Driving and smoking weed

  • Thread starter Smallzz
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ya well i read ur book, sucked.

and in all honesty, there are plenty of other drivers that you should be more worried about; tweeks, drunks, uninsured illegals, females (some not all, my wife is one u should watch out for) and not to mention asians. Actually to think of it, i believe talking on your phone, texting, eating food, changing a CD, and even scratching your junk is way more dangerous than a couple stoners behind the wheel. i would love to google some stats and post em up, but then again i could give two fucks. So i guess what im saying Mr. Smallzz is get off your high horse before i shoot it and make horse dick soup out of it, then eat it. ya ill eat that, matter fact even save some for left overs.

honestly i really dont smoke and drive often, i just thought it was a cunt thing of you to start a thread over. that and im pretty fucking bored and ready to forum fight!:troll:

yourZ truly

No high horse here, just a concerned citizen trying to, like you want to, start some rowdy conversation.

Fight fight fight!


Cell phones and other distractions are worse for me them driving baked. I love to set the cuise control on my Caddie and klet it drive itselg. all I do id point and steer.
On long road trips we set cruise control when I am driving I take a np and wife steers from passenger seat, wakes me up If we need to brake.....

This has got to be a practical joke you're playing on me, right? I love jokes...


I've got a yam fz1, you have to be straight.

Get melted later.
Theoneandonly Z

Theoneandonly Z

i think the dangerous part of driving lit with others is when u decide to play road games! like what chickenman stated, that and trying to change drivers while driving on the freeway (thats a 3 man task, but can be done with 2)


i think the dangerous part of driving lit with others is when u decide to play road games! like what chickenman stated, that and trying to change drivers while driving on the freeway (thats a 3 man task, but can be done with 2)
My little brother does that.. He'll turn to me and say "hey, it's your turn to drive", and then quickly hop into the back seat without warning. Fucker.

I don't drive with weed much anymore since being pulled over indiscriminately recently- but I am getting nicely ripped moments before I leave to drive.


Stoned or straight, I think powering a 3 ton chunk of metal down a road at 70 mph takes some personal responsibility. After reading some of the posts it's no wonder bad shit happens. :confused:


Premium Member
Stoned or straight, I think powering a 3 ton chunk of metal down a road at 70 mph takes some personal responsibility. After reading some of the posts it's no wonder bad shit happens. :confused:
Hold on Kolah for a Nas Car lane change.....


lol..C-man drives pretty damn good stoned.

OTOH I have never seen a person drive good drunk as a skunk. ( boozed up). Alcohol and weed aren't the same.

I tried driving on acid once. It was fun for about 10 minutes then I had to pull over. Only because I couldn't recognize the colors of the traffic lights.

Personally I'd rather limit travel to horses, mules, bicycles and some rickshaws. ;) People travel too far, too much these days. It's dirty and not needed. and costly. Work at home, stay with your family, raise your kids at home. If you want to visit your buds or hit a watering hole jump on horseback.


When and if I drive blazed, I can assure you I drive way slower stoned. If I do drink and drive, which rarily happens, I drive like an idiot.... Not saying I support schmoking and driving, but an apple is not an orange. I happen to notice alot of soldiers on the road, and most of them have road rage issues. Why is this?


Marijuana and Driving: A Review of the Scientific Evidence

It is well established that alcohol increases accident risk. Evidence of marijuana’s culpability in on-road driving accidents is much less convincing.
Although cannabis intoxication has been shown to mildly impair psychomotor skills, this impairment does not appear to be severe or long lasting. In driving simulator tests, this impairment is typically manifested by subjects decreasing their driving speed and requiring greater time to respond to emergency situations.
Nevertheless, this impairment does not appear to play a significant role in on-road traffic accidents. A 2002 review of seven separate studies involving 7,934 drivers reported, “Crash culpability studies have failed to demonstrate that drivers with cannabinoids in the blood are significantly more likely than drug-free drivers to be culpable in road crashes.” This result is likely because subject under the influence of marijuana are aware of their impairment and compensate for it accordingly, such as by slowing down and by focusing their attention when they know a response will be required. This reaction is just the opposite of that exhibited by drivers under the influence of alcohol, who tend to drive in a more risky manner proportional to their intoxication.
Today, a large body of research exists exploring the impact of marijuana on psychomotor skills and actual driving performance. This research consists of driving simulator studies, on-road performance studies, crash culpability studies, and summary reviews of the existing evidence. To date, the result of this research is fairly consistent: Marijuana has a measurable yet relatively mild effect on psychomotor skills, yet it does not appear to play a significant role in vehicle crashes, particularly when compared to alcohol. Below is a summary of some of the existing data. (continued on link)


I think for many folks who smoke pot and drive high, they know when they can't drive....or they tend to drive slower and more cautious. But or those who booze it up they seem to think they can drive fine...as it seems like the booze makes them feel invincible...... and they tend to drive even faster.


Premium Member
FYI A NASCAR lane change requires a hot rod with high performance suspension. The driver punches it at 70 mph and abruptly whips over to next lane causing a look of panic for passenger who is usually pretty baked and surprised...
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