Baskin Robbins by Patanjali - HID's & Soil

  • Thread starter Patanjali
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everything is goin really good in the room pop by for a peek just got some new pics uploaded with a crazy camera
For sure, I'm on it man! Your girls were looking damn nice last time I peeked in!

im gunna have to run back through this here thread man,but tell me about that cannacarmel,that just sounds awesome man I love carmels :)
Hey Six! Thanks for stopping in! The CannaCaramels are outstanding. The only thing I'm having problems with so far is keeping them soft. They have been turning out really hard. More like a caramel hard candy. I'm thinking a little more cream and not quite so hot. The recipe works great on it's on. It's only when I add the canna butter it gets just a little wonky. The taste is out of this world imo. I think the canna actually compliments the caramel. Here's the recipe I'm using:

Soft Caramels

Prep Time: 30 minutes
Total Time: 30 minutes

2 cups heavy cream
1/2 cup sweetened condensed milk
2 cups light corn syrup
1/2 cup water
2 cups granulated sugar
1/2 cup (1 stick) butter infused with 1/8 oz hash, softened, and cut into small cubes

toasted coconut
vanilla bean

1. Prepare a 9x9 pan by lining it with aluminum foil and spraying the foil with nonstick cooking spray.

2. Combine the cream and condensed milk in a small saucepan, and place the saucepan on a burner set to the lowest heat setting. You want the milk and cream to be warm, but do not allow it to boil.

3. In a medium-large saucepan combine the corn syrup, water, and granulated sugar over medium-high heat. Stir the candy until the sugar dissolves, then use a wet pastry brush to wash down the sides of the pan to prevent sugar crystals from forming and making the candy grainy.

4. Insert a candy thermometer and reduce the heat to medium. Allow the mixture to come to a boil and cook until the thermometer reads 250 degrees.

5. Add the softened butter chunks and the warm milk-cream mixture. The temperature should go down about 30 degrees.

6. Continue to cook the caramel, stirring constantly so that the bottom does not scorch. Cook it until the thermometer reads 244, and the caramel is a beautiful dark golden brown.

7. Remove the caramel from the heat and immediately pour it into the prepared pan. Do not scrape candy from the bottom of the saucepan. Allow the candy to sit overnight to set up and develop a smooth, silky texture.

8. When you are ready to cut the caramel, place a piece of waxed paper on the counter and lift the caramel from the pan using the foil as handles. Flip the top of the caramel onto the waxed paper and peel the foil layer from the bottom of the caramel.

9. Spray a large knife with nonstick cooking spray. Firmly cut into the caramels, creating 1” squares. Wipe the blade and re-spray as necessary.

10. Wrap the squares in waxed paper. The caramels will gradually spread and lose their square shape if not wrapped soon after cutting. Alternately, you can dip them in chocolate once they are cut.

11. Store the caramels at room temperature for up to two weeks.



ill post of ther recipe for my medicated fudge for you guys to if your interested
if not here you can toss it up in my thread gb,my woman makes some mean weed brownies and rice crispy treats and we r always lookin for new recipes to make for our patients.
@Patanjali thanks man,ill run this by the lil lady tomorrow and see how she likes it,she already knows my cravings for caramels lol.
green bastard

green bastard

k so here is what your gonna need
2 caramilk bars
10 regular sized marshmellows
2 cups of sugar
2/3 cup of canned milk
2/3 cup of medicated butter(strength varies on person)
and your gonna need a plastic microwave bowl as big and as high as you can fit in your microwave
take milk sugar and butter put in bowl dont stir yet....put in microwave on high heat for 4 and a half minutes......take out of microwave stir really well!....then put it back into the microwave for another 5 minutes by then it should here is where it gets tricky you gotta be fast take the 2 bars and the marshmellows have this ready for as soon as the bowl comes outta the microwave then add this to bowl and stir until bars and marshmellows melts and the mixture will have a thick consistancy to it....have a 9x9 pan greased and pour in be very very careful extremely hot and you donr even wwanna know how bad you can get burned ill post some pics when my crop comes down of the process....hope ya dont mind me postin this here bro!?


hey pat try addind a little extra butter to it it will soften up the consistancy for sure!
I did try a little extra butter (like a pat - pun intended), wasn't enough, but I'm sure something like this would make it work. Thanks for the recipe GB! I love my canna treats!

@sixstring definitely let me know if you try out the recipe, and any tweaks you make to it. Caramels are my fav so far, so I'm really trying to perfect a good recipe.

So ya, smoking some Diesel Fire and playing in photoshop this morning.

Gonesh artt

Guess I better go do something productive now lol.



I love BioAG. Dudes in Oregon know whats happening when it comes to organics. I thought Botanicares Karma for foliar was fantastic, which it is, but the TM7 blows it away imho. I haven't used the FulPower yet cuz I still have a half gallon of the Fulvex but using the acid as a foliar is a must. I alternate it with a Silica. How are your humidity levels?


I love BioAG. Dudes in Oregon know whats happening when it comes to organics. I thought Botanicares Karma for foliar was fantastic, which it is, but the TM7 blows it away imho. I haven't used the FulPower yet cuz I still have a half gallon of the Fulvex but using the acid as a foliar is a must. I alternate it with a Silica. How are your humidity levels?
Hey Lama! I'd be lying if I said I hadn't used Liquid Karma lol. Are you foliaring with the TM-7? I'm not using the Ful-Power very often, but I do have a bottle in the arsenal. I pretty much cut out both silica and fulvic this round. My humidity usually hovers around 15-30%.

Ok, time to get really high!
green bastard

green bastard

I did try a little extra butter (like a pat - pun intended), wasn't enough, but I'm sure something like this would make it work. Thanks for the recipe GB! I love my canna treats!

@sixstring definitely let me know if you try out the recipe, and any tweaks you make to it. Caramels are my fav so far, so I'm really trying to perfect a good recipe.

So ya, smoking some Diesel Fire and playing in photoshop this morning.

View attachment 369158

Guess I better go do something productive now lol.

now that's a cool pic bro!
green bastard

green bastard

k so here is what your gonna need
2 caramilk bars
10 regular sized marshmellows
2 cups of sugar
2/3 cup of canned milk
2/3 cup of medicated butter(strength varies on person)
and your gonna need a plastic microwave bowl as big and as high as you can fit in your microwave
take milk sugar and butter put in bowl dont stir yet....put in microwave on high heat for 4 and a half minutes......take out of microwave stir really well!....then put it back into the microwave for another 5 minutes by then it should here is where it gets tricky you gotta be fast take the 2 bars and the marshmellows have this ready for as soon as the bowl comes outta the microwave then add this to bowl and stir until bars and marshmellows melts and the mixture will have a thick consistancy to it....have a 9x9 pan greased and pour in be very very careful extremely hot and you donr even wwanna know how bad you can get burned ill post some pics when my crop comes down of the process....hope ya dont mind me postin this here bro!?
its a 6x6 pan sorry fellas


LOL Ain't no shame in some Liquid Karma P that stuff is one of the best products in the whole line. The girls love it as a foliar spray. Why have you stopped the silica and the fulvic may I ask? And yes, I've used the TM7 as a foliar. I let it sit awhile before using it cuz it takes a few to dissolve but If you have some I'd definitely suggest spraying them down with it a cpl weeks before flipping them. I know your a hardcore recycler. What enzyme are you using to break down root mass when turning over? Teraganix??


LOL Ain't no shame in some Liquid Karma P that stuff is one of the best products in the whole line. The girls love it as a foliar spray. Why have you stopped the silica and the fulvic may I ask? And yes, I've used the TM7 as a foliar. I let it sit awhile before using it cuz it takes a few to dissolve but If you have some I'd definitely suggest spraying them down with it a cpl weeks before flipping them. I know your a hardcore recycler. What enzyme are you using to break down root mass when turning over? Teraganix??
Hey Lama! I stopped the bottled nutes a while ago. I'll agree Liquid Karma is the best product in the line, but not using that stuff anymore. Silica and Fulvic, I was eliminating some variables and getting a baseline on soil. I may start adding them in the future, but atm I'm on a kick to see what I can get rid of and still have pretty much the same results. On the TM-7, keep in mind the humid acids will not be absorbed through the leaves. If you want the benefits of a humic acid foliar you'll need to use a fulvic like Ful-Power. I use SST's and coconut water, but when I amend, I just turn the roots right back into the soil, fungi food. Any real big chunks get cut up and added to the topsoil as mulch.

Speaking of which, almost time to water the girls. I have a wheat sst going for tonight.

@GB thank you sir! I'm really enjoying it also. I created that in photoshop. I love making art! Especially if it is cannabis influenced!



I've foliared with the TM7 as per the recommended application. It does make sense about the absorption rate through spray application as you say but I haven't gotten any adverse affects and it seems to just darken the greenery a bit right before sending them to flowering which is when I've used it. When you use the coconut water do you use it straight or do you use it with some kelp paste? I'm sure if you reintroduced some fulvic with your SST's it would facilitate the production of the enzymes your looking to produce, no? I like the way you work bro.


I've foliared with the TM7 as per the recommended application. It does make sense about the absorption rate through spray application as you say but I haven't gotten any adverse affects and it seems to just darken the greenery a bit right before sending them to flowering which is when I've used it. When you use the coconut water do you use it straight or do you use it with some kelp paste? I'm sure if you reintroduced some fulvic with your SST's it would facilitate the production of the enzymes your looking to produce, no? I like the way you work bro.
I think you're going to get more bang for your buck adding that to the soil, and using the plain fulvic for foliar. Certainly not going to hurt anything though. It does have some fulvic in it, and obviously other trace elements. I'm trying to put everything in the soil and use the SFW. Most of the time I use Coco water with Aloe or plain. I generally top dress kelp, neem, crab meal, ewc. The chemical reactions of Fulvic and SST's is a little above my paygrade. ;)

Good to see ya around, thinks for the positive vibes!



Plants are getting a little big to pull out, but here's a shot of the white urkel at day 24 flowering.



And Arc x LGOG if anyone is interested. Topped for a second time. I'm really trying to keep these small. Still a minimum of 5-6 weeks before they will get into the flower room. ;)




Man your plants are looking good! I've been dying to try the White Urkle too but still going through BS to get me a room going again. Don't want to pop anything I'll not be able to give my full attention to. Only see my flowering ladies once a week these days :( I love how the leaves on the ARC x LGOG are looking! Was hoping to keep that ARC funk in there, while adding some yield. Those are ARC leaves all day!


nice WU there bro...well all your plans look great!
Thanks GB! I'm really liking what I'm seeing from her so far!

Man your plants are looking good! I've been dying to try the White Urkle too but still going through BS to get me a room going again. Don't want to pop anything I'll not be able to give my full attention to. Only see my flowering ladies once a week these days :( I love how the leaves on the ARC x LGOG are looking! Was hoping to keep that ARC funk in there, while adding some yield. Those are ARC leaves all day!
Hey 6! One of my WU is looking more vigorous then the other, but they are both real nice. I know you won't be disappointed! I miss seeing your grows! Sending some positive vibes for a kick butt grow space for you! This is the only female of the three ARC x LGOG crosses. I don't really have time and space for a breeding project atm, so unfortunately no arcxlgog F2's. I keep chopping these back, they should be really bushy by the time they hit flower!

So another FrYday! I'm really not a fan of Kushes, but today I'm smoking a little Mazar Kush from WOS. Not my favorite smell, and the taste is the same bland smoke flavor I don't really dig. I has a pretty good strong high, but much other things I would prefer to smoke.



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