Marijuana news: Legalized pot in U.S. spurs growth in heroin trade

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Farming 🌱
With states like Colorado and Washington legalizing marijuana, the talk among people and speakers at the annual Hash Bash was to push harder to get it legalized in the state of Michigan. Over 4,000 people came to The Diag on Saturday for the event on the campus of the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. (AP Photo/Detroit Free Press, Eric Seals)
Marijuana news legalized pot in us spurs growth in heroin trade

Mexican marijuana growers are adapting to decriminalized pot in parts of the United States by making investments in heroin production.

The Washington Post offer's a grim look at how Mexican drug cartels are shifting their business strategies away from marijuana. The wholesale price of marijuana has plunged, forcing growers to make inroads in other drugs.

Some are cultivating poppy farms; The Post reports seizures of heroin at the U.S.-Mexico border have skyrocketed.

Washington Post staff writer Nick Miroffreports:

Farmers in the storied "Golden Triangle" region of Mexico'€™s Sinaloa state, which has produced the country's most notorious gangsters and biggest marijuana harvests, say they are no longer planting the crop. Its wholesale price has collapsed in the past five years, from $100 per kilogram to less than $25.

"It's not worth it anymore," said Rodrigo Silla, 50, a lifelong cannabis farmer who said he couldn't remember the last time his family and others in their tiny hamlet gave up growing mota. "I wish the Americans would stop with this legalization."

Growers from this area and as far afield as Central America are sowing their plots with opium poppies, and large-scale operations are turning up in places where authorities have never seen them.

The New York Times' Adam Nagourney reports on the disconnect between Democratic governors and voters when it comes to cannabis policy. Governors like California's Jerry Brown are finding themselves at odds with the public, which increasingly supports legalization.

Even with Democrats and younger voters leading the wave of the pro-legalization shift, these governors are standing back, supporting much more limited medical-marijuana proposals or invoking the kind of law-and-order and public-health arguments more commonly heard from Republicans. While 17 more states — most of them leaning Democratic — have seen bills introduced this year to follow Colorado and Washington in approving recreational marijuana, no sitting governor or member of the Senate has offered a full-out endorsement of legalization. Only Gov. Peter Shumlin, a Democrat in Vermont, which is struggling with a heroin problem, said he was open to the idea.

Maryland appears headed toward decriminalizing small amounts of marijuana, The Baltimore Sun reports.

Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley has said he'll keep an open mind when considering whether to sign the bill, the newspaper reports.

If O'Malley signs the measure, Maryland would become the 18th state to stop treating simple possession as a criminal offense, according to the Marijuana Policy Project. Two of them, Colorado and Washington, have legalized the regulated sale of the drug for recreational use.

The Maryland decriminalization legislation defines a small amount as 10 grams, a smaller amount than in most states.

The House acted on marijuana after the Judiciary Committee voted 13-8 earlier in the day to reverse its previous decision to approve only setting up a task force to study changes to marijuana laws.

And finally, The Oregonian editorial board over the weekend weighed in on an upcoming marijuana conference that's closed to the public and the press.

It's a perfect opportunity for Oregonians to learn from those who fear marijuana's legalization the most. And that's why it is flummoxing that the media is barred from the $250-a-ticket event and the nonpaying public unwelcome. Calls by The Oregonian's editorial board to the Mount Hood Coalition and Drug Free America went unreturned.

-- Noelle Crombie


"I wish these americans would stop with this legalization" hahah. Dude its not even legal everywhere, people just dont want that schwag anywhere anymore!!


Why would anyone take seriously what the media using such sources as NYT or the Baltimore Sun? I be willing to bet that a pound of shwag is not at record low prices in Houston TX where most IMHO would go for a serious connect. Now I hear Cocaine was at record low prices in Houston but not shwag. But does anyone know the going price of pound of cannabis out of Mexico in Houston? I am sure I can make some calls an find out, my guess around 400?


Well, if the NYT is actually being any bit truthful here...

I think the Mexican farmers would be suffering from a combination of legalization/decriminalization/medicinal efforts AND people being aware of higher quality cannabis.

Anywho, I bet the DEA's thought process will be something like this: "Oh shit! Huge influx of heroin out of Mexico... See what cannabis legalization does?!" We need to put these cartels/Mexican farmers back to work, in flooding our country with brick, and continue with our prohibition efforts IMMEDIATELY to decrease the amount of heroin coming into the country."

To me this sounds like an article aimed at the ignorant to turn opinion back towards prohibition...


We just can't win eh?


...and where is the majority of heroin originate:
who controls Afghanistan???

Who do you think controls Afghanistan, we simply send our children to die there as far as I know. Talk about one screwed up nation!


I don't think that to be the case, I think we have no control at all. It seems to me that Russia an Iran is basically running circles around this Administration in the ME an Eastern Europe. CIA was basically neutered after Vietnam an for good or bad it aint getting no better for the CIA in the forseable future.


Fuck heroin! The shit is like a return of the plague.
They way I figure it, if anything the CIA has/had direct access to seizing trade routes from Afghanistan to Egypt. Do you remember reading about the hash shortage in Egypt just before Mubarak was forced out? You think they destroyed it? It's obviously just another commodity to fund agendas and the cartels are willing customers. Russia is nowhere in Afghanistan..they've got serious issues with the disbanding of the USSR to deal with at present. Seems any cartel smugglers would have a hell of a time getting it through US occupation border control to have such an epidemic. Leaves me wondering. Still tons probably coming out of the Golden Triangle too. Have ya heard the one about the US Army Corps of Engineers and how they built a super 6 lane highway in and out of the GT jungles?'s on record, pretty sure it can be validated. Seems that whole communism threat and rubber tree plant issue might be secondary to a good heroin trade..or maybe they all go hand in hand. CIA should stand for illegal trade of guns and money..with a dash of murderous assassination. I have no doubt they're involved in a ton of shady deals worldwide.
Seen young mom' dying off this shit's become a suburban a cousin in prison over it. Shit's death.
This article is bollox...shit..but true nonetheless.


Cartels are getting into to heroin because it's popularity is at an all time high. People are getting into H because of the mass amount of people getting strung out on pain pills.

People smoking high grade herb is probably the best thing in the fight against opiates all together.


Fuck heroin! The shit is like a return of the plague.
They way I figure it, if anything the CIA has/had direct access to seizing trade routestan to Egypt. Do you remember reading about the hash shortage in Egypt just before Mubarak was forced out? You think they destroyed it? It's obviously just another commodity to fund agendas and the cartels are willing customers. Russia is nowhere in Afghanistan..they've got serious issues with the disbanding of the USSR to deal with at present. Seems any cartel smugglers would have a hell of a time getting it through US occupation border control to have such an epidemic. Leaves me wondering. Still tons probably coming out of the Golden Triangle too. Have ya heard the one about the US Army Corps of Engineers and how they built a super 6 lane highway in and out of the GT jungles?'s on record, pretty sure it can be validated. Seems that whole communism threat and rubber tree plant issue might be secondary to a good heroin trade..or maybe they all go hand in hand. CIA should stand for illegal trade of guns and money..with a dash of murderous assassination. I have no doubt they're involved in a ton of shady deals worldwide.
Seen young mom' dying off this shit's become a suburban a cousin in prison over it. Shit's death.
This article is bollox...shit..but true nonetheless.

Shhhh! They don't want ua sheep knowing about that super highway they've built for easier access to destruction lol. Seems a lot of sheets are being pulled, which is a great thing. News and investigations are being ran by real life freedom fighters, uncovering this shit they want us to eat. Your not gonna be able to lie to everyone, so might as well let it all hang out. We can blame ourselves for the ruins happening around us,after all. We put these devil's and crooks in office and power in the first place.


Shhhh! They don't want ua sheep knowing about that super highway they've built for easier access to destruction lol. Seems a lot of sheets are being pulled, which is a great thing. News and investigations are being ran by real life freedom fighters, uncovering this shit they want us to eat. Your not gonna be able to lie to everyone, so might as well let it all hang out. We can blame ourselves for the ruins happening around us,after all. We put these devil's and crooks in office and power in the first place.

true that G...sorry for the rant. shit hits home sometimes.
Pretty sure a ton of it goes to "legitimate" medical production too. Nothing like some back-door hand-outs though. Obviously there's more than enough to go around since we got boots in Afgahnistan. My sister's boy is back from 2nd tour..I know the work..and it ain't their fault. I think more or less "private contractors" in cahoots with super-agencies of the military like cia..have to be turnin eye and doin dirt. Part of the greed machine. Just my opinion though.
Don't get me's a hell of drug. Good for seriously terminal people..but royally fucks up a promised life.


true that G...sorry for the rant. shit hi sometimes.
Pretty sure a ton of it goes to "legitimate" medical production too. Nothing like some back-door hand-outs though. Obviously there's more than enough to go around since we got boots in Afgahnistan. My sister's boy is back from 2nd tour..I know the work..and it ain't their fault. I think more or less "private contractors" in cahoots with super-agencies of the military like cia..have to be turnin eye and doin dirt. Part of the greed machine. Just my opinion though.
Don't get me's a hell of drug. Good for seriously terminal people..but royally fucks up a promised life.

Every drug has SOME type of good use, pending dosage. But to allow it to JUST imprison people whom are doing same thing they are . Makes no sense, ive never met a corner dealer whose known first hand where his crack/Heroin/ weed, originated from. I believe i know whose behind this all. ...(Note Conspiracy Theory was and remains a favorite movie lol). Tmb



lol..conspiracy seems to imply fantasy..often the truth is much stranger than fiction or fantasy.o_O It's a crazy world with sum crazy shit goin on.
Getting ready to read this next chance i get..

I'll allow you that rebuttal. Cuz i used to believe the same thing as that. Till i joined military and traveled with them. All I'll say about conspiracy. But your right, its some Sickfuck shit going on with these Mexican cartels. The REAL war on drug's should start in the office's of congressman, and cabinet members. They're the biggest culprits in all this. Living near the boarder, you see illicit shit daily. I don't believe half the shit i see on the way to the store. Makes Oakland look like childsplay. But hey, they mastered the "Divide and Conquer" tactic on American minds so most Will believe ANYTHING. Thanks for that site ima peep it out. Tmb


I'll allow you that rebuttal. Cuz i used to believe the same thing as that. Till i joined military and traveled with them. All I'll say about conspiracy. But your right, its some Sickfuck shit going on with these Mexican cartels. The REAL war on drug's should start in the office's of congressman, and cabinet members. They're the biggest culprits in all this. Living near the boarder, you see illicit shit daily. I don't believe half the shit i see on the way to the store. Makes Oakland look like childsplay. But hey, they mastered the "Divide and Conquer" tactic on American minds so most Will believe ANYTHING. Thanks for that site ima peep it out. Tmb

no rebuttal really..sort of an agreement to you of sorts.
Check it..I'm open to listen to any supposed real stories of any real person. I am gullible in light-hearted sense..but I'm intelligent enough to realize what people are capable of. What I'm saying is some tales of the weird goings on in the world concerning elitists, are more likely real..or at least contains enough truth to become less of an enigma and more of a palpable threat.
Therefore, some of the info out there is not really "conspiracy" much so, that it can be proved with facts...making them just reality.
Now, shit like "reptilian space gods from another dimension, rule the Earth" is a conspiracy theory..cause it can never really be proven.


This is why legalization across the board is the only way to "fight" this drug war. It's a losing battle so long as we put the power in hands of cartel.

We can make a choice.

Do we want the people who use heroin now, and those who will use it in the future, to have easy--regulated--access to the drug?


Do we want the exact same thing, only unregulated easy access, and to pump all of the money to a cartel?

These are our options, and it's very likely that if we go with option 2 more people will end up doing heroin than otherwise would have.

Also, to lend credence to my claim, I'd like to point out that I've been saying this would be the obvious result of legalization efforts relegated solely to marijuana for YEARS now.

You can probably find numerous quotes to that effect on this very board.
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