No cream or sugar, :)
It's quite popular (and trendy) in Cali.

CM, you should read up on coffee enemas, good stuff actually, if ya ain't analphobic.


Premium Member
Dunno about that, what goes out must not come in, one way tunnel, but if needed I would choose that altenative over other shit...


Living dead girl
I'm with chickenman about nutrition, it's the foundation for everything else that follows. I go as far as to treat humans like I do animals and, with my granddaughter at least, will even keep a fecal log. (No, not samples! notes, because a *proper* BM is the path to health and beauty.) I can't say that making the dietary changes I have over the past year have changed how I experience cannabis, though. Hmm..

I dislike the enema idea, I thought it was a joke anyway. Why do some people always wanna stick stuff up their asses? Worse yet, up the asses of others. :sweating
Switch it up, try a diff strain. Maybe your "kind bud" isnt so kind..
I just find it hard to believe you cant get high off dank bud.
I got some buds that will get you high just looking at em.
:hi I learned that if you smoke all day long, that you will hit a point where you don't get high anymore. Even go and smoke some really kind <insert your dank of choice here> a friend wants you to sample and all it can do is 'cut through the haze,' not actually get one high, let alone baked or blazed. It happens, and I'm proof.

Last time I got a really good buzz was last week up at Squaw Valley. I hadn't smoked for several hours, had been walking on Monkey Leg all over the place and when Dave finally finished we went for his tattoo and I HAD to have a smoke. Fortunately, there ain't a tattooist out there who ISN'T cool. He asked one of them if they had a private area where his wife might partake of her meds and they showed me the way. I pulled out my pre-roll and took two, maybe three hits and it was like... whoa.... I'm high! Then I thought, "Damn... this is some good shit." I finally got out of Longbottom Leaf what others have been describing about her. And I said Yea! And it was good. And it's the last of it and I lost the clones.

Thing is... I really like to smoke all day long. Have my first cup, and shortly after I'm toking my pipe and it's almost a compulsion for me. That's one reason why when people ask me what I think of their bud, I can only really talk about flavor, scent, smoothness of smoke, but not really the high, because it's all pretty much the same now.
I know this threads a bunch a BS but on a serios note. Really if you are smoking down n not catchin a buzz at all, are you sleepin at night, more sensitive to pain than usual, sensitive to light, hows your appetite, been noticing weight loss? Im just askin because when I became an adult onset type 1 diabetic my body stoped making insulin completley
and one thing I noticed was I couldn't get high. Because this was starvin my brain my body stopped making vital hormones like dopamine n seratonin. I farm some stank sticky dank and have refined my skills in the hobby over twenty years my meds are good. I was blastin pinkie size joints thinking my herbs wasn't any good while my bros were curled up fetal position after a smoke out.

Dopamine is a big part of what makes ya feel stoned, sleep good n deal with pain physical n mental. Seratonin helps moods. sleep, happiness and has a lot to do with the high behind herbs.

Maybe you are just smokin too much, smokin bunk or doing too much meth or somethin but if dank aint bombin ya test your blood sugar bro. Its easy n can save your life.

I never thought that having pain or an inability to sleep (due to the pain) could have an effect on the high I experience, or don't. I just assumed that I'm smoking enough to the point that I don't really get high, that I'm saturated or pickled if you will.

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