Hope you Front Range folks are safe!

  • Thread starter sky high
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I'm thinking the local department of city engineers needs a little more credit than I've seen them get. After all, this disaster has been unfolding all around us, a full 360 degrees of devastation. But not here. I know Damn good and well it's no accident, either. Nearly 20 years ago, this town thought it did a good job of flood management, only to watch a flood smash their award winning structures and take four lives. Stung by the failure of their best efforts- like I said, they got national awards for their work, it's not like they did a shit job- they went back to the drawing board, rebuilt the entire flood control network across the whole city, issued new regulations for all future development and installed ANOTHER 'state of the art' defense in depth flood control and containment system.

As Monty Python might say, "...and this one stayed up!" We got well over six inches of rain in just a few hours- but the event the system was redesigned for was ready for TWICE that.

City of Fort Collins Department of Engineering and Flood Management, take a bow. Y'all saved lives last week. The absence of our city's plight in the headlines is its own rare sort of quiet, unsung satisfaction.

Thanks again for the dry feet, guys!


I'm thinking the local department of city engineers needs a little more credit than I've seen them get. After all, this disaster has been unfolding all around us, a full 360 degrees of devastation. But not here. I know Damn good and well it's no accident, either. Nearly 20 years ago, this town thought it did a good job of flood management, only to watch a flood smash their award winning structures and take four lives. Stung by the failure of their best efforts- like I said, they got national awards for their work, it's not like they did a shit job- they went back to the drawing board, rebuilt the entire flood control network across the whole city, issued new regulations for all future development and installed ANOTHER 'state of the art' defense in depth flood control and containment system.

As Monty Python might say, "...and this one stayed up!" We got well over six inches of rain in just a few hours- but the event the system was redesigned for was ready for TWICE that.

City of Fort Collins Department of Engineering and Flood Management, take a bow. Y'all saved lives last week. The absence of our city's plight in the headlines is its own rare sort of quiet, unsung satisfaction.

Thanks again for the dry feet, guys!
You might be glad your feet are dry ty....I'm glad your basement is dry!!!
We Solidarity

We Solidarity

You needed a kayak to get around boulder this weekend...it was nuts. My house was under mandatory evacuation, if my roomate and I didn't have 4x4 vehicles us and our neighbors would have been stuck. My crawlspace got about 4 feet of water, thank god it was empty. I have 2x 14in maxfans doing work down there, praying it doesn't get moldy.

I have friends up in cold creek whose houses were completely swept away - they had less than 30 minutes to evacuate. A few other friends in Jamestown got helicopter evacs...every road into the mountains from boulder is closed for at least a month.

I know at least a dozen growers who have taken huge loss or lost everything. Flooded basements, flooded beds, washed out greenhouses...it's rough. Tough times coming for sure...disasters like this are always the greatest test of a community, and I can't wait to see what comes out of it.
We Solidarity

We Solidarity

the boulder home depot has had a line around the store for three days for sump pumps...they've had to have sold at least 2500 of those 1/2 and 1 hp flotec sumps, plus the 2in. hosing for them. That's alot of pumpin.
sky high

sky high

It's an incredible scene. Crazy to think there are folks up in the hills who won't evacuate but who are cut off completely from services/utilities....etc. and who will not have services or access for months...if not all winter. (depending on when it arrives)
It's gonna take a LONG time to rebuild all of these roads and many, many folks will not be allowed to rebuild in the same areas they occupied previously.
sky high

sky high

Well as you can see by the pics and by what the Gas and Oil folks say... all of this is perfectly safe!

It's just "clean energy" in action....nothing to see here...move along. Soon the children will be playing in the field next to the cows and the corn and the gas well under the 'mericun flag....just like the brainwashi.....'er.....a.....TV commercial portrays...:confused:
sky high

sky high

So now they will find else where to drill drill drill....

And sorry to say...from my research/diligence work in investigating real estate in your general area...they will soon be marching over the hill and in your area. (it's the same oil formation Rifle/West Rifle/etc. are a part of....and you've seen how they've destroyed that area)

I hope not.....but I know better. Unless folks stop believing their propaganda and open their eyes they are gonna fuck up the entire Western slope. We should be focusing on SOLAR...not gas. Idiots.


Premium Member
Their fighting it pretty good, will see what happens...


Living dead girl
I am praying hard for EVERYONE. I've been reading some awful reports, this is devastating to the entire region, and yes, it makes sense that it will bring devastation downstream.


The pics on the news don't do justice to the real devastation. Can't believe this happened. Not only are the roads up the canyons gone but the trains are done for a while as well, bridge got taken out. Hoping that all get access in and out before the winter sets in and stops construction.
Texas Kid

Texas Kid

Some guy with a light
So is the Canyon highway to from Boulder to Neds closed?


Living dead girl
The pics on the news don't do justice to the real devastation. Can't believe this happened. Not only are the roads up the canyons gone but the trains are done for a while as well, bridge got taken out. Hoping that all get access in and out before the winter sets in and stops construction.
I've only had the nerve to look at a couple of pix, since the headlines are about how all these people are still missing/unaccounted for. The pix I've seen are reminding me of Japan, after the earthquake and tsunami.


So is the Canyon highway to from Boulder to Neds closed?
As I understand it all canyon roads are down from Estes to Boulder Canyon. If you live in Ned you have to go to Central City and take hwy 6 to I-70 to get down.
sky high

sky high

The pics I saw last night were unbelievable. Miles of roadway in multiple canyons....gone. Completely gone. The creeks aren't in the same channels as before....nor can the roads be built exactly as before. they keep tossing a month or so around as a time frame to get the roads back "open".....but it's gonna be far longer than anyone realizes before this is "fixed' because many areas will have to be completely re-engineered and geologically studied/etc. for stability before they can even think about building anything back on a permanent basis or letting traffic enter these areas.

Considering all of the moisture in the ground at present....and if we continue this moisture flow into "winter"....things will not only be tough on everyone during the cold months....it could very well be a slip-slidey mudslide filled Spring in these same areas.

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