man dies cleaning up marijuana in park...cartels giving us a bad rep.....

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SACRAMENTO, Calif.—A California outdoorsman who led crews of volunteers through the Sierra Nevada mountains repairing trails and cleaning up marijuana grow sites has died after falling 50 feet from a helicopter, authorities said.
Shane Krogen was to be lowered in a harness to a remote cleanup site in Sequoia National Forest when he fell Thursday morning, said Lt. Patrick Foy of the California Department of Fish and Wildlife.
"Everyone else had used it too," Foy said about the harness. Foy was at the scene but did not see the fall.
The helicopter was flown by the California National Guard 129th Air Rescue Wing.
Krogen, 57, of Fresno was the founder and executive director of the High Sierra Trail Crew, a group that has worked with the fish and wildlife agency since 2008 and U.S. Forest Service since 1995 to remove trash and contaminants from illegal and remote marijuana gardens.
Krogen and some of his crew were among a handful of volunteers trained to be airlifted and lowered into difficult terrain.
"They were trained by the Department of Fish and Wildlife and the military," Foy said. "We just don't know what happened yet."
Fair weather and remote terrain have lured scores of people to establish illegal marijuana grow sites across the Sierra Nevada wilderness in recent years. They dam streams and spray pesticides and rodenticides, many that are banned in the U.S. They also leave behind tons of trash from campsites that are occupied during the five-month growing season.
"Shane was passionate about the environment," said his friend and fellow trail crew volunteer Warren Sargent. "He had a vision. He knew we had to get the chemicals out of those sites before they got into the water and caused even bigger problems."
Foy and about 15 other law enforcement agents had hiked to the grow site early Thursday. At about 10 a.m., Krogen and four other cleanup volunteers were to be transported by helicopter to a spot about 100 feet away.
"We could hear on the radio that the helicopter was coming in and lowering the crew members," Foy said. "Then a call went out that somebody had been injured."
Foy's team included at least three emergency medical technicians who were at Krogan's side within two minutes despite heavy brush and steep terrain. Krogen was alive, but his breathing was shallow.
The helicopter crew lowered a stretcher and hauled Krogen back up, then notified the trauma hospital in Visalia they were on the way.
"We all hiked out. Shane was breathing when we saw him. We all thought he was going to make it," Foy said.
His death caused an outpouring of grief among his friends, and tributes from those who worked alongside him.
"Shane's dedication to California's natural resources was extraordinary," fish and wildlife assistant chief John Baker said in a statement. "He and his crew have worked tirelessly for several years to maintain access to the high Sierra for all Californians."
In 2012 Krogen received the U.S. Forest Service's Regional Forester's Volunteer of the Year Award, and in 2011 he won the Chief's Award.
"He not only engaged in the reclamation of hundreds of marijuana sites, but also cleared trails after fires," the U.S. Forest Service said in a written statement. "His commitment and passion were evident in all the work he touched."
In July Krogen was quoted in an Associated Press story about the volunteers who help the U.S. Forest Service maintain trails during tight budget times.
"Most of us sit at a desk all week and at the end of the week have no tangible outcome for our effort," he said. "Whether they are cutting out a tree or building rock steps, they have a sense of pride and ownership."
baba G

baba G

bean sprouts are tasty
I can think of water that should be checked in his old home town of Fresno. Farms been putting chemicals into the water for decades and cannabis is ruining the state,


Anything they can say to keep it down....its comical anymore...those people are total fuckin idiots......and that story about obama selling back bud is a fake .....


ya shasta has everybody thinking tht marijuana grows are ruining the county when there are many bigger issues. the cattle farming, farms and methlabs do way worse damage to the earth and people then pot farms. i grow like 88 plants and dont dam up streams or use illegal chemicals and even the chems i use dont get into the earthband even if i did it is no worse then what they dump into the earth at any other commercial farm. i hate the bullshit propaganda tht they are spreading to the people.


cartel didnt kill this guy

I know, but those are the fuckin retards coming to our state land and camping in mountains with guns and american are doing that stupid shit......what these clowns fail to acknowledge is the fact that most amaricans love and respect the land also...


They wouldnt have this problem if the shit was legal already, they drive people onto state land so the fuckin swat team don't kick in doors and shoot someones kids lookin for pot.....this shit is so past fully retarded i wonder how this federal government keeps getting away with this shit......kills me


I guess I could have left the cartel part out but my mind starts spinning with all the bullshit I read and how they try to use every criminal element against marijuana and roll it into one big shitball....then they start talking about how cali opened the floodgates with all the shops and how cartels in our national parks are a direct result of that market....I can't wait till that whole generation of political terrorist are gone......


ya and there are alot of people growin on public land not jus mexi cartels. and ive seen grow sites left over from white hippy folk tht was left fucking trashed. ive also seen old buildings torn down tht looks like shit too and fucks with the earth but they only care to talk bout the trash and damage the pot growers leave, wat about hunters campers and homeless peopl they leave alot more trash then a handfull of mexicans watching a grow for a few months. people need to grow up and open their eyes to the real problems


Living dead girl
ya shasta has everybody thinking tht marijuana grows are ruining the county when there are many bigger issues. the cattle farming, farms and methlabs do way worse damage to the earth and people then pot farms. i grow like 88 plants and dont dam up streams or use illegal chemicals and even the chems i use dont get into the earthband even if i did it is no worse then what they dump into the earth at any other commercial farm. i hate the bullshit propaganda tht they are spreading to the people.
Not to mention that they've forgotten their history. Everywhere I go out here (am in Motherlode/Gold Country) there are mine tailings sites where NOTHING GROWS. Out in a place called Sutter Creek there's a pond by the side of the road where one of the old gold mines was. I call it "On Putrid Pond." It's always acid-green, or acid-yellow, always a disgusting color. There are signs up saying not to remove any earth from there and to stay out because of the chemicals.

Along Hwy 88 you'll see some of those areas, too.

Do we forget about the mining? Oh... yeah, we forget about that. Fer sher.
I know, but those are the fuckin retards coming to our state land and camping in mountains with guns and american are doing that stupid shit......what these clowns fail to acknowledge is the fact that most amaricans love and respect the land also...
Actually, they are. Plenty out here trash the land they're renting, having no pride and no care. Plenty.


Not to mention that they've forgotten their history. Everywhere I go out here (am in Motherlode/Gold Country) there are mine tailings sites where NOTHING GROWS. Out in a place called Sutter Creek there's a pond by the side of the road where one of the old gold mines was. I call it "On Putrid Pond." It's always acid-green, or acid-yellow, always a disgusting color. There are signs up saying not to remove any earth from there and to stay out because of the chemicals.

Along Hwy 88 you'll see some of those areas, too.

Do we forget about the mining? Oh... yeah, we forget about that. Fer sher.
Actually, they are. Plenty out here trash the land they're renting, having no pride and no care. Plenty.

What a shame, its insane how humans wreak havoc on mother nature and the penalty is nothing. The people who desecrate our land with such blatant disrespect should be the target of war, "Americas war on land crimes" now more that would make sense, i really don't understand how big company's can get away with dumping toxic waste in a townships rivers and streams that ends up giving kids leukemia by the dozens, and then get away with fines. While at the same time the feds charge caregivers with marijuana charges the have them facing almost life in prison...


marijuana grows are looked at like they are toxic waste plants its crazy how they paint tht picture for the masses, its as big a lie as the reefer madness shit


Living dead girl
What a shame, its insane how humans wreak havoc on mother nature and the penalty is nothing. The people who desecrate our land with such blatant disrespect should be the target of war, "Americas war on land crimes" now more that would make sense, i really don't understand how big company's can get away with dumping toxic waste in a townships rivers and streams that ends up giving kids leukemia by the dozens, and then get away with fines. While at the same time the feds charge caregivers with marijuana charges the have them facing almost life in prison...
Oh shit, they're arguing to do it again and more! One of the old mines that closed down around WWII has opened back up. And, it's called 'priorities.' Ours are fucked up. Right now I'm reading Tom McClintock, a man who I've admired in the past for his understanding of California's fiscal problems and his ideas for correcting them. I do not, however, admire his tenacity in denying any climatological issues, and fighting any action that might spare endangered species if it conflicts with business as usual. Think I'll be voting for him again come next election? Likely not, but then I'm not so sure that his opponent will really be that much better an option. So, I also give and act within non-profit groups that fight what our ELECTED REPRESENTATIVES (not leaders, as they're being so commonly referred to nowadays, they represent me, they do not fucking LEAD me) get wrong.

Let me dig up the article I read, either early this year or last year, that was discussing how polluted the land of the Sierra Nevada is, specifically because of the activity associated with the Gold Rush.

Oh, shit. Googling pulls up ALL KINDS of stuff.


Living dead girl
I think I like this one the best:

Whenever I need to head into Sacra-tomato, I go past a place called Michigan Bar. It's a barren wasteland of piles of earth that some grass, but mostly weeds grow on, and not much else. It appears to clearly be the end result of a huge degree of hydraulic mining. At least that in and of itself didn't leave any pollution, but then we head on out to Sutter Creek and view On Putrid Pond, and down 88 to view the tailings from the Kennedy Mine, and we're not left with quite such a feeling of relief, are we?

This mindset still exists today. This idea that the land is here for "ME" to use it, however I wish (the hypothetical 'me', not me actually), damn the frogs, the birds or any other fucking living thing that comes across my way. Don't jump my claim!,+pollution+and+genocide.-a020556368

My husband is a member of a local Facebook group. One of the other members works for an ag supplier. Wanna know what he says? Don't eat the corn. Not because of any mining pollution issues, because of what farmers are using TODAY. Anyone upset about that? Not if you go by media reports.


Of course not because it leads back to company's with money...capitalism needed a check and balance system, letting these huge company's own 90 other company's and then back our representatives by funneling millions of dollars to their campaign is a conflict of interest to say the least. This country should have a system where people that run for a spot in senate or the white house or anywhere, would not be able to accept money or donations from ANYONE, and that they would not have ties to company's. By the time someone makes it into office they owe so many "favors" to these bloodsuckers that only have their personal wealth in mind...these company's are destroying america from the inside out like a worm in the apple, I fucking hate election time, it makes me sick !!!! People like Karl Roves need to be in prison for life, but their not, they are the same people sending us to prisons for a plant that we clearly voted in as being good, the fact is OUR VOTES ONLY COUNT WHEN WE VOTE HOW THEY WANT US TO..Its like the card trick where you guide the person to pick the card you want and if they don't you just change how the game is played,,like,,"ok that's the card you pick? Ok that ones out, the card on the table is the only one left so that's yours, AND PEOPLE TURN IT OVER LIKE O MY GOD HOW DID YOU KNOW THAT !!!! "That's what they do to us, and we fall for it every time. And what really kills me is that most americans don't even know or care about what's going on...this government has us rite where they want us, just enough money to survive, and a ton of stupid shit to keep people looking the wrong direction while they drain our economy and slowly take away our rights....they pick the stupidest fucking ignorant assholes to run the DEA, FBI, CIA and NSA. Every time we have a problem within our country another godless three letter agency pops up with special privileges that over ride our constitutional and civil rights and we all just sit back and change the fucking channel and continue watching tv.....

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