Night Owls In The Garden -a Club For Evening Gardeners

  • Thread starter KiLoEleMeNt
  • Start date
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Me too brother after having to relocate my grow I fucked up and had one of the timers on 24 hours instead of auto....for two weeks!!!
Have they hermied on ya?have you moved house or just a new spot 4 ya garden.


I canseem to get any cut to take lately...have had a few issues here and there but this new one is bad waiting to hear back on it still...mean while...I will enjoy fruits of past labor
this blue dream definitely puts me into the right haze...and the after taste is summin special as it lingers for some time...very sweet and berrrish...dedinitelt puts me in the right mood and takes away all the troubles of the Garden! @KiLoEleMeNt....u still off the grid here?


This goes well with the BDB
@keiksweat! Have ya made that move yet mate? DogGammit Kilo....typical! Hit n run sun of a fun


Morning mike,just rolled out of bed,time 4 school run,then grow shop.og biowars site won't deliver to me here,trying to pm cap.still waiting.
Ah ok mate! Im in the bottom of the 3rd @ work waiting on the doc to call and gimme the low down on the garden...seems to believe there is a parasite problem!


Mmmmmm testing TESTING....(beats from cypress hill begin)
yeah now who's been up on it the whole time, who gona run it like I run mine. Who gots a Mango Cherry Aid lime and where you gone N smoked that Berry baked mind crossed wit Hairy Quake pine. All the trees are so very ver fine and all these tress are exclusively mine. Trust me bro my shit lays tricks out crine cuz you ain't buyin caint even wiff mine...... (hits J like snoop) shit bro I done know is this yo first time you actin like you is line so don't even come over here and start talkin bout what you got is enough to touch mine the way I hord it is a crime worthy of doin time I was just joking come sit down and let's smoke all display kine..... sweet and we're back to the races and Johnny come deeper is roughly makeing the bend with shaw dank re hemp tion right on his tail I can't believe it ladies and gentlemen the inevitable photo finish is drawing near....... HAY YOU SON OF A BITCH GET OFF MY COMPUTER I WILL KEEL YOU MUCHA FAAAAAAKKKKAAAAA WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAA HIYAAAA
(SOUNDS OF BODY ROLLING TO THE FLOOR)• • • =■● phone dials beep boop beep beep -_- ! Purred purred purred -_-/ cahclick (person 2) eallo (person 1) ayeyo (person 2) what up yo what's crackin you got that twenty bucks you owe me yet hommie (person 1) -_-!....... ay ay bro look I need some.... some people over here.... (person 2) `-_- fucking shit bro another one that's like four this week what the fuck do you have on that thing you gotta kill four mutha fuckas a dam week SHIEAT..... (person 1) kaclick bewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww -_- awwww maaan ~FUCK~ why he always gotta call me maaaaan (Shuffling around sounds of redying) (angered muffled words) hmgaaa cmhewwww hmmm N hS Stupi mafu racgikin gera BURY THAT STUPID LIKE I WANT TO BE TOUCHING THAT SHIT YOU ASS HOLE (keys jingle Dorr slams car starts and out the drive)...... story time over just needed to test the batch for bugs and misplaced letters while increasing the jump hope you liked this little test feel free to try your own out lol
20151120 063300


No, I been stuck with internet up and down form high winds and this snow storm now that's coming in again with high winds that's going to blow me off access again for awhile or till tonight.. got white out conditions on the way which just kills my broad band signal that comes from off a water tower located in a nearby rural hub/town of 600 that my my ISP/net service broadcasts from and they are already warning service may be intermittent again..... Winds knocked my service out for most of the day and eve0ning yesterday and its about to do it again and with snowstorm to compound it. Be back around to do our Green Dragon run later tonight once this system blows through and my service is back to normal....Skybeam already sending me emails that my service due to the storm may be intermittent as it was yesterday which means essentially, "no service" like it meant yesterday when they sent the same fucking notice out..


Here they r...flushed them and flushed them and cleaned the roots...let see what we get! So bummed! They all got it!


I will catch ya'alls tonight about 10 pst! Got hella homey do's to do to pay my honey dues! And all I wanna do is veg in my ble dream bliss Peace All! The FarmZilla will LIVE!


Who is about it tonight? De onde estas los buhos de noche? @KiLoEleMeNt wifi up and running compadrè? Big Shout to Kilo for walking me through a root wash, drench for the garden! Thanks my friend! @keiksweat! Wuddup primo? Your cat lickin' your chops? @Bluzboy how is it over there in the Bluz House of Winter Wonderland! I still say I would rather be in that white out condition storm than deal with this city bullshitany fucking day! One of the days NORTON! POW! Right in the Kissar! Thats what imma say and get me that cabin in the sierras!!! TGIF OWLS...blase it uo blaze it up!


My goodness! Mouth watering! i can only hope I can come up on some beans from these guys! What I would do to have these genetics Same breeder of the BlackLimeReserve...he is rockin it...I have had the pleasure of smoking some of his line up...Pure JET FUEL!! FUEGO FUEGO!
Oh yea so what I did to the garden...rinsed all of the roots in soap/h20...dawn...than dipped them (not the roots) in H20/91%...than repotted with new soil and drenched the soil for about 2hours with rosemary oil/h20....than flushed that with ph'd h20.....some new growth is starting to appear and looks like on one the stem is starting to turn back green<<< this could be wrong...the stems feel hard and dry...I dunno what they got but it is nasty! I am hoping it is corrected...time will is frustrating tho..2 of those cuts are special to me...Its a bitch cuz u back step and figure where you went wrong...u loose your confidence...but ya cant let it break ya!


View attachment 550900 My goodness! Mouth watering! i can only hope I can come up on some beans from these guys! What I would do to have these genetics Same breeder of the BlackLimeReserve...he is rockin it...I have had the pleasure of smoking some of his line up...Pure JET FUEL!! FUEGO FUEGO!
Oh yea so what I did to the garden...rinsed all of the roots in soap/h20...dawn...than dipped them (not the roots) in H20/91%...than repotted with new soil and drenched the soil for about 2hours with rosemary oil/h20....than flushed that with ph'd h20.....some new growth is starting to appear and looks like on one the stem is starting to turn back green<<< this could be wrong...the stems feel hard and dry...I dunno what they got but it is nasty! I am hoping it is corrected...time will is frustrating tho..2 of those cuts are special to me...Its a bitch cuz u back step and figure where you went wrong...u loose your confidence...but ya cant let it break ya!
That's what I've been going through for months bro,one thing after another,knocked the bollocks out of me.and start thinking you can't do anything right.big bottle of bleach cures most problems


Yea mon! I know one thing is for sure...i am going no till...picking up everything its either fonna get better or get worse before it gets better!


Yea mon! I know one thing is for sure...i am going no till...picking up everything its either fonna get better or get worse before it gets better!
Take it easy on the heavy chemical shit bro,don't want you poisoning yourself and that cool pops of yours.


No chems bro ever! Some things r just not worth risk I used a rosemary oil/h20, 91%isopropol/h20...and thats it...No chems...I bet pops has the peddle to the metal! I got a call the other day from my mother..."how does your father roll this stuff you gave him"?!?! I just about died in laughter...She was like all the ones u rolled he he is been unmedicated for a bit!


Mother fucker is suppose to be monitoring traffic! Knocked the fuck up snoring! Here is good ole US tax dollars @ work Mr.SingBadABing...dude knows like 2 words in Engrish....and not a goddamn word of english...I know bro...I shouldnt be a dick...fuck these cats bro...they come in on my shift amd want to sleep...on over time! Getcha ass up! Lol! So now ya know kinda shit that drives me to medicate!!!


View attachment 550906 Mother fucker is suppose to be monitoring traffic! Knocked the fuck up snoring! Here is good ole US tax dollars @ work Mr.SingBadABing...dude knows like 2 words in Engrish....and not a goddamn word of english...I know bro...I shouldnt be a dick...fuck these cats bro...they come in on my shift amd want to sleep...on over time! Getcha ass up! Lol! So now ya know kinda shit that drives me to medicate!!!
Haha,looks like the dude from the local corner shop.haha.
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