Ebola just "possibly" landed in Los Angeles.

  • Thread starter ShroomKing
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Our government and our "leaders" are as evil as they come
and if you don't believe that, they have you fooled

Personally I believe the problem is not over population, but mismanagement of land and resources.

I Agree and
I cant stand it when, I see folks saying the world has too many people.:rolleyes:
They really mean, people should die..they want people to die. :(They think people need to die.
So, I say to those people, If you think the world is over populated,..Do us all a favor then, and off yourself..:finger:

But aparently some folks think they have more of a right to this planet than others do.
Last edited: 11 minutes ago
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:lurking::lurking: plus 3 pit bulls and a great pyrenees :mask:

@Reaper says... people have no control of their own destiny anymore or the circumstances would be completely different especially in the mater of Waste & Inefficiency, can't say who "Is" responsible because someone might deem it A political statement but "Everybody" knows who is responsible for the Massive Waste" :shifty:

  1. Cutting down crop waste could feed 3 billion : Nature News ...
    Jul 17, 2014 - Localized farming reforms would bulk up food security. ... 17 July 2014 ... by eliminating food waste in just the United States, China and India.
  2. Food waste - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    The United States Environmental Protection Agency defines food waste for the United States as ... From planting, crops can be subjected to pest infestations and severe weather, ..... This page was last modified on 29 September 2014 at 20:27.
  3. USDA | OCE | U.S. Food Waste Challenge | Participants ...
    United States Department of Agriculture
    Dairy Power - Food Waste Repurposing to Renewable Energy and Nutrients ... turns this waste stream into $75,000 worth of crop fertilizer to grow more food, 3.7 ... In 2014, the Innovation Center will increase its support of partnerships with the ...
  4. On Front Lines of Recycling, Turning Food Waste into Biogas
    Yale University
    26 Jun 2014. On Front Lines of Recycling, Turning Food Waste into Biogas. An increasing number of sewage treatment plants in the U.S. and Europe are ...
  5. DEEP: Food Waste Reduction and Recovery - CT.gov
    Aug 20, 2014 - According to the EPA, food waste comprised 21.3% of total U.S. Municipal Solid ... Furthermore, combustion of food waste in waste-to-energy plants and/or ..... Northeast Sustainable Agriculture Working Group, March 2014).
  6. Food Waste: The Facts - World Food Day
    USA & Canada | Thursday, October 16, 2014 ... Let's start with some basic statistics about food waste in North America and around the world. ... wasted every year is equal to more than half of the world's annual cereals crops (2.3 billion tons in ...
  7. Food Loss and Waste - Food Policy Research Center ...
    by AH Reich - ‎Related articles
    Aug 29, 2014 - Food Loss and Waste in the US: The Science Behind the Supply Chain. Download PDF. April 2014 ... Overplanting of crops to guarantee supply9; Edible crops left in the field due to diminishing returns on investments in ...
  8. Save Food: Global Initiative on Food Losses and Waste ...
    Food and Agriculture Organization
    Food losses and waste amounts to roughly US$ 680 billion in industrialized ... and waste per year are roughly 30% for cereals, 40-50% for root crops, fruits and ...


I forgot we cant get get "political" here:rolleyes:
What about the Bible quotes? are those allowed?o_O

I hope so the world needs them ......

Because next time he shows up its not with olive branches but with a war hammer. Look around the mideast is a fucking mess now. Israel has only been a country again for a short time. Again, pulling back and looking at things in 50 year chunks, more shit has taken place in the last 80 years then the previous 1,600.

............ The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. ............
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but the muslims butchering people if they do not convert or just general killing is swept under said rug in the " press " ....

& another set of un believers, the jewish people are not much better. very fucking smart people, the smartest but they also will meet the hammer. it all playing out as predicted in a book written a few thousand years ago. and unlike 2007 as the economy dips again many countries are at odds so do not look for another global bankers bailout ....


I hope so the world needs them ......

Because next time he shows up its not with olive branches but with a war hammer. Look around the mideast is a fucking mess now. Israel has only been a country again for a short time. Again, pulling back and looking at things in 50 year chunks, more shit has taken place in the last 80 years then the previous 1,600.

............ The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. ............
Did you know Rastafarian believes iN his second coming as Haile Selassie


An triple ripple thread???....Ebola, vaccines AND religion ? I'm otta here, lol.

speak your mind. its an open thread ....

like i can say the catholic church is a fucking joke, see that was not so hard. they are gonna get whats coming also. the world is black & white. the grey area is for the liars .....


Did you know Rastafarian believes iN his second coming as Haile Selassie


the way i understand it. hes looking down at us & its a fucking joke.

@Funk Monk
ask that mother fucker what life is like. how many people really care & what age you learn that at .... its sad but look at us. how we act & what we do for money. it all about the $$$$ and as that dollar buys less look how we treat each just so we can hang on with the picket fence dreams of the 50's, .... im not perfect far from it, nobody is but some give into " the world " more than others ....
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@Funk Monk
ask that mother fucker what life is like. how many people really care & what age you learn that at ....

Someone out their has had it worst. We need to care for each other whether or not we are worthy of it......

Worthy vs Unworthy is the tragedy



The Ebola epidemic in Africa has continued to expand since I last wrote about it, and as of a week ago, has accounted for more than 4,200 cases and 2,200 deaths in five countries: Guinea, Liberia, Nigeria, Senegal and Sierra Leone. That is extraordinary: Since the virus was discovered, no Ebola outbreak’s toll has risen above several hundred cases. This now truly is a type of epidemic that the world has never seen before. In light of that, several articles were published recently that are very worth reading.

The most arresting is a piece published last week in the journal Eurosurveillance, which is the peer-reviewed publication of the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (the EU’s Stockholm-based version of the US CDC). The piece is an attempt to assess mathematically how the epidemic is growing, by using case reports to determine the “reproductive number.” (Note for non-epidemiology geeks: The basic reproductive number — usually shorted to R0 or “R-nought” — expresses how many cases of disease are likely to be caused by any one infected person. An R0 of less than 1 means an outbreak will die out; an R0 of more than 1 means an outbreak can be expected to increase. If you saw the movie Contagion, this is what Kate Winslet stood up and wrote on a whiteboard early in the film.)

The Eurosurveillance paper, by two researchers from the University of Tokyo and Arizona State University, attempts to derive what the reproductive rate has been in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone. (Note for actual epidemiology geeks: The calculation is for the effective reproductive number, pegged to a point in time, hence actually Rt.) They come up with an R of at least 1, and in some cases 2; that is, at certain points, sick persons have caused disease in two others.

You can see how that could quickly get out of hand, and in fact, that is what the researchers predict. Here is their stop-you-in-your-tracks assessment:

In a worst-case hypothetical scenario, should the outbreak continue with recent trends, the case burden could gain an additional 77,181 to 277,124 cases by the end of 2014.


that's the sorta thing I wonder
humans are overpopulated on the globe
by about 90-95% 9 of 10 of every singlehuman alive has to die if anyone has much a chance past a couple hundred years anyhow
in balance with the rest the organisms its been determined
that's is sustainable square footage per human being in the areas of the planet capable of supporting us

I'm on the fence on this one all I know is im stayin stocked on essentials food medicine and plenty of ammo just in case....shit hits the fan your moneys worthless but a 30.06 bullet becomes priceless.


The earth being over populated is the biggest myth ive ever heard and its absolutely ridiculous. There is plenty of square footage and plenty of resources. Unequal distribution of resources is responsible for environmentally-devastating first world overconsumption and mass human suffering. Another problem is we are not being wise about renewable resources, and this is not our fault it's the corporations/capitalists who do not allow research or commercial release of alternative energys etc etc.. Its all about money and greed, we all know this. Had to dig for the numbers but studies say
Every man, woman, and child on earth could each have 5 acres of land.
Every man, woman, and child on earth could each have a half acre of arable land
Also reading studies showing that our population growth rates, worldwide, are actually declining


Europe’s decline, however, is something to worry about. A UN report titled “World Population to 2300” paints a picture of Europe’s future if European fertility rates don’t rise above current levels: “The European Union, which has recently expanded to encompass 452-455 million people (according to 2000-2005 figures) would fall by 2300 to only 59 million. About half the countries of Europe would lose 95 per cent or more of their population, and such countries as the Russian Federation and Italy would have only 1 per cent of their population left.” In other words, the French, German, Italians and British will virtually cease to exist.
Please stop spreading propaganda by saying the earth is overpopulated.. That is ludacris.


View attachment 449677

The Ebola epidemic in Africa has continued to expand since I last wrote about it, and as of a week ago, has accounted for more than 4,200 cases and 2,200 deaths in five countries: Guinea, Liberia, Nigeria, Senegal and Sierra Leone. That is extraordinary: Since the virus was discovered, no Ebola outbreak’s toll has risen above several hundred cases. This now truly is a type of epidemic that the world has never seen before. In light of that, several articles were published recently that are very worth reading.

The most arresting is a piece published last week in the journal Eurosurveillance, which is the peer-reviewed publication of the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (the EU’s Stockholm-based version of the US CDC). The piece is an attempt to assess mathematically how the epidemic is growing, by using case reports to determine the “reproductive number.” (Note for non-epidemiology geeks: The basic reproductive number — usually shorted to R0 or “R-nought” — expresses how many cases of disease are likely to be caused by any one infected person. An R0 of less than 1 means an outbreak will die out; an R0 of more than 1 means an outbreak can be expected to increase. If you saw the movie Contagion, this is what Kate Winslet stood up and wrote on a whiteboard early in the film.)

The Eurosurveillance paper, by two researchers from the University of Tokyo and Arizona State University, attempts to derive what the reproductive rate has been in Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone. (Note for actual epidemiology geeks: The calculation is for the effective reproductive number, pegged to a point in time, hence actually Rt.) They come up with an R of at least 1, and in some cases 2; that is, at certain points, sick persons have caused disease in two others.

You can see how that could quickly get out of hand, and in fact, that is what the researchers predict. Here is their stop-you-in-your-tracks assessment:

In a worst-case hypothetical scenario, should the outbreak continue with recent trends, the case burden could gain an additional 77,181 to 277,124 cases by the end of 2014.

Knowledge is "POWER"... I think some people are just naive about the actual living conditions in Sierra Leone etc.



Actually similar to what we do here out of respect to our deceased in A way... but it's the "Way" it's done there... Poor 3rd World Country, an old container dipped into the same water source that drinking water comes from, maybe A tattered piece of material to wash the body, that after death of Ebola is basically A human petri dish of Ebola virus... Then back to the water to wash self @ some point and collect some drinking water... You do see how that can become problematic right? o_O
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