New Grower At An Old Age

  • Thread starter Oldhippy1955
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Here I am 60 years old and done and put me up a 400 watt light and got me 2 girls under it! Been running around looking for a bag for years, that chit has to stop. So here I go, my very first grow with 2 zombie kush. Going on 12x12 today. Anyone out there ever grown zombie kush? I could all the help I can get.


Welcome to the farm. Anything you need to know to grow a good crop of medicine can be found here. My suggestion is to post a grow diary with some photos and many folks here will chime in to help. Then be sure to find the FAQ section on here and read read read! I myself have a 400watt hps and i grow in organic soil. Works great! Harvested just over a half pound off 4 plants under it about two weeks ago!

I wish you the best of luck, and am extremely happy to welcome you to the world of cannabis cultivation. For me, the thrill of gardening and watching your medicine to grow is just as therapeutic as the medicine itself!

Ill pull up a chair and help any way i can to any thread you post. Good luck and positive grow vibes to you : )



Mind if I pull up a seat?


ok first week on 12 12 and they at 32" and looking good, growing 2" a day. When will it slow the upward growth?
Glad to hear things are moving along, i agree with OG my stretch lasted about two weeks, then they just seemed to focus on flowers about that point. With a little practice, youll get the hang of preparing for the stretch. I myself am learning about that currently. My last veg round was awful. I was so focused on my flowrr garden the veg space got a little neglected. Finally ready to do it right this round! Well see how my flowers turn out this time lol.

Maybe upload a photo for us to see your space?


I will take a shot tonight when they wake up. And YES I am hooked!!! Think I would rather raise them as I had to smoke em!!! I love pretty plants of all kinds. growing in a 3.5 feet x 5.5 feet with 8 foot ceiling. two 17 gallon pots 10"area fan. 6" exhaust & 6" carbon filter with a 10"x10" supply opening.


I will take a shot tonight when they wake up. And YES I am hooked!!! Think I would rather raise them as I had to smoke em!!! I love pretty plants of all kinds. growing in a 3.5 feet x 5.5 feet with 8 foot ceiling. two 17 gallon pots 10"area fan. 6" exhaust & 6" carbon filter with a 10"x10" supply opening.

That was a good picture. A mental one. Im imagining a closet and some weed plants. Lol. in some huuuge containers. My advice (im a beginner too so take this with a grain of salt.) Switch to 5 or 8 gallon pots and put more plants, 4 seemed to work pretty well for me. Do you clone or are these from seed? I apologize if you mentioned earlier.

How much do you know about cannabis plants? Just curious.

Hope your having a good time! Growing is a peaceful, sometimes frustrating, experience. Today i faced defeat as my breakers would not stop poppin. Gotta find a way to run half my room from an extension cord through the house. Pleh. Lol. But hey, my rewards have always outweighed the workload by a long shot haha.
Keep havin fun! Positive grow vibes


Growing clones from a friend, said they was Zombie Kush. No I don't know shit bout growing pot but BY GOD I can Stand and Smoke with the best of them!!!!:party1: So I over shot the planters jus a little? lol That's why You are here! All I am looking to net is 8 ozs. a grow. Not wanting to sell just self medicate. If 2 plants will get me there that is enough.


Im sure they will fill the space in. Big pots allow big roots. I could probably run 1 plant under my 400w in a container that big and get great results. Just keep growing and find out : ) with the help of people on this site im sure you can grow some very fine cannabis.

the light penetration on a 400w isnt too deep, how far away is the light from your canopy?
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