DTFs H&G coco Grow

  • Thread starter DesiretheFire
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Hello all!

im using H&G coco nutes
I use everything except nitrogen boost and i use GH Rapid Start instead of RE
I foliar spray magic green every other week and i just started a new product, a foliar spray True Blooms
Here is a description of the stuff, its supposed to shorten flowering times.....

I have 29 Royal Kush plants all in Canna coco with 30% perlite.

Just upgraded my room this round from a 2K tent to this 4K watt room. This is also my first time growing coco in 5 gal pots. I have used 3 gals with coco many times.

These are on flower day 1! Lets see what happens! Oh & have a happy 4/20:)
Flower day one 001
Flower day one 004
Flower day one 007
Flower day one 009


Yep i do about the same now!


That reminds me, people should use only 2ml per gallon on amino treatment instead of the 3.8 or something. The HG rep told me this himself


Your space looks great!!! and the little women seem very happy there. I love H&G and have used it for several years honestly over the last 3 years i've cut all the additives to almost nil, dropped the use rates on the base to 50% of what the guide says and have only used the Magic Green (it's molasses) as an additive to the nute mix. All i can say is wow, less is certainly more........ Several of the reps have been very open with me over the years and yes they want you to actually use 50 to 25% of the amino guides suggested amounts, that should tell you a lot ~ your going to do very well with less, less of EVERYTHING in my experience.


Those tricksters! lol someone should make a try HG at a lower dose thread! My Kushes are real sensitive to nutes in the first place...

I love these nutes tho!
Jack Dupp

Jack Dupp

Nice set up. Looks very clean and organized.

What made you want to increase to 5 gal pots from 3 gal?

Will be watching with interest to see how that True Blooms works for you.



I originally started with 45 plants all in threes. The clones i had were all taken in flower, so they just had been sitting growing roots and trying to reveg. Even though my plants werent that big at the time, they seemed pretty root bound.

My buddys veg situation went wrong, and he offered me like $400 bucks in H&G nutes to take 16 of my plants. he also offered to buy me more coco and upsize all the rest of the threes i had.

I was hesitant at first to take the deal but im glad i did. They ended up being super root bound and now that they are in 5s they are growing real fast and they look great!

Im liking the true blooms so far, plants really like it after i spray it on!
Bedg room 001
Jack Dupp

Jack Dupp

My buddys veg situation went wrong, and he offered me like $400 bucks in H&G nutes to take 16 of my plants. he also offered to buy me more coco and upsize all the rest of the threes i had.

I was hesitant at first to take the deal but im glad i did. They ended up being super root bound and now that they are in 5s they are growing real fast and they look great!

I love it when a situation gets you to move outside your normal growing techniques. It's a great learning tool.

It sounds to me that the Universe is telling you to go big. Haha.

Good luck dude. Those plants look hefty.


Awesome clean grow you have going on!! Very nice for sure!!

So you say you are seeing 'faster' growth using the 5's?
I am getting scared, lol! I just started my first go in coco in, I believe 2's....but smaller plants; somewhat. Rootbound?....Wow, I may need to up-pot if that's coming. I was kind of under the assumption it would be similar to, well, like hydroton----> I did pretty large plants in .75 gal pots/flood and drain. And figuring to just need to feed more often, or even flood maybe...idk, you got me thinking:confused:....haha, it's all good though man! But let me know what you think please.... I am just like 5-6 days in 12/12 atm; could probably repot with minimal stress-----yeah, or so I think..... My mix is about 10-15% perlite in RoyalGoldCoco(plain).
Hope your having fun in that beautiful room!!



Thanks for stopping by Growinman!

I am seeing faster growth in the 5's but that was because i had rootbound plants in the 3's. They were sitting vegging for months because every cut i had received was accidentally taken in flower and they sat and re vegged forever only growing roots.

I wouldnt transplant if i were you. I am only using 5's because of the situation i posted on #7. Two gallons can grow some nice plants especially if they are going to be smaller than the ones i have. Mine are now over 3ft tall.

I have used smaller pots in coco many times. After switching over to 5's i am finding out that dialing in the plant is a little more difficult. A little while after transplanting i was starting to notice that my ppms we starting to build up a little. This was due to watering too frequently with normal ppms at the beginning of transplant when my roots were hardly even established.

Now i feed at normal strength a couple times, than at 1/2 strength or lower to keep my ppms in check. I have never had to do this when i was in smaller pots.

But what im trying to say is that when you use smaller pots, to me, is a little more simple and easier to work with, especially if it is your first coco grow. Oh and not to mention you use much less water!

These pics below are a Firestarter grown in a 3gal root pot, folded over to be about a 2 gal pot, but with only about 1 1/2 gals of coco!
FireS 004
FireS 005


I very much appreciate you taking the time to respond as you did!! Thank you sir! I've already learned a lot from you in this thread and another I saw you posted in.
It makes more sense knowing 'why' you were rootbound. I will try this as I was planning then....gladly so. I really need to get my butt in gear and mock up a res in there to feed from....been mixing 8-10 gals at a time atm....but that has allowed me to get everything in tune too...ppm's were coming ou thigher than went in.....and pH was going in at 5.8--6.1(had buffered it to roughly 5.9) and was coming out 5.4-5.2, go figure. But flushing, haha, easy easy compared to how I have always done before. Got it smooth going for the time anyway, ppm's giong in @800-900 and gonna up that tonight a bit, and the pH has been 6.0 last night/today....and all is looking well. As soon as I get a system figured out I get a journel going and some pics. I 'd be more than happy to have plants looking anything close to those last examples you showed!
I thank you again and look forward to seeing/watching your grow along the way!! Time for lights on in five, lol.
Have a great night!


No prob my friend!

For a rez get a hefty garbage bin they are pretty cheap.

I used to check my ph a bunch too, but now i just feed about 5.8 every feeding and check the ppms and ec average in the runoff. I had some problems in my first coco grow where i was always trying to correct my ph and i just ended up having problems. When checking runoff its kinda just an average of what your ph is, so i rarely feed with ph's different than 5.8.

But, recently, a couple of my plants started to look like they were getting a little bit of a calcium deficiency even though everything was in check on my meter. Right then i knew my ph meter was out of wack. I checked it to another meter i knew was correct and it was .4 ph off! I had been unknowingly feeding at 6.2 for a while so my ph is even higher than that! Even so, my plants were still growing great! Coco has a pretty big ph range you can be in.

But NE ways good luck on you grow! ill have to update mine here soon.

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