WiFi Med Grow 2kw Dual-Arc 1st Grow Log!

  • Thread starter nMEEKS
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Also the recipe i sent you needs to be diluted with promix for you outdoor veg garden.....you only need 10-15% supersoil...it will burn the shit out of other plants....MJ is special!!


Things are lookin good meeks!

I bet it feels good to have the wifi finally rockin


Things are lookin good meeks!

I bet it feels good to have the wifi finally rockin

You know it! I did some thinning out around week 3 for some lower branches that had shot up after my original thinning at week 2, the stems I chopped had already developed some pistils and trichomes and so I put a group of 15 or so into a thin flower vase and kept it on my night stand. The smells were amazing, just a wave of this super dank kush smell, I don't know how else to describe it. Everytime I thought I put a finger on what the scent was, sweet, pepper, lemon, I just got completely lost in how it makes my whole nose feel moist and no other word came to mind besides DANK! I am sure the smell will develop more over the next couple weeks, they just got their first flush of trichomes the day before I posted those macro shots, so this is just the beginning! :banana1sv6:

Happy Thanksgiving to you, and everyone else here on the farm!



Hey Meeks...

Are the white fire alien and fire alien kush feminized?? I just ordered them tonight!!!!


I would very much like to see pics of how you built your screens. I believe I have all the gear you suggested buying- but for the life of me, I can't figure out how you take 4 tomato cages and make 3 square screens from them. This is actually a problem I've been trying to solve with my own setup for some time now, so the help would be timely!

About the only difference between my application and yours is that I'm running 8" netpots on 5 gallon buckets in a DIY RDWC system. I am planning to mount the cages to the 8" netpots, but other than that I think the buildout would be pretty similar.

I tried to follow your written instructions- I have all the parts you mentioned- but I'm a little confused about the part where you take four 3 legged cages and made three 4 legged ones. Seems to me there's some wire needed that ends up missing. A few judicious pictures, or some more explanation would be very helpful at this point.


Hey Meeks...

Are the white fire alien and fire alien kush feminized?? I just ordered them tonight!!!!

no clue, let me know when i you out. I think the fire alien kush are reg beans. Nice Score!

I tried to follow your written instructions- I have all the parts you mentioned- but I'm a little confused about the part where you take four 3 legged cages and made three 4 legged ones. Seems to me there's some wire needed that ends up missing. A few judicious pictures, or some more explanation would be very helpful at this point.

Sorry bro, but I'm outta town and then real busy with school for at least a little while. It really is not compacted. if you have the proper cages, you should have 3 legs per cage with 2 rings holding them together. unhook both rings from themselves (the rings are just a wire made into a ring and hooked on itself) and then slide the 3 legs completely free of the now incomplete rings. These are the 3 legs you will add to your other 3 cages. now take 1 leg and add it to a cage by the same method you separated them but reversed since you are adding a leg to the rings not removing.so unhook the ring from itself, pass it through the loop on the leg, then repeat with the top loop on the leg and with the top ring. now you have a 4 legged cage with 2 ring layers. now completely remove the top ring and replace it with your square. I know pictures would help, but I can't get that for you until I have the time to spare, and thats not right now. I hope this is enough to get you started, and I figured it out with no instructions just trying to make something work and it just went together no problem, so i'm sure you can figure this out if you give it a shot.
Good luck



Okay- I think I figured out the issue; my cages are spot welded, no bent wire holding things together. I'll go to Home De Pot tomorrow and see what I can find. Thanks for the explanation, and good luck with your studies- even though you're probably learning more in your lil hame garden test kitchen, anyway...

By the way, if you come across any more of those lil tidbits of knowlege, like the quantified foliar feeding study, I'm sure I'm not the only one who'd be interested in hearing them!


Okay- I think I figured out the issue; my cages are spot welded, no bent wire holding things together. I'll go to Home De Pot tomorrow and see what I can find. Thanks for the explanation, and good luck with your studies- even though you're probably learning more in your lil hame garden test kitchen, anyway...

By the way, if you come across any more of those lil tidbits of knowlege, like the quantified foliar feeding study, I'm sure I'm not the only one who'd be interested in hearing them!

That is strange that yours are spot welded. I kinda had a feeling you had a different product than me, because I just kinda started taking things a part when I bought them, and it all reconstructed in the 4 legged model pretty easily, so when you were having trouble, I assumed something else was wrong. I definitely learn an enormous amount in my grow room. What I don't learn are the things that are not visible to the naked eye, or only visible over a long time scale with close observation and records. Thats were my classes come in. Others have done the research, published it, and adapted techniques upon it. I will be taking a few classes that should give me a wealth of knowledge about similar technique to growing cannabis, one of them is called "Potted Plant Production" and "Hydroponics Enterprise (thats in the greenhouse I posted pics of)" and right now I'm in "Irrigation Management". Its all very interesting and I will definitely post up anything I feel I can summarize correctly that relates to our industry. The only downside to my classes is they generally focus on larger scale agriculture, not small scale high value production. Anyways, good luck on your HomeDepot search. I will PM you the product link so you can just show that to HomeDepot employees.



Great grow log

Thanks MG, that means a lot, I hope that one day I can do a log of a dialed run with super detailed notes of my feedings and everything so that someone can follow my steps easily. For now, I have been avoiding the temptation to post my feeding info, because not all my plants have been the happiest, so I don't want anyone to copy what I'm doing.

It has been a little while since my last update, I took a quick vacation for Thanksgiving, and left my camera up north when I came back on accident. Luckily I knew where I had left it, and got it shipped down to me ASAP. Took some shots last night and this morning, so here is an update:

First a note about how stupid I can be sometimes. I had my veg closet MH bulb being air cooled and the hot air was being ducted out and aimed towards my air conditioner. My logic was to cool the hot air down as quick as possible by mixing it with the new cool air from the A/C. Wrong! I forgot that the humidistat is currently located inside the A/C indoor unit, and so it constantly thought my room was too hot, and would run excessively. I didn't catch the problem to quickly either, I just starting noticing that my buds were not swelling or frosting up as much as I expected them to be at week 4.5, and discovered the problem. :swear

So with that in mind, you will most likely see the results of too cold an environment, and may also explain why my plants were showing signs of the claw (with slowed growth, and the same level of nutrients, they experienced a toxicity). Here they are looking more like week 3 plants should in my opinion.

The Girls

Plant D

Nug Shots

Stem Shot

Comments about experience with multi-phenotype grows from seed and how to handle different nutrient levels for different plants is welcome. I have the claw on 2, slightly on the 3rd, and my 4th (Plant D) is still hungry. Thanks for checking out the log!

-Meeks :bong2:


Its all looking nice, even if you did a booboo..... i still see crystal action on some. Cant give u any advice,,, im a RW grower and dont wana guess or mislead ya. I do know that flushing is always good.


Looking damn frosty already though.....theyll bounce back....they dont look bad....a tiny bit sad...but,

what is your method and nute line? maybe i can help...i used to run hydro for years!

make a batch...pull some out for plant D..PH it...drip clean (if u use it), feed!

now just.... pull out another gallon of the batch, add RO water till the PPMs drop at least 100..........PH....drip clean....feed the least struggling plant...

repeat this lowering the PPMs each time according the health of each plant!

drip clean is good stuff, if you dont already use it!

hope this helps



Looks to me like your lowest branches should have been cut off back on week 1 or 2. Proper chopping early makes a HUGE difference. Just have to make sure not to cut too much all at once.

Too low temp also causes issues. Have to let em get to at least 75 F. in flower (without CO2, with CO2 82-84 F. is ideal) each day to get them to perform 100%.


Looks to me like your lowest branches should have been cut off back on week 1 or 2. Proper chopping early makes a HUGE difference. Just have to make sure not to cut too much all at once.

Too low temp also causes issues. Have to let em get to at least 75 F. in flower (without CO2, with CO2 82-84 F. is ideal) each day to get them to perform 100%.

u know what,,, not looking at the health issues and focusing on the run u are correct i do agree that thinning all that BUSH would cleary foucs excelleruted growth where questioned


Its all looking nice, even if you did a booboo..... i still see crystal action on some. Cant give u any advice,,, im a RW grower and dont wana guess or mislead ya. I do know that flushing is always good.

Flushed the 3 that weren't as happy.

Looking damn frosty already though.....theyll bounce back....they dont look bad....a tiny bit sad...but,

what is your method and nute line? maybe i can help...i used to run hydro for years!

make a batch...pull some out for plant D..PH it...drip clean (if u use it), feed!

now just.... pull out another gallon of the batch, add RO water till the PPMs drop at least 100..........PH....drip clean....feed the least struggling plant...

repeat this lowering the PPMs each time according the health of each plant!

drip clean is good stuff, if you dont already use it!

hope this helps


I do use Drip Clean, I feed based on House & Gardens nutrient feed charts, and these girls were fed with the recommended rate for week 5 of flower recently before I flushed them. I am going to feed the plant that is still very happy week 5 nutrients again this week because of their growth being slowed by the low temp. The other 3 were flushed with a lot of RO earlier today.

They are really frosty on the calyxes, and since fixing the heating/cooling problem all the plants have shown significant growth in the buds. I only wish I had caught the problem over a week sooner.

Looks to me like your lowest branches should have been cut off back on week 1 or 2. Proper chopping early makes a HUGE difference. Just have to make sure not to cut too much all at once.

Too low temp also causes issues. Have to let em get to at least 75 F. in flower (without CO2, with CO2 82-84 F. is ideal) each day to get them to perform 100%.

The problem is not that I don't know what temp they should be, the problem was that I transplanted my White Urkle girls into 2 gallon containers and threw them under my air cooled MH in the veg closet. The hood is cooled and the hot air was being aimed right at the A/C because I wasn't thinking about the thermostat being inside the unit. So my A/C thought it was hot all the time and ran too much and the flowering area dropped to 62 for over a week. I have now fixed the problem by doing two things. The hot air is no longer aimed directly at the Indoor A/C unit, and I have connected a remote thermostat that is place more locally in the canopy area. The remote thermostat also allows me program daytime temp for lights on to be any temp (currently 80) and my nighttime temp to be anything swell (currently 66). It wasn't cheap, but I think it will keep my plants much happier.

And on the note of thinning the lower branches, I thinned about 1 in 3 main branches until I had the number I wanted for spreading into my 2'x2' ScrOG nets, then I thinned about 80-90% of the branches coming off those main stems as the plant matured and reached week 2/3. I will keep the number of main stems down a bit with the White Urkles and see how it does, but I really think the issue was much more the cold, not the lack of thinning.

You'll get 'em to chunk up bro.

Thanks Delae, I know they will get there, just can't help but think/know that they would have been bigger. Like I said before, just in the last couple days they have noticeably swelled.

u know what,,, not looking at the health issues and focusing on the run u are correct i do agree that thinning all that BUSH would cleary foucs excelleruted growth where questioned

It is true that the two plants in the back did not stretch nearly as much as I had anticipated based on the front 2 plants. Because of that, I was not able to use the second layer of screen to spread the canopy as I had intended and now they are a bit too bushy for their own good. I do think however, that the front two plants, are not too bushy at all, but I will keep that in mind the next time I run them, and thin some more than others for comparison. I am excited to get past this run with finicky phenotypes and get to run from clone and have perfect plants.

Thanks to everyone for the feedback and advice!! Stay tuned to see the recovery and then the big show hopefully!

-Meeks :pimp:


Dude, just gotta say, your room looks SWEET!!! If I ever get my way, I'll get to finish out a garage or basement just like you've done there...

Can't wait to see the finish, man!!


ya brah ur gona have some kill fo sho
it will always get bettter.
my runs are improving everytime
its all the littlethings that addup to a big thing
and it allcomes together


Lookin good!! lookin strong and vigorous. So are your babes technically in their stretching or bulking stage now?
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