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and nice job with the google post supporting what i stated; obviously you don't know how to read either


the genes transform.....not get absorbed; and see i kinda splice genes so you can stfu and quit playin scientist; hoq bout you just use google or become informed before making posts that you then have to protect b/c you just blurt out whatever whack opinionion you have then try to convince others your right b/c your a "scientist" when in reality your a kid online pretending to be a scientist or you are an undergrad with very bad googling skills......i've spliced over 3 seperate organisms; you need to pull your face outta your ass kid........take it easy from now on i'll respond to your post simply by correcting what you say when you play online scientist.

You are retarded and a bullshitter.

The genes don't "transform" the ORGANISM transforms--by way of alteration of its genetic makeup. It absorbs genes, through its membrane, and incorporates those genes into it's own DNA. Which is PRECISELY what you said they could NOT do--and what you suggested I was ignorant for sharing.


E.Coli is put into solution with ampicilin resistance gene. It absorbs and incorporates the gene. If you take a control group and grow it on ampicilin spiked agar they all die. If you do the same for experimental group they all live.

You're just wrong dude, admit it. You don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

and you've stated several times before that you went to school for organic chemistry so make up your mind

I earned a double major in:

1. Chemistry

2. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (BMB--a single major)

I am currently doing a masters in Organic Chemistry. Thanks, again, for knowing what the fuck you're talking about. I've shared this exact information on the board before.

and nice job with the google post supporting what i stated; obviously you don't know how to read either

Actually, no. It says the opposite of what you said. It says very clearly that organisms within a single generation can absorb DNA from solution and incorporate it into it's own genetic material. I'VE DONE IT MYSELF. Without resorting to the "I'm rubber you're glue" argument I've gotta say that it is YOU that can't read. This is becoming a habit with you I've noticed.

If you "splice genes" you'd know that, which leads me to believe you're a liar. Look up "bacterial transformation experiment" if you want to try it for yourself. You might learn something.

An added note:

Why is it that EVERY SINGLE time I demonstrate you're wrong about something--you IMMEDIATELY seek to attack my character? If you're SOOOOO smart shouldn't you be able to let the facts do the talking? Instead Ad Hominem attacks are the only trick you've got in your bag--because you're an uninformed prick who likes to pontificate about things which he knows very little about.

For all the attacks you level against me and all the feeble assaults on my intelligence--you never seem to be able to demonstrate your own. Why is that?

My guess is because you simply aren't knowledgeable about very much apart from pot and that you just very badly WANT to be.

I'll say it once and for all right here--stick to the facts or go fuck yourself. I don't need your advice on how to live my life, and you don't know a fucking thing about me except that I'm much more knowledgeable than you about these types of things.


No..what he's saying is that they absorb dna from other bacterium not just the enviro...which might be better than what I said of them ingesting..it's definitely more of an absorption called horizontal gene transfer.
please research this further so you properly understand horizontal gene transfer and the functions of it; the actaul transfer is from viruses etc, not random dna floating in a substrait then being absorbed and re-written onto the bacterias code: taking a basic biology principle and putting horizontal gene transfer in place of it then thinking your a scientist; when in reality you are failing to understand the basic concept of horizontal gene transfer and how it works.....so for the record what you are describing is basic evolution on a micro scale. it's common knowledge that bacteria will build resistance to a threat however that resistance isn't absorbed from the enviroment then coded to the same bacteria that absorbed it..........take it easy


You are retarded and a bullshitter.

The genes don't "transform" the ORGANISM transforms--by way of alteration of its genetic makeup. It absorbs genes, through its membrane, and incorporates those genes into it's own DNA. Which is PRECISELY what you said they could NOT do--and what you suggested I was ignorant for sharing.


E.Coli is put into solution with ampicilin resistance gene. It absorbs and incorporates the gene. If you take a control group and grow it on ampicilin spiked agar they all die. If you do the same for experimental group they all live.

You're just wrong dude, admit it. You don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

I earned a double major in:

1. Chemistry

2. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (BMB--a single major)

I am currently doing a masters in Organic Chemistry. Thanks, again, for knowing what the fuck you're talking about. I've shared this exact information on the board before.

Actually, no. It says the opposite of what you said. It says very clearly that organisms within a single generation can absorb DNA from solution and incorporate it into it's own genetic material. I'VE DONE IT MYSELF. Without resorting to the "I'm rubber you're glue" argument I've gotta say that it is YOU that can't read. This is becoming a habit with you I've noticed.

If you "splice genes" you'd know that, which leads me to believe you're a liar. Look up "bacterial transformation experiment" if you want to try it for yourself. You might learn something.

An added note:

Why is it that EVERY SINGLE time I prove you wrong about something--you IMMEDIATELY seek to attack my character? If you're SOOOOO smart shouldn't you be able to let the facts do the talking? Instead Ad Hominem attacks are the only trick you've got in your bag--because you're an uninformed prick who likes to pontificate about things which he knows very little about.

For all the attacks you level against me and all the feeble assaults on my intelligence--you never seem to be able to demonstrate your own. Why is that?

My guess is because you simply aren't knowledgeable about very much apart from pot and that you just very badly WANT to be.
please inform me of what specific enzyme is allowing the dna to be "cut" in this instance? and I spliced dna starting in highschool kid your not very far along for having 2 degrees..... i understand what your saying but re-word it or just do an expirement or take a gene splicing class in whatever college your at, then come talk to me about the magic dna bunnies; lol if what you where saying was true human dna would be so mutated we wouldnt be human


and yes i understand your talking about bacteria not human cells


please inform me of what specific enzyme is allowing the dna to be "cut" in this instance? and I spliced dna starting in highschool kid your not very far along for having 2 degrees..... i understand what your saying but re-word it or just do an expirement or take a gene splicing class in whatever college your at, then come talk to me about the magic dna bunnies; lol if what you where saying was true human dna would be so mutated we wouldnt be human

It works through "crossing over". Something a gene splicer should be well aware of. I smell bullshit.



To answer your question you can do this process ARTIFICIALLY using restriction endonucleases (enzymes)--but it occurs naturally without them.


Natural competence[edit]

Main article: Natural competence
About 1% of bacterial species are capable of naturally taking up DNA under laboratory conditions; more may be able to take it up in their natural environments. DNA material can be transferred between different strains of bacteria, in a process that is called horizontal gene transfer. Some species upon cell death release their DNA to be taken up by other cells, however transformation works best with DNA from closely related species. These naturally competent bacteria carry sets of genes that provide the protein machinery to bring DNA across the cell membrane(s). The transport of the exogeneous DNA into the cells may require proteins that are involved in the assembly of type IV pili and type II secretion system, as well as DNA translocase complex at the cytoplasmic membrane.[14]

..................notice how it says 1% ; um okay peace out good luck with figuring that out hahaha


To answer your question you can do this process ARTIFICIALLY using restriction endonucleases (enzymes)--but it occurs naturally without them.
finally some science holy shit, jesus himself might have just landed; okay well know we've ruled out dna bunnies; know if you read the info you provided above that will kill your "it occurs naturally argument". it does occur naturally but in select scenarios and generally only with the same species


Natural competence[edit]

Main article: Natural competence
About 1% of bacterial species are capable of naturally taking up DNA under laboratory conditions; more may be able to take it up in their natural environments. DNA material can be transferred between different strains of bacteria, in a process that is called horizontal gene transfer. Some species upon cell death release their DNA to be taken up by other cells, however transformation works best with DNA from closely related species. These naturally competent bacteria carry sets of genes that provide the protein machinery to bring DNA across the cell membrane(s). The transport of the exogeneous DNA into the cells may require proteins that are involved in the assembly of type IV pili and type II secretion system, as well as DNA translocase complex at the cytoplasmic membrane.[14]

..................notice how it says 1% ; um okay peace out good luck with figuring that out hahaha

One such species happens to be E. Coli and it's lining our gut as one of the most prevalent species there.

So first I was ignorant. Now I'm correct, but with restrictions. Which is it?

You just keep back tracking and digging that hole broseph. I'm gonna chill out over here being right all the god damn time and shit as usual.

By the way, pro tip for you, the percentage of bacteria and archaea which can do this rises drastically if they are shocked in some way (heat or cold)--as this can cause the membrane to be more permeable briefly. It so happens that natural conditions for this to occur exist all over nature (hydrothermal vents, shallow ponds/lakes with large temperature differentials, etc.).


and that translocase is crucial to the whole process; the bacteria technically doesn't absorb random dna but rather is penetrated by it


you may think what you wish; but just like the bacteria some people have natural competence; and some squiggs don't; and if we put it in those terms i think your on the hydrothermal vent and i'm in the lake hahaha..........take it easy


please research this further so you properly understand horizontal gene transfer and the functions of it; the actaul transfer is from viruses etc, not random dna floating in a substrait then being absorbed and re-written onto the bacterias code: taking a basic biology principle and putting horizontal gene transfer in place of it then thinking your a scientist; when in reality you are failing to understand the basic concept of horizontal gene transfer and how it works.....so for the record what you are describing is basic evolution on a micro scale. it's common knowledge that bacteria will build resistance to a threat however that resistance isn't absorbed from the enviroment then coded to the same bacteria that absorbed it..........take it easy

That's your problem..your stuck into thinking through your curriculum. Transgenic DNA is different from natural DNA. It's becoming more and more obvious that science is destroying agriculture rather than help it. The banning of biotech products is starting to take hold worldwide. The reason we don't, besides our politicians being lobbied to death, is simply because we don't keep track of which is which, organic or conventional and it would be very costly to do so, cutting into someone's pension perhaps.


and that translocase is crucial to the whole process; the bacteria technically doesn't absorb random dna but rather is penetrated by it

It depends, a translocase is sometimes necessary--but not always.

I'd still say that, technically speaking, if it's a protein that the organism produces itself (the translocase) then under the microbiological understanding the protein is there to make the membrane selectively permeable. In this way the organism is very much purposely absorbing the DNA versus the DNA "penetrating" the organism. It is the organism which does the work NOT the DNA.

When you say "penetrate" that implies the thing doing the penetration is doing work (in this case DNA). As it were, in this particular instance the DNA is being worked ON by the translocase. That's just simple subject verb agreement right there.

So now it's come to this, you've fully backtracked to the point where we're arguing petty semantics--and for that matter I'm STILL correct.


you may think what you wish; but just like the bacteria some people have natural competence; and some squiggs don't; and if we put it in those terms i think your on the hydrothermal vent and i'm in the lake hahaha..........take it easy

The words of a man thoroughly defeated by his own ignorance.

It was a pleasure tearing your argument a new asshole, and then ripping it in half via that 2nd asshole. Have a nice evening.

(My favorite part was when you changed your own argument 5 times and mine stayed the same throughout--because it was the correct argument from the beginning)


The words of a man thoroughly defeated by his own ignorance.

It was a pleasure tearing your argument a new asshole, and then ripping it in half via that 2nd asshole. Have a nice evening.

(My favorite part was when you changed your own argument 5 times and mine stayed the same throughout--because it was the correct argument from the beginning)
you can say whatever you want now i just wanted the facts to be clear on the page; people are smart enough to sort through the rest......and tonight i have done the ripping; i ripped a sad sad little man with a double major to pieces. With high school level biology LOL


and i'll still flex your little bitch ass any day ;) hav a good night


and i'll still flex your little bitch ass any day ;) hav a good night

*Pats Ohiofarmer on head*

There ya go, that's more like it. You just revert back to those insults. Leave the science-talk to people who know what the fuck their talking about. No more interruptions--adults are talking.

FWIW, this was the most true thing you probably said all night. The thing about flexing me, though, is that I'd probably just hit you in the head with a pipe or a brick or something. I'm sort of big on not getting flexed. It's one of my thangs.


pathetic. You guys are too busy with a pissing contest to talk about the topic @ hand...GM. Nobody learned shit from either of ya.
..and Ohio..please quit telling people to "take it easy"..it's not only fucking annoying..it's borderline obsessive-compulsive and doesn't lend to your cred.

read up..and see what people not vying for a job or selling a product are saying



pathetic. You guys are too busy with a pissing contest to talk about the topic @ hand...GM. Nobody learned shit from either of ya.
..and Ohio..please quit telling people to "take it easy"..it's not only fucking annoying..it's borderline obsessive-compulsive and doesn't lend to your cred.

read up..and see what people not vying for a job or selling a product are saying


Meh, I mostly kept it on topic. I feel like there's plenty of info in there--I did have to repeat some of it unfortunately but it's all fairly relevant.

If no one learned shit from what I said, then they either didn't read what I said or they didn't comprehend it. Neither of which I can be blamed for. With exception to my very last post--I addressed bacterial transformation in some capacity in each post.

As far as a pissing match goes, I'd prefer to call it a battle of wits under these circumstances. It's just that when one party comes unarmed it can often devolve into what appear to be pissing matches. I'm never gonna be the guy who begins with the insults. I wait to be insulted before I respond in kind.

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