You can beat very traffic ticket for sure!!

  • Thread starter Sunshinegrower
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i hear ya there, there r safe ways to speed, i hava sportbike that does close to 190mph, and i do raise heck on it, and there are places that are sfaer to go fast BUT remember when you r goin faster that you r more apt to get in an accident,, it is just how it is

and trying to argue it hear that it is OK is silly, cuz it takes another "speeder" to see what you mean, but still the majority will not be impresssed with it at all because of all the terrible acidents from excesive speed

when u r a lil older u will evolve into a slower more cautious driver, for sure example,, i pull off to the side of riad and let people go by me if they are tailgaiting me or if the have their high bem headlights on,, i dont sweat the lil stuff the used to make me drive agressively

Excessive speed in and of itself doesn't lead to more accidents and there are traffic studies to show it. Just plain poor driving leads to the most accidents whether that driver happens to be doing the limit (not based on safety BTW) or not.

I've been driving a a while, like I'm 52 years old now. I still drive over the limit by 10-20, sometimes more. I've never had an accident on a paved road, although I've avoided a few. Some skill and a lot of paying attention and being prepared for the stuff other idiots will do goes a lot farther then obeying some white sign with a mostly arbitrary number on it. I've always been a cautious driver but to me that doesn't mean driving like a grampa.

I'm glad you move over for faster traffic, more people should do that.
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j wizzle

j wizzle

Excessive speed in and of itself doesn't lead to more accidents and there are traffic studies to show it. Just plain poor driving leads to the most accidents whether that driver happens to be doing the limit (not based on safety BTW) or not.

I'm glad you move over for faster traffic, more people should do that.

look at the speed limits in some areas, if you are going 90, youre going too slow in some areas.

this is the best post in this thread. PAY ATTENTION to what you are doing at all times. speed is the best way to avoid most accidents, first thing you need to learn when you get on a sportbike.

see the bold...if more people moved out of the way, there would be alot less accidents. wouldnt be a need to swerve in & out of traffic if people didnt think they owned the road and that they are better/safer for driving the speed limit. this would stop the idiots who dont understand what forces are applied to the suspension and why so many idiots flip SUVs
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Premium Member
so are you saying next time I get a ticket I should just show up at court and claim a conflict of interest and Ill get it dismissed?
no motherload .........or yes in a way they have to have standing or jurisdiction our courts job is to what ? ............see most of the general public dont know this answer .... this is the answer


individual rights ? what does this meen?
you me and the guy down the street are all individuals
the state is NOT so when the court is protecting the state this is not legal this dosent meen that you can get out of any state brought up charges remember they know what they are doing is illegal that dosent stop them they are crooks and good at what they do its all done with words and word play dont laugh its true look at your name on any state document it is all capital letters ....why ? this is why

for instance if you have ever been arested..... god forbid
and the cop ask you...... do you understand?
this really means do you stand under me ? if you say yes you have just enterd a verbal contract with him that gives him jurisdiction over you

ok ok Im rambling
it comes down to this if you havent hurt anyone stolen anything from anyone or caused them to loose money or items you havent commited a crime this falls back to the courts job and jurisdiction
to protect and maintain INDIVIDUAL rights
if you have not infringed on an individuals rights the court has no jurisdiction over you you will sit in jail for a long time and they are criminals so my advice is to follow the system but if enough people learn this we can do something about it ....but dont think you can win by this they will do all most anythig they can to protect their lie
it just pisses me off that they do it with words and this is why
take a large with an average IQ of 110
so we will give the crowed a 110 IQ ?..............well no something happens to us when we get in a group .........mob mentality or lynch mob
well this will help to we elected Ronald Reagean an actor for president come on really an actor what individual would look at this and say yeah lets do that put an actor in charge he makes his living by lying come on
basicly large groups are dumb skiddish animals kinda like cows ever been to a theam park waiting to go on a ride .....they run cattel throught the same type of fencing............hummmmm

ok if you dont beleve me give me one example of a group of more than 30 people making any kind of discovery or break through ...come on Im wating. well you cant most of these discoverys are made by small groups of people 5 or 10 at most
so this is how they do it by mob mentality they have all of us thinking the same way .............this is a law !!! .....well if you dont hurt anyone or steal anything they have no jurisdiction over you

so in answer to your question mother load
no not conflict of intrest challenge jurisdiction of the court
if you havent hurt anyone or stolen anything they dont have jurisdiction over you :hi
sorry for the long confusing post hope some of yall get my jist

ps if you do get arested or stoped by the cops and they are going to arrest you .....dont say anything but........ I dont understand and I do not consent to what you are doing
now its gonna piss them off bad because they know if you dont say I understand then they are commiting an illegal act ...had afew split lips and bruised ribs from this .....but the truth is the truth
everybody read the constitution state and federal everybody spred the word if enough people know they cant do it any more
FREE country as long as you do what we tell you
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you guys are tryin too hard. if you try and fight a ticket youll win at least 2/3 of the time. all you gotta do is show up. if its a chp your odds go down. the cops get a scheduled day off when they are subpoenaed(?), and tell me youre gonna wanna go to court on your day off, and if the cop doesnt show up you win... go to your court and before you pay it you can get 3 30 day extensions, then waive your right to a speedy trial, this extends it another 45 days. you wont go to court for 6-7 months after you got the ticket. if you live on the other side of the county you got the ticket in you can transfer to a court closer to your house(and further from the cops jurisdiction again reducing the chance he/she will show), this came in handy when i got a ticket on rice road on my way back from the river. no way a cop is showing up 100 miles away in riverside to testify... i literally used this method on friday... no cop, at least 75% of the people walked out before they started with the people whos cop did show. and you dont need to drop any cash on a lawyer. the only reason you should pay the ticket is if its not fesible to fight it. like i said, im in socal, i got a $150 ticket in humboldt and i woulda spent that much in gas to go fight it, not to mention the 2 days it woulda took to do a quick turnaround so i just paid it.

just my 2 cents
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Premium Member
this is why it works

$150 ticket in humboldt and i woulda spent that much in gas to go fight it, not to mention the 2 days it woulda took to do a quick turnaround so i just paid it.
this is why it works for them they keep the fines low enough that people just pay them
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Don’t pay that traffic or speeding ticket!

Here's some help for all you that want to beat your ticket or not get more.. 1st lets start off with this radar detector it's the best on the market and has GPS so it learns false alarms as you drive and also lets you know about red light camera and such. Personally this thing has saved me so many times I'm kicking myself for not getting it sooner.

Now if you have a ticket already here's two lawyers for all you in WA or CA.

Washington lawyer

1-425-610-4837 to SCHEDULE A FREE CASE REVIEW with Heidi personally

California Lawyer
Call: 805.206.9922 or 818-991-0058
or Fax your information to 805.375.1688


wow, i agree, how did i get here?? this is still the grow forum right? :P anyway, freegrow is wrong, he sounds like your typical conspiracy theorist that just wants to be able to do anything they want with no rules and no consequences.. which is anarchy. he reminds me of a guy i ran into at a courthouse once where i was paying a ticket for crossing railroad tracks on foot where it's illegal to do so. the guy looked and smelled homeless, and he was trying to convince me that the judge in the courthouse had no authority because there is a gold-fringe on the american flag behind him. i won't go into why he thinks that, you can probably google it.

conspiracy theorists will believe any thread of info that seems to support their paranoid delusion.. "capitus" does NOT mean letter capitalization.. it's latin for "head". end of story. it was part of a roman legal idea that i won't go into here, once again, because it's not relevant to anything freegrow was talking about.

also, notice the tactic he uses, as others like him do.. that we should not bother trying to learn the truth, because no one knows it but him, as we are all kept from it, even the lawyers and cops themselves.. how convenient that we have to "just trust him". makes him no different from common dictators.

in his world, there would be no laws, no rules, and anyone could, without fear of punishment, break into his house, steal all his stuff, and then burn it down as they left. does that world sound like one any of you would want to live in?


Wow, stumbled on this thread by accident.

Awhile back I read posts pertaining to the same thing freegrow is talking about here. In fact Ive always been a big fighter of whats right and most of the time lost.

I recently had to go to court for traffic tickets. One no drivers license, another for no insurance.
I show up one day before the expiration date (before they send that warrant) and they send me to the clerk. I show her what im here for and she tells me payments can be made here etc, etc. I interrupt her ramble with a im not going to pay anything. At which point she looks at me and says well what do u want to do? I say fight the case, you have no jurisdiction; by lack of standing...but really If yall can just dismiss this right here it would be great.

She looks at me crazy and tells me so u want to go to court? I nod yes. So she says ok well what do u plead? I kind of just looked around...I said r u a judge? She sighed and said no but if u want to go to court your going to need to plead, so what r u pleading? At this point I sort of got mad because Im all in on this jurisdiction shit and this bitch is trien to play me for stupid. I look at her and tell her shes nobody...just a clerk. So how am I going to plead to her, if I was going to plead? I told her shes not a judge, theirs no jury nothing. Now she gets mad and tells me if im not going to plead then I need to leave. Not really knowing what else to do (and not wanting to get arrested) I left.

I left called a lawyer (who was out), then thought about all this jurisdiction shit one more time. Even stopped at the law library and got a couple definitions for peace of mind. Decided fuck the lawyer and went to go see if this jurisdiction shit was a bullshit or the truth once and for all.

Went back to the municipal court, had the same conversation with the same clerk and this time she goes and calls the judge. Because Im not fixing to plea, but especially for a on I go to speak to the judge. He asked me what do I plea? I tell him im not going to plea I want it dismissed. I hurt no one, did nothing wrong. In fact I was pulled over because the officer said one of my lights was dimmer then the other. After that he learned about the no license, and added no insurance because I had no license so I couldn't have insurance. The vehicle was insured tho. He acts like he hears none of this and asks what I plea. He even goes as far as to say if I want it dismissed I have to plea. I refuse. He tells me to plea or leave. Or better yet get a lawyer who knows what hes talking about. I refused once again. He recorded all this and stated at the end that would plea not guilty for me, which I told him I dont consent to; for the record. He said he would send me court date, etc.

Its been 9 months now, and I aint been contacted. No warrants for my arrest made because I just got harassed in another incident couple weeks ago, they called my name in and it was all clear. I cant say if this common law jurisdiction shit worked or what; but I know they have never let me just walk the way they did.
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jyip said:
i hear ya there, there r safe ways to speed, i hava sportbike that does close to 190mph, and i do raise heck on it, and there are places that are sfaer to go fast BUT remember when you r goin faster that you r more apt to get in an accident,, it is just how it is

and trying to argue it hear that it is OK is silly, cuz it takes another "speeder" to see what you mean, but still the majority will not be impresssed with it at all because of all the terrible acidents from excesive speed

when u r a lil older u will evolve into a slower more cautious driver, for sure example,, i pull off to the side of riad and let people go by me if they are tailgaiting me or if the have their high bem headlights on,, i dont sweat the lil stuff the used to make me drive agressively​
Excessive speed in and of itself doesn't lead to more accidents and there are traffic studies to show it. Just plain poor driving leads to the most accidents whether that driver happens to be doing the limit (not based on safety BTW) or not.

I've been driving a a while, like I'm 52 years old now. I still drive over the limit by 10-20, sometimes more. I've never had an accident on a paved road, although I've avoided a few. Some skill and a lot of paying attention and being prepared for the stuff other idiots will do goes a lot farther then obeying some white sign with a mostly arbitrary number on it. I've always been a cautious driver but to me that doesn't mean driving like a grampa.

I'm glad you move over for faster traffic, more people should do that.​

dude, i have been riding bikes for over 40 years, about 30 of em on the street with big bore sportbikes, zx11 with nitrous, cbr1100xx, zx12r, when I say fast or speeding I really mean it, not 10-20 mph over, geez i do that outta my driveway,, what i was talking about is when you are doing 150-180mph down the highway your odds go up for getting in an accident, once again I will anybody that rides like this knows this,,,YOU don't ride at these speeds as you stated in your reply,,,,, there is not alot of diference doina panic stop from 80mph or 50 mph,, try doin one from one from a buck seventy on the highway when someone changes lanes in front of you and you have to scrub speed down and then change direction,, btw, I am 50 years old too,,, and when I was taking about pulling over I shoulda wrote that was in my CAR,,, cuz never in my life have I pulled over for anyone cuz noone stays behind me, in fact i use speed to stay safe on the road while riding my bike,,, it is so easy to see who knows what and who does not,,,, i have many years of hispeed , talkin isle of man shit on the street riding, not i'm doin 15 mph over speed limit

ride safe and i will stand by my words and back up every letter of them,,,, you should go ride your bike at a 150mph every day for 3 years and then come back to this thread and say what you did when you quoted me,, cuz you wont because you more than likely do not have the skill to rde at that level, nor the nuts to kep throttle twisted all the way all day,,,, see what i am saying? your"speeding" and my SPEEDING arew two deferent things

stay safe on your bike
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sedate New Farmer
lost said:
Or you could just stop driving like an asshole..​
Haha. Exactly.

Sunshine said:
I didn't know driving 20+ mph over the speed limit on open stretches of highways was being an asshole.​
I think that more than qualifies as "asshole" - get yourself a nice car stereo and you won't want to get out of the fucking thing so fast. . . .​
have you ever been on the highway and had acop pull you over for being in the fast lane and holding up traffic? if you drive tractor trialers you cant even go in the fast lane,,,, it is a FAST LANE,,,,not a slow lane,,,,, anybody who thinks diferent just cant process it in their head,,,, in short, ur a stupid fuck, slo driver,or whatever u wanna b called,,, what gives you the right to determine what the speed should be and then hold up all those behind you? u are a selfish pos roadhog, go buya harley or something "cool" in ur eyes
im done here,wow!
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