Would you buy tissue culture cannabis plants?

  • Thread starter beer30
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Would you buy clones in test tubes?

  • Yes.

  • No, I'd rather have normal clones.

  • No, seeds only for me.

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Disclaimer first off I'm not selling anything. Just market research here.

If a website or person were selling rooted tissue culture plants still in test tubes or bags like you see with tc houseplants would you be interested in buying them?

Keep in mind when they are in test tubes they are tiny BUT they are sterile. No bugs, molds, fungal infections, nothing. I see plenty of clone sellers popping up selling normal clones chopped from a mother plant which is cool but that way is open to hitchhikers that us indoor gardeners especially don't want. Tissue culture eliminates that risk.


I would buy them, I have bought tc orchids before. The caveat would be price, they’d have to cost less than clones, because the are very small.


So do you just wait until it out grows the test tube, and then you plant it normally in whatever medium? Looks like it would be better for being posted too. Yeah I would buy these, even though I know nothing about this process.


So do you just wait until it out grows the test tube, and then you plant it normally in whatever medium? Looks like it would be better for being posted too. Yeah I would buy these, even though I know nothing about this process.
That would be ideal if they weren't already filling the tube when you bought them. Then just treat them like an unrooted clone with a humidity dome for a week or 2 slowly lowering the humidity to your normal room levels. They would be rooted when you got them but TC plants need acclimated as they have been grown in high humidity in the container.

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